Regional cuisine The basis of polish cusine polskiej dishes are common to the peoples of the west slavic nations and center-european countries, and are based on local food resources. With the development of trade and the situation in Polish geohistorical cuisine, diffirent dishes were imported from the neightbouring countries.
Podhalańska cuisine Characterizes mainly with dishes from lamb (rarely met in diffirent regions), and also floury dishes, i.e noodles, cakes from flour, kolacze. Typical for this region are these dishes: „kwaśnica”, „jucha”, „prażucha”, noodles „scykane” i” baranina duszona z jarzynami”.
Mazursko-Warmińska cuisine This cuisine characterizes with dishes from fishes i and potatoes made food. From this part of Poland comes dishes with unusual names: wereszczaki, pokuczaj, fraszynki.
Podlaska cuisine In marked with yellow color is located our school. Podlaska cuisine its kitchen upgraded with tatar, belarusian, and lithuanian influences. Its dominated with mushrooms, forest fruits and potato dishes , cereal, „sękacze” and strong liquors. In podlaska cuisine dominates dishes from potatoes.This simple vegetable became main componentfor potato casserole, flour, eggs, beacon and mushrooms. In Podlasie very popular is also „kiszka ziemniaczana”, its potato mass with beacon, and spices , and also „kartacze” – podlaskie noodles made from boiled i raw potatoes with meat.
Śląska cuisine Śląsk is rich industrial and farm region, wich made its own culinary traditions, they are handed from one generation to another even to this day. Characteristic for this region are dishes contained with high fat precentage, fried meat in wich main place takes pork. Dishes are maded with dense sauces, with flour and sour cream.
Kaszubsko-pomorska cuisine Youcansaythatregionalspecials its vocation of peoples art. Its not even less importantthatcraftingorordinacnes. In its part comes: kaszubska cuisine, borowiacka, krajeńska, kociewska, palucka, pomorska and kujawska. Characteristic feature of kujawsko-pomorska cuisine are fishes wich youprepare in many diffirent ways. Beyond this, mushrooms and potatoes are importanttoo. In reality dishes from potatoes and meat (even meat from boar) , poured om souce and are associated with kaszubsko-pomorska hospitality.
Wielkopolska cuisine Wielkopolska is the region assiociated with „pyry” - potatoesHowever not justonlypotatoesarebestside of Wielkopolska. In this region, peoplesstartedplantingtomatoesveryearly, today asparagus aregrown for widescale, andregionalspecialisalsoonion soup, called”zalewajka”. The consistency of recipes in this region werefactthattherewasntanybattlesduringwars, Malopolska and Mazowsze weretouched by thisdisasters. It was also the riches region in Poland, it was oftencalled „the land flooded with milk and hum”
Małopolska cuisine From meatdishes to cracovianraritiesaregreatchitterlingssocalled „maczanka” made of porkchopor „karkówka”, bakings and kminkowego sauce, famous „kaczka po krakowsku” with mushrooms and groats i.e. lisieckasausage. For Easter on cracovian and małopolski tablesyoucannot miss white „barszcz” with boiledsausage. From snackstherecannont be cracoviancabbageoftenmarinated.Veryrich in Cracovisbakerytradition. Head place in allthistakesyeastbakerolls with „buchty” filling , jewish „warzanki” with poppyseedor salt, alsoknown as „precle”. Characteristic Charakterystyczną featureof cracovianbakingiswidepresence of fireplace.
Kresy Kresowa cuisineiscalledveryoften as a „saving”, but these with moreselfishtasteswillfindtherealsodishes with sophisticatedmethods of making and widegamma of greatcommponents. One of moretraditionaldishes of Kresy cuisineiscereal with „skwarki” (friedpieces of meat).It very was gainedpopularity and itspreadedacrosswhole country as a adittion for seconddish.Much appreciatedwerepotatoes. Theywereused in variousmethodssuch as: potatocakes, or „kartacze” (big roundnoodles with meatfilling).Huge hit of kresy cuisineis „kulebiak drożdżowy” with cabbagefilling, boiledrice, fish and eggs.
Kujawska cuisine In kujawska cuisinedominatesfish and chicken – mainlyducks and geeses– baked, braised, fried and boiled. Jedną z bardziej znanych w Polsce kujawskich potraw jest bez wątpienia Bydgoska czernina z golcami, czyli zupa z gęsiej krwi z suszonymi owocami. Znane są też smaczne miodowe pierniczki i kujawski deser, czyli ryż oblany masłem z suszonymi śliwkami i rodzynkami. Na Kujawach robiono też sałatki rybne, no i sałatki z fasoli, która była tu warzywem bardzo popularnym. Znany był na przykład podawany na zimno pasztet z fasoli i jabłek.