1. Adult Immunization Projects: The WV Sliver Haired Legislature Crystal Welch, RN
Health Center Administrator
Valley Health Systems, Inc.
Huntington, WV
Shanen Wright
Communications Coordinator
West Virginia Medical Institute
Charleston, WV
2. Founded 1997
Immunizations across the lifespan
Governed by elected board
Contracted 501c3 status
Contracted activities through WV Center for Rural Health Development
The Coalition
3. NIIW Mascot birthday parties
Infant immunization promotion
Silver Haired Legislature
Annually last week in October
Flu vaccine
Pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine
Annual Events
4. 21st year of existence
134 representatives
60 years of age or older
Elected biennially from throughout the state by their peers
Patterned after the WV Legislature
Follows the rules that govern its proceedings
Silver Haired Legislature
5. Purpose:
To provide an opportunity for older WVians to reinforce knowledge of the legislative process
To identify common problems and propose realistic, feasible solutions to those problems in the form of position papers and resolutions
Example Rest stop changing stations
Silver Haired Legislature
6. Overseen by West Virginia Bureau of Senior Services
Chuck Conroy
Coordinated through Area Agencies on Aging
Silver Haired Legislature
7. 27 states including:
West Virginia
Some groups meet once a year in Washington, DC with national Silver Haired Congress
Silver Haired Legislature
8. WIN
Participating members
Kanawha Valley Senior Services
Adult immunization focus
Fiscal coordinator
Meeting host Partnerships
9. West Virginia Medical Institute
WVs Medicare Quality Improvement Organization (QIO)
Every state has a QIO charged w/improving flu/pneumonia immunization rates
Palmetto GBA
Medicare Part B Carrier for WV and OH
10. Securing spokesperson
Secretary of State Ken Hechler
Agriculture Commissioner Gus Douglas
West Virginia Bureau of Senior Services (BOSS)
Commissioner Ann Stottlemyer
Planning & Implementation
11. Coordinating participating agencies
County Health Departments
Nursing support
Securing flu/pneumonia vaccine
Planning & Implementation
12. The Event
13. The Event
14. The Event
15. Planning
Proper clothing
Prepare your participants
Fire drills
Be ready for unexpected problems Lessons Learned
16. Media relations
Vaccine supply
Previous shortage
Adaptation of campaign Lessons Learned
17. West Virginia Immunization Network
Crystal Welch
304-525-3334 ext. 111
Shanen Wright
800-642-8686 ext. 2278
Contact Information