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A gyermekkor anatómiai problémái Dr. Terebessy Tamás Semmelweis Egyetem Ortopédiai Klinika

A gyermekkor anatómiai problémái Dr. Terebessy Tamás Semmelweis Egyetem Ortopédiai Klinika Budapest 2019. The subjects of pediatric orthopaedics Developmental disorders Bone dysplasias Infection Metabolic and endocrine diseases Deformities of the bones and joint Neuromuscular diseases

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A gyermekkor anatómiai problémái Dr. Terebessy Tamás Semmelweis Egyetem Ortopédiai Klinika

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A gyermekkor anatómiai problémái Dr. Terebessy Tamás Semmelweis Egyetem Ortopédiai Klinika Budapest 2019

  2. The subjects of pediatric orthopaedics • Developmental disorders • Bone dysplasias • Infection • Metabolic and endocrine diseases • Deformities of the bones and joint • Neuromuscular diseases • Bone tumors and tumorlike lesions

  3. Congenital and developmental disorders

  4. Torticollis muscularis congenitus

  5. Sprengel deformity

  6. Congenital Dislocation of the Hip CDH Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip DDH

  7. Coxa vara congenita

  8. Congenital knee luxation

  9. Neuromuscular diseases

  10. Cerebral Palsy

  11. Hemilplegia Ribera (1591-1652) : Le Pied Bot (Louvre)

  12. Examination in CP

  13. Surgical treatment in CP Achillotomy

  14. Examination in CP Rectus femoris test (Ely test)

  15. Diplegia Subluxation and luxation of the hip in CP

  16. Subluxation of the hip in CP

  17. Subluxation and luxation of the hip in CP Luxated hip Luxated hip

  18. Subluxation and luxation of the hip in CP Preventive adductor release combined with iliopsoas release

  19. Open reduction and varisation-derotation femur osteotomy (with femur shortening + iliopsoas release) Proximal femoral resection

  20. Child has thoracolumbar lordosis Calf pseudohypertrophy Muscular Dystrophy Gowers sign

  21. Epiphyseolysis capitis femoris

  22. Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis Anatómiai és élettani tulajdonságok A femur proximális physisének változóan hullámzó jellege Az antilop distalis femur physise.

  23. Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis The histologic zone of failure varies with the type of loading EPIHYSIS PHYSIS Germinal TENSION Columnation SHEAR Hypertrophic COMPRESSION Ossification METAPHYSIS

  24. Deformities of the bone and joints

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