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Word Processor


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Word Processor

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  1. Computer assisted language learning (CALL)Task 3 DWINANDA PUSPIKA / 12240 K2 - 09

  2. Word Processor A word processor (WP) is a computer application used for the production (including composition, editing, formatting and possibly printing) of any sort of printable material.

  3. General Word Processing Features and Capabilities • Storing documents for later use. • Erasing and inserting text. • Searching and replacing text. • Moving or copying text. • Inserting carriage returns - word wraparound. • Changing the style and appearance of text easily. • Justifying text on both margins. • Creating headers, footers, and numbering pages - pagination. • Inserting text prepared on other word processors. • Checking and correcting spelling. • Suggesting words. • Reviewing style and grammar. • Allowing the insertion of graphics. • Merging text with database files.

  4. Advantages of Word Processing for Education • Saving time. • Creating professional looking documents. • Sharing text among multiple users

  5. Applying Word Processing in Various Instructional Ways • Writing processes. Students can write, edit, and illustrate stories by using word processing. • Dynamic group products. A group of students can write a poem or letter together, adding and changing lines anytime. • Individual language, writing, and reading exercises. • Encouraging writing across the curriculum.

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