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Chapter 5 Marine Cargo Operation. The first two hours will deal with warm-up, the study of part one , passage one and a brief summary and homework . warm-up 1.What kinds of cargo do you know? List some. 2.What kinds of cargo gears do you know? List some.
The first two hours will deal with warm-up, the study of part one ,passage one and a brief summary and homework . • warm-up • 1.What kinds of cargo do you know? List some. • 2.What kinds of cargo gears do you know? List some.
The study of new words and Part One Loading and Discharging Operations : Terminology of Cargo and passage one. • Key words and phrases: in this part, explain the important words or phrases through examples, situations and context, and you may use pictures or any multimedia technology to help them remember them. A picture is worth 1000 words.
air draught : The vertical distance from the surface of water to the highest point of the ship’s mast or aerial . Compare with draft , under-keel clearance and freeboard Draft: the depth from the waterline to the keel Underkeel clearance: the depth from the keel to the bottom of the sea Freeboard:The distance between the water line and the uppermost full deck of a ship.
broken stowage: broken space space between packages which remains unfilled Questions: How should you reduce the broken stowage? Fill the broken stowage with small pieces. Filler cargo • If a void occurs in the cargo hold,it is better to ______ to control the broken stowage. • A.Brace it with dunnage • B.Cover it with large pieces • C.Fill it with small pieces • D.Leave it as it is
cargo plan : stowage plan a ship’s plan which shows the distribution of all cargo parcels stowed on board the vessel for the voyage .It is the chief officer’s duty to make it before loading. • Making cargo plan for appropriate distribution of the cargo on board is ______ duty. • A.A ship's officer's • B.A Tallyman's • C.A port planner's • D.A foreman's
Sheave cargo block • A block and tackle is rove to advantage.This means that the ______. • A.blocks have been overhauled • B.hauling parts of two tackles are attached • C.hauling part leads through the movable block • D.hauling part leads through the standing block • A “figure eight” knot is used to ______. • A.be a stopper • B.shorten a line • C.join lines of equal size • D.keep a line from passing through a sheave
center of gravity, center of buoyancy center of floatation For a floating ship, ture mean draft is always the _____ A.average of the observed drafts B.draft at the center of flotation C.draft corresponding to the calculated displacement D.mean of the calculated draft
Deadweight • Deadweight,which is the cargo carrying capacity of a vessel in tons,is determined by ______. • A.Loaded displacement minus light displacement. • B.Gross tonnage minus net tonnage • C.Loaded displacement minus net tonnage • D.Light displacement minus the weight of the vessel Displacement • A towing vessel's capability is BEST measured by horsepower,bollard pull,maneuverability and ______. • A.displacement • B.stability • C.towrope pull • D.propeller design
Dunnage 1.Dunnage may be used to protect a cargo from loss or damage by ______. • A.Ship's sweat • B.Inherent vice • C.Tainting • D.Hygroscopic absorption 2.The use of ______ between bags may lead to chafe and tearing of the bags. • A.strips of burlap • B.heavy paper • C.dunnage boards • D.strips of rope yarn
freight: the charge for transporting goods advanced freight Additional question: What does the term CIF stand for? Cost insurance and freight • A maritime lien may be placed against ______. • A.Any assets that a ship's owner may have • B.A vessel,cargo,or freight • C.Objects that are fixed and immovable,such as wharves • D.The vessel only
Spider band topping lift guy cargo runner 1.Which part of a conventional cargo gear rig provides for vertical control and positioning of a boom ________. • A.Cargo whip • B.Gooseneck fitting • C.Spider band • D.Topping lift 2.Which part provides for transverse control and positioning of a boom in a conventional yard and stay system ________. • A.Guy • B.Shroud • C.Spider • D.Topping lift
垂直距离 • Part One Loading and Discharging Operations • Definitions and Cargo Terminology • Air draught – means the vertical distance from the surface of water to the highest point of the ship’s mast or aerial. • Broken stowage – is defined as that space between packages which remains unfilled. The percentage that has to be allowed varies with the type of cargo and with the shape of ship’s hold. It is greatest when large cases are stowed in the end of the hold or at the turn of a bilge. 在舭部的转角处
The cargo’s position on board describe • Cargo plan – a ship’s plan which shows the distribution of all cargo parcels stowed on board the vessel for the voyage. Each entry onto the plan would detail the quantity, the weight and the port of discharge. It will effectively show special loads such as heavy lifts, hazardous cargoes and valuable cargo, in addition to all other commodities being shipped. • Cargo runner – a general term used to describe the cargo lifting wire used on a derrick. It is part of the derrick’s “running rigging Compare with port of destination What is standing rigging, give some examples
