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Yeshua. He Is Our Salvation! Part I. Torah- Va’eira -Annual Cycle. Exodus 6:2-6 The great Deliverance/Redemption- A Picture of our Final Deliverance From Bondage To Freedom
Yeshua He Is Our Salvation!Part I
Torah-Va’eira-Annual Cycle • Exodus 6:2-6 • The great Deliverance/Redemption- A Picture of our Final Deliverance • From Bondage To Freedom • Redemption is deliverance by payment of a price, and a redeemer is one who frees or delivers from difficulty, danger or bondage, usually by the payment of a ransom price.
Yasha- His Salvation Isaiah 49:8a Isa 49:8 Here is what Adonai says: "At the time when I choose, I will answer you; on the day of salvation, I will help you. I have preserved you, and I have appointed you to be the covenant for a people, to restore the land and distribute again its ruined inheritances to their owners, CJB
YASHA • Hebrew-Yasha – Yod-Shin-Ayin • Be Saved, be delivered, save, deliver, give victory, help, be safe, take vengeance, preserve • Derivatives • Ye sha-Salvation-Deliverance • Y’shu’a-Salvation • Shoa-Independent, Noble • Mosha’a-Saving Acts • T’shu’a-Salvation Deliverance
Yesha • Yasha and its derivatives are used 353 x’s in the Bible • Aleph Bet Pictures • Yod = Arm, Hand- Hand, Make • Shin=Teeth-Teeth, Consume, Destroy • Ayin=Eye- See, Perceive, Reveal
Yeshua-Salvation • Deliverance-Hebraic Understanding • Freedom from distress and the ability to pursue one’s own objectives. To move from distress to safety requires deliverance. • Generally the deliverance must come from somewhere outside the party oppressed. • In the Tenach the kinds of distress both national and individual include enemies, natural catastrophies, such as plaque, famine and sickness
Yeshua-Salvation • The one who brings deliverance is known as the “Savior”. • Generally in the Tenach, the word has strong religious meaning for it is Yahweh who wrought the deliverance • Psalm 68:19 • Although salvation “deliverance” could come through a human agent, it was only because G-d empowered the agent.
Yeshua-Salvation • In the Brit HaDasha the idea of salvation primarily means forgiveness of sin, deliverance from its power and defeat of Ha Satan. Although the Tenach begins to point in this direction, the majority of references to salvation speak of Yahweh granting deliverance from real enemies and out of real catastrophies. • Psalm 91:16
Yeshua-Salvation • At various times (and still today) Israel was being oppressed by other nations had to go to war to win and maintain it freedom. In these battles the nation turned to G-d for help. The believed that the outcome of the battle belonged to Yahweh. • 1 Samuel 17:45-47 Psalm 106:8 • Exodus 14:30-31 1 Samuel 4:6-8 • Deut. 33:29 Deut. 20:1-4 • They became people known as “A People Saved By YAHWEH”
Yeshua-Salvation • When oppressed by nations, G-d delivered them through a Judge • Judges 2:16 The general pattern was to endow the Judge with His Spirit in order that he could defeat Israel’s enemies. I.E. Samson, Deborah Etc.
Yeshua-Salvation • God also used Kings (i.e. Saul, David) • 1 Samuel 9:16-10:1 • Psalm 20: 6-9 • 1 Samuel 14:6 The Yesha/Salvation From God was the Kings glory and firmly established His authority over people Psalm 21:5
Yeshua-Salvation • Here is the creative tension which establishes G-d’s purpose on earth and yet builds the character of His people. • 11 Chron. 20:17-22 • Hosea 1:7-11/Romans 9:26 Building in this historical pattern, G-d’s saving deeds through a charismatic leader arise the concept of a future savior (Yeshua) who would fulfill the role of a King annointed with G-d’s Spirit. Jeremiah 23:5-8
Yeshua-Salvation • Salvation may not only be offensive, but also defensive • Psalm 62:7-8 • One who experiences salvation (deliverance, help, healing etc) does not need to be tormented by internal anxiety. It is true that he will have to endure opposition, but G-d will ensure that His opponents do not destroy him.
Yeshua-Salvation • The Protective Nature of Yesha/Salvation is seen in other concepts. • The Shield of Salvation-Psalm 18:35 • A Helmet of Salvation-Isaiah 59:17, Eph 6:17 • The Garments of Salvation-Isaiah 61:10 • Thus Salvation is not merely momentary victory on the battlefield, it is also the safety and security necessary to maintain life unafraid of numerous dangers • Isaiah 60:18 • Isaiah 26:1-4
Yeshua-Salvation • Spiritual Meaning of Yesha • Ezekial 37:23-28 • Psalm 51:14 • Psalm 79:9 Jeremiah 17:14 “Save” parallels ‘Heal” i.e. Salvation becomes a dynamic force bringing emotional and physical well being
Yeshua-Salvation • Yod = Arm, Hand- Hand, Make • Shin=Teeth-Teeth, Consume, Destroy • Ayin=Eye- See, Perceive, Reveal So His Arm brings deliverance, He consumes and Destroy’s our enemies and Reveals to us HIS SALVATION/YESHUA