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My magazine combines progressive rock and glam rock influences, focusing on artists like Bowie, Lennon, and Oasis. With a bold and unconventional design, it reflects a rock/indie genre, attracting readers aged 16-40 with vibrant colors and music-centric content. The lead guitarist takes center stage in a style that challenges traditional band conventions. Through innovative technologies like Photoshop and WordPress, I curated a unique experience for my target audience, using eye-catching visuals and engaging interviews to bring the genre to life.
Evaluation By Alice Robbins
Forms and conventions • The whole magazine that I created was very much influenced by the genre of progressive rock and glam rock with the influences of various artists including: David Bowie, John Lennon and Oasis. I did focus more around David Bowie and his style of music. The convention of focusing around the whole band and all contributions to the band have been challenged on many different occasions but I decided to focus mainly on the lead guitarist and his style of music more than the whole band itself.
Key: similarities: Differences: The mastheads are positioned in the same area. The bottom of each of the covers are very different to each other one is quite crowed and the other is very simplistic The writing on each side is positioned on the same sides as each other
What kind of music genre do you think this magazine suits/reflects? • Overall this Magazine has a rock/indie genre to it and It suits this magazine well as all material inside is based around this kind of genre and music. • Here on the front of my front cover the colour on the title and the picture match as well as the artist matches the music and genre. • Also through what some people have said they feel the genre is ‘ progressive rock’ and ‘ some elements of the Indie genre. • Through the images and styles of music portrayed in the magazine they show people the type of music that is played and advertised in this magazine.
Which of the following aspects catches your eye first when you look at the front cover? Masthead The quote on the side shows us a section of the interview The photo is also eye catching. The fact that the artist is looking directly looking at the audience draws you in.
Is the title a direct representation of the magazine’s theme and why ‘Bandslam’ is a direct representation of my magazines theme because as it shows a direct way of communicating the genre to the audience. Also people said that the name ‘Bandslam’ gives an insight into what’s in the magazine’ Also after going through the different fonts and showing them to people they said that ‘this font shows us what type of magazine this is’ I feel that the font is very different and unusual and that is what will draw my target audience in to read this magazine
Does the image and the font on the front cover help you to understand the genre and contents of the magazine and why? The picture on the front is looking directly into the camera and this gives the audience an insight into how this magazine Is going to be played out. Also the font on the front cover links to the genre of indie in this magazine which would make any reader want to read on as because the font links in well most of the content inside will as well. For example the masthead links in well with the content because its strong and stands out on the front of this magazine.
Survey Responses This is an example of one of the questions that I asked in my evaluation and these are some of the responses that I received. It shows me that people have understood the message that I was trying to get across for example the genre I am using is a very misunderstood genre and people have realized that. Also the fact I was trying to use different types of genre in this magazine to experiment with what genres work well together and people have picked up on that through my cover, contents page and double page spread. Also through the question I asked here it also shows us that people have realized what types of genre I am trying to get across in this magazine.
Technology used Throughout the process of creating my magazine I used a wide range of different technologies for example here are some of the different types of media I used: • Photoshop • Mac software • Power point • Wordpress blog site • Camera • Font generators • QR code makers • Barcode makers • Survey monkey • Model • Guitar
Attracting my Target Audience My target audience is an age range between 16-40 years of age and with that I need to attract them into reading my magazine and making it stand out from any of the other magazines out there with the same audience as me. My colour scheme was used to attract my audience as it was a different types of colour scheme, when I was looking at the different types of indie/rock magazines in my institutional research I saw that they used a darker type of colour scheme to promote the genre, so I felt like going down a different route by using a brighter colour scheme to draw the reader into reading it. Also the artist In my double page spread is a big contributing factor as to attracting my audience because if the artist doesn’t play the genre of music why would they read it. The artist has to link well into the magazine for people to buy it so the artist is the most important part of the magazine as they are the reason people will buy your magazine because if the artist plays the genre of music your advertising then they will buy the magazine.
If any part of the magazine was set out differently, do you think it would be more effective If any of these were set out differently I would set them out with a different colour scheme because if I used a darker, stronger colour scheme it would bring the genre out more and make it more interesting to read. This I feel is the best place to change something because the colour scheme is the strongest and most proponent feature that makes a magazine successful. Also with the front cover I would change the colour of the mast head because the colour is to light and fades into the main image and doesn’tstand out.
Overall evaluation of the magazine. • Overall I feel my magazine has gone well and successful and has met all the criteria I set out to make it a brilliant and successful magazine in promoting Indie and Rock, for example I have set out to go by my flat plan and chose the font that people have chosen and said links closely to the aim of my magazine. Also through the surveys and opinions from other people I feel that this magazine has met the requirements that I set out at the beginning of the course to be a successful magazine for the genre of Indie/Rock.