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Forensic Science. Mr. Cater. Welcome to 5 th period forensic science! Pick up all materials from the “Do Now” boxes (in the cabinet) Sit in your assigned seat:.
Forensic Science Mr. Cater
Welcome to 5th period forensic science! Pick up all materials from the “Do Now” boxes (in the cabinet) Sit in your assigned seat: Do Now: - Fold your paper hot dog style.- Write your name BIG with a marker, so I can read it.- Also write your seat number.- On the back, do this:
Welcome to 2ndperiod forensic science! Pick up all materials from the “Do Now” boxes (in the cabinet) Sit in your assigned seat: Do Now: - Fold your paper hot dog style.- Write your name BIG with a marker, so I can read it.- Also write your seat number.- On the back, do this:
R.E.A.C.T. R espect everyone E nter and exit appropriately A ccept responsibility C ooperate with everyone T ake action
The person closest to you on the left or right is your learning partner. Turn to your learning partner and introduce yourself. Include a firm hand shake.
Choose one of the following statements to say to your learning partner: • You have a great personality. • I’m confident in your skills.
Locate your quad. • Your quad is the group of 4 people around you. • Stand up. • Introduce yourself to each person in your quad, and share something from the back of your name tent. • Sit down when y’all are done.
Where did you go this summer? • Mountains • Beach • Europe • Cruise
What’s you favorite food? • Pizza • Sushi • Fried anything!!! • Mexican
What’s your favorite subject? • Science • Social Studies • Math • Elective
What do you think you will enjoy most about Forensic Science? • Lab Experiments • Reading and Writing • Projects • Performance Based Practicals
What show do you like most? A. B. C. D.
What image best represents a Forensics Career? A. B. C. D.
What does the word Forensics mean? • Criminal • Study of • Science • Forum
LEARNING OBJECTIVES • Define Forensic Science. • Assess your form blindness. • Get to know Mr. Cater. • Describe the Critical Analysis Assignments. • Review the syllabus. • Distribute permission letters.
What is Forensic Science? Forensic Science is the application of a broad spectrum of sciences to investigate and establish facts of interest in relation to criminal or civil law. “Criminalistics” is a synonym for forensic science.
Stand up and discuss with your learning partner: What characteristic do you think is most important for a forensic scientist to have? (…meticulous, studious, etc…) Sit down when you are done discussing. 3 groups will share
Forensic Scientists • Study the different types of evidence found at a crime scene • Testify as an expert witness at a trial or hearing • presents data • weighs evidence • gives an impartial opinion to the court • Perform scientific research • Train others
Applying Science to Law • Applying science to the Criminal Justice System depends on a scientist’s ability to supply accurate & objective information that reflects the events that have occurred at a crime. • How do you get accurate and objective information?
Power of Observation Video Experiment
Experimental Video • While you are watching this movie, count the number of times the team in white passes the ball to each other. • Count silently to yourself and make no comments during the movie. http://viscog.beckman.uiuc.edu/grafs/demos/15.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJG698U2Mvo
Movie Debriefing • Turn to your neighbor and describe what you noticed in the video.
Background • Video was made as part of an experiment designed to test people’s “inattentional blindness” • In the original study at Harvard, only 42% of the people noticed the gorilla walking through the scene • This activity illustrates the unreliability of eye-witness testimony, as well as the importance of observation to forensic scientists
Still not convinced? • A lot of people have already heard about the gorilla video. Here are some more videos where I guarantee you will miss something that seems obvious: http://www.theinvisiblegorilla.com/videos.html#tryit
Observation Cont. • Everyone observes in a different way, based on how we process information around us. • Most crime labs test their CSIs to determine how observant they are. Let’s try one of their tests and see how you do.
Form Blindness Test • 10 minutes • Must remain silent during the test.
Form Blindness Test Debrief • Discuss with your quad: • What was easy? Why? • What was hard? Why? • How big of a difference between highest and lowest scores? • Why would they give this test to people who want to be crime scene investigators (CSIs)?
Critical Analysis Assignments • Read over the packet silently for 5 minutes. Be prepared to answer some questions
Critical Analysis Assignments • What is the purpose of these assignments? • When is the first assignment due? • What are the requirements for completing the assignment? • How will I be graded? • When will I work on this?
Forensic Science Syllabus and Permission Letter • Read silently for 2 minutes, then I’ll take questions. • Bring back SIGNED BY PARENT on Wednesday.
Stand up and discuss with your learning partner • What does “forensic” mean? • What is forensic science? • What surprised you about the observation videos? • What does the critical analysis assignment ask you to do? How does it work?
EXTENSION • With your quad, brainstorm as many different types of physical evidence you can think of. • Write them on poster paper.