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  1. Logical Fallacy Presentation Team Super Sexy + Raymond…

  2. Card Stacking • Card Stacking is a type of propaganda that manipulates the audience’s perception of an issue by emphasizing one side and repressing another. • This term originates from a magician’s gimmick of “stacking the deck”. • The propagandist used this to make the best case for his side and the worst for his opposing viewpoint. • With testimonials, card stacking works when we assume that since there appears to be overwhelming support from other people, this is a sample of the whole population.

  3. Examples of Card Stacking: • It is commonly used in persuasive speeches by political candidates. • Coincidences are also considered card stacking. When things ‘just seem to happen’ while you are in town. • Politician just happens to be in town when a new school is opening-so they drop in and take the press for heir own means • Advertisements also use card stacking to batter their audiences into submission. • This is extremely effective although dangerous and most difficult to detect because it omits important information needed to make informed decisions.

  4. Video Examples of Card Stacking • Boondocks- Zortafrinex: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKxRCR7-fMA • Mac Ad: Viruses http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiWTcVHdSFo

  5. Analysis of Video Clips for Card Stacking • Card staking was used as an advertising method in these examples. • Frist It was noted in the Mac advertisement. They heighted the inability to catch a virus as the best feature of this product. Yet they undermine the problems that the product can cause. Examples range from not having universal uninstaller, broken trash can, the lack of cut and paste in finder, USB devises wake the computer as well as cannot be simply unplugged, and the list goes on. Using card stacking was an attempt to make these flaws seem less important to a problem the competitor has. • Next was the advertisement for Zortafrinex on the show the Boondocks. The narrator told us of all the great things the drug does for us (such as lowering blood pressure), but all of the side effects where sped up (Mild death, decreased sexual performance, etc). Also they attempted to distract us with all the happy and joyful clips of the mans life in commercial so we wouldn’t hear them. These are the major downsides of the product that would cause any normal human being to be wary of. Thus affecting your decision to invest money in the their drug.

  6. http://www.seeban.zoomshare.com/6.html

  7. Plain Folks Appeal • Plain Folks appeal is another form of propaganda. It’s an argument in which the speaker presents themselves as an Average Joe ,or the common person, who can understand and empathize with a listener's concerns. • Commonly used by politicians, business leaders, and ministers. • The main part of this logical fallacy is the speaker’s portrayal of themselves as someone who has had a similar experience with what's being presented. They know why the audience may be skeptical or cautious about accepting the point of view being presented. • Winning the confidence of the people by appearing to be one of them. • “Just plain folks among the neighbors”. • If this is successful, the audience will feel a sense of trust and comfort. Attempts to win the audience over by showing that they’re just as common as the rest of the audience. Thus making the audience think they should agree with the speaker

  8. Examples of Plain Folks Appeal • Most Examples come during the election years from politicians. • Kissing babies, Eating apple pie, waving the American Flag, Going to picnics. • “I am just a humble citizen of this state who wants to make a difference”. • Showing up at places or do things that they would never usually do just to show that they are just like their audience.

  9. (http://www.propagandacritic.com/images/plainfolks.jpg)

  10. (http://chatwithflipper.blogspot.com/)

  11. Video of Plain Folks Appeal • McCain Highlights Plumber Joe: • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9jhCwssRuI • McCain compared Obamas' policies to socialism and constantly used “Joe the Plumber” as a symbol of American small business dreams that would end by Obamas presidency.

  12. False Analogy • An invalid conclusion drawn from a comparison between two dissimilar things or ideas, or comparing apples and oranges. • This is similar to an inductive argument, in which the premises are supposed to support the conclusion in such a way that the premise is true. • This is constantly repeated for all of the functions until the analogy stops working and or making sense. • Its argued that since object A has property C, so also B must have property C. • This analogy fails when the two objects, A and B, are different in a way which affects whether they both have property C.

  13. Examples of False Analogy • Employees are like nails. Just as nails must be hit in the head in order to make them work, so must employees (http://nightingalechroniclesph.blogspot.com/2011/05/master-list-of-logical-fallacies-for.html)

  14. http://beliefmakers.blogspot.com/2010/02/fallacy-for-sake-of-arugment-ii.php)http://beliefmakers.blogspot.com/2010/02/fallacy-for-sake-of-arugment-ii.php)

  15. Video Example of False Analogy • Material Fallacy • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8LydU2P7Yw • This Mercedes commercial shows a perfect example of false analogy. • The car is like ice cream, ice cream is a Raymond's desire. • Thus, the car is a desire of Raymond's. • Ice cream and a car are two different objects.

  16. Quiz • 1. What is card stacking? • 2. Give and example of card stacking. • 3.What is plain-folks appeal? • 4. How is plain-folks appeal commonly used? • 5. What is false analogy similar to?

  17. Works Cited • http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/features/2000/hill1.html • http://library.thinkquest.org/C0111500/proptech.htm • http://changingminds.org/techniques/propaganda/card_stacking.htm • http://onegoodmove.org/fallacy/falsean.htm

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