适合于 Cargo spaces – means all closed spaces which are appropriate for cargo transport. Space available for cargo may be expressed by either the vessel’s deadweight or her cubic capacity in either bale or grain space terms. Center of buoyancy – is defined as the center of underwater volume and it is the point through which all the forces due to buoyancy are considered to act. Center of gravity – is defined as that point through which all the forces due to gravity are considered to act. 水下部分
比重 Deadweight – means the difference in tons between the displacement of a ship at the summer load waterline in water of specific gravity of 1025, and the lightweight of the vessel. Dunnage – an expression used to describe timber boards which can be laid singularly or in double pattern under cargo parcels to keep the surface of the cargo off the steel deck plate. Its purpose is to provide air space around the cargo and so prevent “cargo sweat”. Heavy lifts cargos would normally employ heavy timber bearers to spread the load and the dunnage would be used for lighter-load cargoes. 重货
The abbreviation is SWL • Freight – the term used to express the monetary charge which is levied for the carriage of cargo. • Safe working load – an acceptable working tonnage used for a weight-bearing item of equipment. • Spider band – a steel lugged strap found around the head of a derrick which the riggings, such as the topping lift and guys are shackled onto. Which is the standing rigging,and which is running rigging
占用 Stowage factor – this is defined as the volume occupied by unit weight of cargo. It is usually expressed as cubic meters per ton (m3 /ton) or cubic feet per ton (ft3 /ton). It does not account of any space which may be lost due to “broken stowage”. 计算
Hook: hand hook Never use hand hook to drag the bagged cargo. 1.A hook that will release quickly is a ______. • A.longshore hook • B.margin hook • C.marginal hook • D.pelican hook 2.The latch of a safety hook ______. • A.Increases the strength of the hook • B.Prevents the sling ring from coming out of the hook if the strain is abruptly eased • C.Prevents the sling ring from coming out of the hook if there is a strain on the sling ring • D.All of the above
dedicated: devoted to a particular purpose or cause a dedicated man His whole energies are dedicated to the society. • An oil tanker with dedicated clean ballast tanks shall have adequate tank capacity dedicated solely to the carriage of ______ as defined. • A.clean ballast • B.crude oil • C.fresh water • D.fuel oil
derrick 双千斤索吊杆式起重机 1-吊货索(cargo fall);2-千斤索(topping lift);3-起货机(cargo winch);4-千斤索绞车(topping lift winch);5-吊杆(boom);6-吊货钩(cargo hook);7-起重柱(samson post, SP);8-千斤索绞车(topping lift winch);9-千斤索(topping lift)
双杆联合吊杆装置 1-起重柱(samson post, SP);2-舷内吊杆(hatch boom);3-舷外吊杆(outboard boom);4-吊货索(cargo fall);5-千斤索(topping lift);6-调整稳索(adjustable guy);7-保险稳索(preventive guy);8-三角眼板(triangular eye-plate); 9-吊货钩(cargo hook
普通型重吊 1-吊货索滑车组(cargo fall tackle);2-千斤索滑车组(topping lift tackle);3-稳索(guy);4-吊货索(cargo fall);5-导向滑车(leading block);6-桅柱(mast);7-千斤索(topping lift);8-起货机(winch)
Crane 1.For any given pedestal crane,when the boom is lengthened,the lifting capacity is ______. • A.unchanged • B.increased • C.eliminated • D.Decreased 2.Most pedestal crane power is provided by ______. • A.Electro-hydraulic units • B.Steam units • C.Independent internal combustion power units • D.All of the above
起重机俗称克令吊(crane),于20世纪60年代开始在船上使用。它的优点是工作面积大,机动灵活,操作方便,在装卸作业前后没有繁琐的准备和收检索具等工作,并且重量轻,占地少,装卸效率高等。因此,起重机是目前现代船舶上最为普遍采用的一种起重设备。其缺点是结构复杂,投资高,维修难度较大。起重机俗称克令吊(crane),于20世纪60年代开始在船上使用。它的优点是工作面积大,机动灵活,操作方便,在装卸作业前后没有繁琐的准备和收检索具等工作,并且重量轻,占地少,装卸效率高等。因此,起重机是目前现代船舶上最为普遍采用的一种起重设备。其缺点是结构复杂,投资高,维修难度较大。 起重机的种类、结构及其操作 船用起重机按其动力源的不同,可分为电动式和液压式两种。其中电动式起重机使用比较广泛。按其使用方式的不同,又可分为回转式、悬臂式和组合式三种。
旋转 升降 回转式起重机 1-控制室(cabin);2-变幅/旋转操纵杆(control lever for slewing / luffing);3-起货操纵杆(control lever for hoisting);4-吊臂(jib);5-油马达(oil motor);6-上油柜(head tank);7-过滤器(oil strainer);8-冷却器(oil cooler);9-限位器箱(differential limit switch box );10-变幅绞车(1uffing winch);11-起货绞车(hoisting winch );12-吊货滑车(falling block)
悬臂式起重机 1-控制室(cabin);2-起货机(hoisting winch);3-吊臂(jib);4-液压千斤顶(hydraulic cylinder);5-吊货滑车(falling block)
组合式甲板起重机(team cranes) 组合式甲板起重机又称双联回转式起重机,其结构特点是:两个单回转式起重机一同装于同一个转动平台上,一般情况下合并使用时最大起重量为两个单回转式起重机最大起重量之和。组合式甲板起重机主要设置在集装箱船舶上,用以吊起重量较大的货物。
Deposit: She deposited her money in the bank. There is too much deposit in a bottle of wine • The process that oil spilled in sea is adsorbed on the suspended material and deposited to the bottom defines ______. • A.Oxidation and destruction • B.Dissolution • C.Oxidation and destruction • D.Sedimentation
