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Safeguarding Initiatives in Children’s Services: Government Reforms and Future Challenges

Explore the rise in looked after children, high-profile cases, and the need for whole system reform in children’s services. Learn about 2013 changes, leadership demands, agency collaboration, and the Family Justice Review's impact on child welfare.

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Safeguarding Initiatives in Children’s Services: Government Reforms and Future Challenges

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  1. “Setting the scene – Working Together, government reforms and safeguarding pressures 2013” Debbie Jones President, Association of Directors of Children’s Services (ADCS)

  2. Where are we now? Rise of 9% in the number of looked after children since 2007 High profile cases; Operation Yewtree, Edlington Case, Rochdale and Birmingham. Variations between different authorities in levels of child protection activity. Whole system reform rather than piecemeal reform to take into account the cumulative effect of smaller reforms.

  3. Changes for 2013 • Publication of slimmed down Working Together guidance. • Separate guidance for health professionals • Demand for real leadership • Inter-relationship between agencies crucial for success in the future.

  4. Responsibility All responsible for the welfare of our children. Making the most of the circumstances that we find ourselves in. Need for clarity on respective roles and responsibilities.

  5. Family Justice Review Desperate need for the system to be reviewed Equipping social workers to make representations in court without the need for the use of experts who currently slow down the process. Need for the process to be child-centred. Speed is an issue; but finding the right parents for a child is crucial.

  6. New model of care for adolescents Southwark judgement Improving outcomes Changes to Serious Case Reviews Challenges to measure and improve outcomes for adolescents

  7. Debbie Jones • President of the Association of Directors of Children’s Services (ADCS)

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