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Review of the Air Quality Applied Sciences Team (AQAST) and Year 2 Highlights Daniel J. Jacob, Harvard University AQAST Leader. www.aqast.org. Daniel Jacob (leader), Loretta Mickley (Harvard)
Review of the Air Quality Applied Sciences Team (AQAST) and Year 2 HighlightsDaniel J. Jacob, Harvard UniversityAQAST Leader www.aqast.org
Daniel Jacob (leader), Loretta Mickley (Harvard) • Tracey Holloway (deputy leader), Steve Ackerman (U. Wisconsin); Bart Sponseller (Wisconsin DNR) • Greg Carmichael (U. Iowa) • Dan Cohan (Rice U.) • Russ Dickerson (U. Maryland) • Bryan Duncan, Yasuko Yoshida, Melanie Follette-Cook • (NASA/GSFC); Jennifer Olson (NASA/LaRC) • David Edwards (NCAR) • Arlene Fiore (Columbia Univ.); Meiyun Lin (Princeton) • Jack Fishman, Ben de Foy (Saint Louis U.) • DavenHenze, Jana Milford (U. Colorado) • Edward Hyer, Jeff Reid, Doug Westphal, Kim Richardson (NRL) • Pius Lee, TianfengChai(NOAA/NESDIS) • Yang Liu, Matthew Strickland (Emory U.), Bin Yu (UC Berkeley) • Richard McNider, ArastooBiazar (U. Alabama – Huntsville) • Brad Pierce (NOAA/NESDIS) • Ted Russell, YongtaoHu, TalatOdman (Georgia Tech); Lorraine Remer (NASA/GSFC) • David Streets (Argonne) • Jim Szykman (EPA/ORD/NERL) • Anne Thompson, William Ryan, SuellenHaupt (Penn State U.) AQAST members
Pollution monitoring Exposure assessment AQ forecasting Source attribution Quantifying emissions External influences AQ processes Climate interactions satellites AQAST suborbital platforms models AQAST
What makes AQAST unique? • All AQAST projects connect Earth Science and air quality management: • active partnerships with air quality managers with deliverables/outcomes • self-organizing to respond quickly to demands • flexibility in how it allocates its resources • INVESTIGATOR PROJECTS (IPs): members adjust work plans each year to meet evolving AQ needs • “TIGER TEAM” PROJECTS (TTs): multi-member efforts to address emerging, pressing problems requiring coordinated activity www.aqast.org: click on “projects” for brief descriptions + link to pdf describing each project • Tiger Team proposals currently under development (Y3, review in Sept) include: • Web-enabled AQ management tools • AQ reanalysis • Ensemble based AQ forecasting • Dynamical natural inputs for AQ models • Source attribution for O3 and PM events over EUS • Oil & gas emissions • Satellite-derived NOx emissions and trends
5 AQ agency SIP Modeling AQ processes Monitoring AQ-Climate Background IC/BC for AQ models Forecasting Emissions Future satellites • Local: RAQC, BAAQD • State: TCEQ, MDE, • Wisconsin DNR, CARB, • Iowa DNR, GAEPD, GFC • Regional: LADCO, EPA Region 8 • National: EPA, NOAA, • NPS Scope of current AQAST projects Theme Satellites: MODIS, MISR, MOPITT, AIRS, OMI, TES, GOES, GOME-2 Suborbital: ARCTAS, DISCOVER-AQ, ozonesondes, PANDORA Models: MOZART, CAM, AM-3, GEOS-Chem, RAQMS, STEM, GISS, CMIP Earth Science resource
6 Semiannual AQAST meetings engage air quality managers Boulder (May 11), RTP (Nov 11), Wisconsin (Jun 12), CARB (Dec 12), Maryland (Jun 13) • Share knowledge and experience in using Earth Science data and tools for serving AQ management • Educate AQ managers in the use of Earth Science data and tools, and to educate Earth scientists on AQ needs • Hear about pressing AQ management issues, and determine how AQAST can help AQAST meeting at U. Maryland (June 9-11, 2013)
AQAST Highlight: CO trends and NOx budgets in Maryland 7 • Utility of satellites for long-term trend monitoring; • Regional character of NOxpollution; • NOx effective lifetime in models is too short. MOPITT satellite instrument EPA site (Greenbelt) UMD aircraft during DISCOVER-AQ AQAST PI: Dickerson upwind from Baltimore down wind CMAQ evaluation with OMI NO2
8 Wyoming DEQ/AQD used AQAST resources to issue an exceptional event demonstration package for an ozone exceedance at Thunder Basin, June 6, 2012 AQAST Highlight: Wyoming Exceptional Event Demonstration AQAST PI: Pierce
9 • Uncontrolled landfill liner fire within 5 miles of >150K people • 7.5 acres burned, May-June 2012 • 1.3 million shredded tires • Irritants + mutagens + SO2 + 5-80 µg/m3 PM2.5 • AQAST Nowcasting tool helped policymakers decide public health response & favorable conditions for fire intervention • WRF-Chem + GSI 3DVAR 72hr forecast assimilating MODIS data. • + AERMOD @ 100 m • + emissions factors from mobile monitoring by 3 groups • = New decision support toolkit for rapid public health response to urban toxic releases AQAST decision support for the Iowa Landfill Fire of 2012 AQAST PI: Carmichael
10 Nitrogen deposition in US national parks US ammonia emission inventories Present and future (RCP) US emissions Ammonia emissions and nitrogen deposition in the US NOx • Improved understanding of ammonia emissions in US by adjoint inversion of satellite and deposition data • Demonstration of broad N exceedance problem in national parks, driven by ammonia in future • Presently working with EPA and NPS in evaluation of secondary nitrogen oxides standard NH3 2050 2006 AQAST PIs: Henze, Jacob
11 Year 2 Tiger Team activity involving nine AQAST PIs working with AQ managers Primer on using satellite data for air quality emission estimates AQAST PI: Streets
12 AQAST Products • GLIMPSE (Henze): fast screening tool for radiative forcing implications of AQ management strategies • Operational AQ ensemble forecasts for Maryland (Thompson) • WHIPS (Holloway): user-friendly processing of satellite data
13 • 1. Easily obtain useful data in familiar formats • Custom OMI NO2 “Level 3” products on any grid in netCDF with WHIPS (Holloway) • Annual NO2shapefiles - OMI & CMAQ on CMAQ grids (AQAST Tiger Team) • Google Earth • 2. Find easy-to-use guidance & example scripts for understanding OMI products and comparing to simulated troposphere & PBL concentrations • One-stop user portal (Holloway & AQAST Tiger Team) • OMI NO2 & SO2 guidance, field campaign example case studies (Spak& AQAST Tiger Team) • 3. Obtain OMI observational operators for assimilation & emissions inversion in CMAQ • NO2 in GEOS-Chem CMAQ (Henze, Pye) • SO2 in STEM CMAQ (Spak, Kim) • O3 in STEM CMAQ (Huang, Carmichael, Kim) AQAST progress toward an OMI AQ management toolkit:AQ managers can now… OMI NO2 KML in SARP flight planning AQAST PI: Carmichael
14 ARSET/AQAST at CMAS • Semiannual AQAST meetings • AQAST workshops and training sessions • AQAST representation at AQ meetings • Ozone garden network • 2012 AGU AQAST session and Town Hall • Website, quarterly newsletter • Media center, Twitter • AQ managers surveys AQAST communicationsand outreach St. Louis ozone garden NO2 trends lenticular