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FINANCIAL HINTS AND GUIDELINES FOR EU PROJECTS. Satu-Anniina Pakarinen, BBA University of Helsinki. Faculty of Behavioural Sciences. TEMPUS Project Curriculum Reform in Teacher Education (CRTE). 1.9.2007 – 31.8.2009. Basic guidelines .

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  1. FINANCIAL HINTS AND GUIDELINES FOR EU PROJECTS Satu-Anniina Pakarinen, BBA University of Helsinki Faculty of Behavioural Sciences

  2. TEMPUS Project Curriculum Reform in Teacher Education (CRTE) 1.9.2007 – 31.8.2009

  3. Basic guidelines • The budget categories of the contract define the use the funds • All the funds are handled through the University of Helsinki accounts • Money transfers can be made to official university accounts and in euros only • The Commission will deliver the first payment in October • The amount of the pre-payment is 60% of the maximum grant amount • The next payment can be delivered when a minimum of 70% of pre-payment has been used • All the invoices addressed to the project will be approved by the Project Manager before they can be paid (coordinator and Commission accounting rules) Osaston tai henkilön nimi, esityksen nimi

  4. Eligible costs • All costs must be directly connected with the project and provided in the budget • The costs must be reasonable • They must be generated during the lifetime of the project • They must be identifiable • The cost of staff and experts as per budget and with the average rates • Staff travel costs and subsistence • The purchase of equipment justified in the agreement are eligible • Costs of printing and publishing and copying of teaching material for the implementation • Other direct costs (translations, external language courses, visa costs, bank charges) Osaston tai henkilön nimi, esityksen nimi

  5. Non-eligible costs • Return on capital or debt charges as well as interest owed • Exhange losses and VAT • Costs covered by other action or grant • Equipment such as furniture or motor vehicles, equipment for research and development purposes, telephones or mobiles, alarm and anti-theft systems • Hospitality costs • Costs related to the use of materials (computers, library, etc) incurred by universities and institutions when hosting staff • Registration fees for courses, conferences and seminars and similar • Costs of premises (only rents for premises for dissemination events) Osaston tai henkilön nimi, esityksen nimi

  6. Indirect costs • Indirect costs include stationary, general photocopying, office supplies, postage and telecommunication costs directly related to the project • The total expenses for indirect costs may not exceed 7% of the grant Osaston tai henkilön nimi, esityksen nimi

  7. Competitive tenders • For any contract exceeding 10.000€ a competitive tender is required • It is not allowed to split the purchase in order to avoid a competitive tender • For academic and administrative tasks it is possible to directly subcontract individuals Osaston tai henkilön nimi, esityksen nimi

  8. Travel • Economy class or APEX fare • In trains the first class price is eligible • Travel must be strictly related to the project and the expenses provided in the budget frame • Travel for research activities cannot be financed from the grant • Eligible activities and benefit groups are listed in the agreement Annex V 4. • In addition to travel and housing expenses a daily allowance is paid on trips abroad to cover the living expenses Osaston tai henkilön nimi, esityksen nimi

  9. Documents • All the documents needed for the travel imbursement claims as well as reporting will be available at the project homepage later this autumn • The Commission will give new templates for the financial reporting before the end of the year which can be found at the homepage as soon as they arrive Osaston tai henkilön nimi, esityksen nimi

  10. Reporting • The Commission requires several financial reports in addition to the scientific reports • The financial reporting will take place three times a year • The 1st report will cover the period of 1.9.2007–31.12.2007 and will be delivered to the coordinator by 31st January 2008 • 2nd report covers 1.1.-31.3.2008, delivery by 30th April 2008 • 3rd report covers 1.4.-31.8.2008, delivery by 30th September 2008 • 4th report covers 1.9. – 31.12.2008, delivery by 31st January 2009 • 5th report covers 1.1. – 31.3.2009, delivery by 30th April 2009 • 6th report covers 1.4. – 31.8.2009, delivery by 30th September 2009 • The Final Report covers the whole project 1.9.2007-31.8.2009, delivery 30th September 2009 Osaston tai henkilön nimi, esityksen nimi

  11. Contact information • In you have any questions on the financial issues, please do not hesitate to contact us • All the invoices, receipts, reports and claims etc can be sent to the following address • Satu-Anniina Pakarinen Helsinki University of Helsinki Project Administration Group P.O.Box 9 FI-00014 HY satu-anniina.pakarinen@helsinki.fi tel. +358-9-191 20639 fax +358-9-191 20636 Osaston tai henkilön nimi, esityksen nimi

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