University Spend Going to university is an expensive business, sure the independence may sound fantastic at first, but reality bites. Here is a comparison of some of the most and least expensive student accommodations in the UK.
Cost of Living • The cost of living is increasing, as we all well know, and times are tough! A survey carried out on the UK student population highlighted that the average weekly rent for student property is £60 7% higher than the year previous!
Average Prices – Highest London average - £102 p/w St Andrews £82 Cambridge average – £84 p/w Oxford average - £79 p/w Glasgow - £70 p/w Edinburgh - £68 p/w
Average Prices – Lowest Newcastle - £44 Nottingham - £43 Sheffield - £42 Liverpool - £40 Manchester - £38 Birmingham - £37
London • Student accommodation London tops, the charts, being over 70% above the average price of accommodation for students in the UK.