hydraulic What are the three bastic types of starters? A.Air,water,electric B.Air,hydraulic.electric C.Metered, hydraulic ,automatic D. Air,emergency, hydraulic Taut: tight • The anchor chain should be kept moderately taut during a Mediterranean moor to ______. • A.Facilitate speed of recovery during the weighing process • B.Indicate the anchor's location to passing or mooring ships • C.Prevent damage to the stern in the event of a headwind • D.Provide a steady platform for the gangway between the fantail and pier
Condense Soup condenses when boiled. • Damage by ______ shall not be considered as handling damage. • A.exposure to inclement weather conditions • B.carelessness • C.the use of improper gear • D.moisture caused by condensation
Compare with consist of Passage One Different Types of Cargo Gears A derrick is a lifting device composed of one mast or pole which is hinged freely at the bottom. It is controlled by lines (usually four of them) powered by some means, so that the pole can move in all four directions. A line runs up it and over its top with a hook on the end, like with a crane. It is commonly used in docks and onboard ships. Some large derricks are mounted on dedicated vessels, and are often known as “floating derricks”. rigged
A crane is a lifting machine, generally equipped with a winder (also called a wire rope drum), wire ropes or chains and sheaves, which can be used both to lift and lower materials and to move them horizontally. It uses one or more simple machines to create mechanical advantage and thus move loads beyond the normal capability of a human . Winches designed for handling cargo consist of a bedplate and side frames upon which are mounted a horizontal drum shaft, drum and/or gypsy head(s), reduction gearing, and usually the motor that drives the winch. 为装卸货设计的绞车包括机座和边框,在边框上安装了水平的卷筒轴,筒和/或绞缆筒, 减速齿轮,以及用来驱动绞车的发动机。
Drum winches are those with drums on which the rope is wound for raising, lowering, or pulling the loads. Gypsy wincheshave one or two horizontally mounted gypsy heads around which turns of line can be taken. Preceding every winch operation, operators should review all general operating and safety instructions, among which are the following: 1. Always inspect the area around the winch, and make sure there is a dry, safe place for the winch operator to stand. before
绞缠 foul anchor 缠锚 2. Inspect the rigging, making certain that the standing rigging is taut and that the running rigging is not fouled. 3. Inspect the equipment, making sure the clutch levers are locked in place. Coordination is essential for good winch operation. After sufficient practice, winch operators should be able to pick a draft from the hold and deposit it on the pier in one smooth, constant motion. However, during the early stage of training, the draft should be handled with three distinct movements: hoisting, moving, and lowering. And a wildly swinging draft often results in damaged cargo and endangers the lives of personnel working in the hold, on deck, or on the pier. Swinging can usually be prevented in the hold or on the pier by dragging or touching the draft until it is directly under the head of the boom before hoisting. 熟练连续的动作 为了能在货舱中或在码头上避免摇摆,要通过拖拽货手扶的方式使货物处于吊杆端部的正下方再吊起。
There are three principle types of cargo pump drives that can be used on tankers: hydraulic, electric, and steam---all of which are located in the engine room. Hydraulic Hydraulic drive systems consist of hydraulic pumps that supply hydraulic oil at high pressure to a supply main on deck. The hydraulic supply pumps can be driven by diesel engines or by electric motors. If the system is directly driven by a diesel engine, the efficiency of the drive system is about 27 percent. If the system is driven by electric motors whose power is supplied from diesel generators, the similar efficiency is about 25 percent. 管路 如果驱动系统由电动机驱动,电动机的电源来自于柴油发动机,相类似的效率是25%
be available to alternate current direct current Electric Relatively new technology is now available to allow ships to use variable speed AC drives for the cargo pumps. With this system, power is generated by ship’s generators and supplied to the speed control device through large transformers. The drive devices vary the frequency of the electrical power to allow the pumps to operate at variable speeds. The overall drive efficiency from the diesel engine driving the generator to the pump input for this system is about 38 percent. 驱动器通过改变输送电能的频率改变泵的工作速度。
Steam The steam pumping system consists of a pair of boilers producing saturated steam feeding turbines that drive the pumps and exhaust the steam to a sea water condenser from which it is returned to the boiler. The pump speed can be controlled by throttling the steam to the turbine. The overall drive efficiency of these systems is low since they operate only on low-pressure saturated steam. Typical efficiency for the system up to the pump input is about 14 percent. 饱和蒸汽 蒸汽泵系统中有一对锅炉,锅炉产生饱和的蒸汽供给涡轮机驱动油泵,排放出的蒸汽输入到海水冷凝器中,冷却后再送回锅炉。 整体驱动效率
Summary of this period. • Homework: • 1. Review what we have learned today. • 2. Keep the new words and phrases in mind. • 3. Preview next part of the text.