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A TRIP TO BUENOS AIRES ARGENTINA. By: Peter, Megan, and Rob. WHY BUENOS AIRES. Buenos Aires is the capitol of Argentina. Called “Paris of South America” Is home to one of the world’s greatest waterfalls
WHY BUENOS AIRES • Buenos Aires is the capitol of Argentina. • Called “Paris of South America” • Is home to one of the world’s greatest waterfalls • The Iguazu waterfalls is the world’s largest. It drops off volcanic cliffs and is creating by several rainforest rivers that merge together. • Is the best place to be exposed to true South American Culture and put our Spanish knowledge to use.
TRAVEL PLANS • Hilton Buenos Aries • $250 per night • Fly in by plane • $2900 Per Person • Rental car • 7 Days @ 31.71/day • $222.00 • Estimated Taxes and Fees • $46.62 • Total Price =268.62 (USD Address-Macacha Guemes 351, Buenos Aires, Argentina C1106BKGTel: 54-11-4891-0000 Fax: 54-11-4891-0001
SITES TO SEE AND THINGS TO DO • Iguazu Falls- which means great waters. • Visit the Xul Solar museum.
THINGS TO DO Tango dance at a café. San Telmo-A Sunday only Market to buy local gifts.
THINGS TO DO • See a Fútbol game. • Palermo parks zoo.
RESTAURANTS • Café Tortoni in Lanus, Argentina. Avenida de Mayo 825, LANúS 1084 Argentina. (has museum at the back) • Inmortales. Avenida Callao 1165, LANúS 1425 Argentina.
MORE RESTAURANTS • Cabaña Las Lilas. Avenida Dávila 516, LANúS 1107 Argentina. • La Cabrera. José Antonio Cabrera 5099 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
How to apply what we learned • Airport security and Customs. • Ordering food. • Checking into the hotel. • How to cheer at the fútbol game. • To negotiate a deal when buying souvenirs. Some examples are…….
CONVERSATION CARD • AIRPORT WORDS AND PHRASES • Hacer la maleta • Viajar • Por favor ¿Dónde queda…? • Facturar el epuipaje • Pasar por seguridad • La salida • Pasar por la aduana • El reclamo de equipaje • El pasaporte
CONVERSATION CARD • SHOPPING WORDS AND PHRASES • El almacén • La joyería • La panadería • La zapatería • Está abeirto(a) • Está cerrado(a) • La farmacia
CONVERSATION CARD • SPORTS WORDS AND PHRASES • Meter un gol • La Copa Mundial • El campeonato • La competencia • El premio • ¡Dale! • ¡Bravo! • Jugar en equipo
CONVERSATION CARD • RESTAURANT VOCAB. AND PHRASES • ¿Cuál es la especialidad de la casa? • ¿Me puede traer….? • Y para comer (beber)… • Gracias por atenderme. • El entremés • El filete a la parrilla • El gazpacho • Muy amable.
CLASSROOM CONNECTION • Buenos Aires is the perfect place to use the Spanish language that we have learned in the classroom. • The purpose is to be exposed to different cultures we have already learned about and experience them firsthand. • Would be a once in a lifetime experience to visit with friends and truly take in everything Buenos Aires has to offer.
Words and Phrases learned on the trip • Dale Similar to the “vale”used in Spain, dale is one of the ways Argentines agree to something (like saying ok. Juan: Vamos al cine? Luisa: Dale. Juan: Let’s go to the movies? Luisa: Ok. • Mira Vos The Argentines say this ALL the time. It is said after someone has told you something, and you want to say either “wow, look at you” meaning “what you´re doing is great!” It can also be translated as “is that right?” or “really?” or “wow.” You say it after someone says something that you think is good or that surprises you. Juan: Ayer, fui al banco, despúesestudiépor 5 horas, ydesúesjugué dos partidos de futbol. Kara: Mira vos! Juan: Yesterday I went to the bank, studied for 5 hours, then played two football games. Kara: Wow, right on. Juan: No tengoplata, porqueviajo 5 vecesporaño. Kara: Mira Juan: I don´t have any Money, because I travel 5 times a year. Kara: Wow, is that right?
Words and Phrases learned on the trip part 2 • Todobien This the most common way of asking someone how they´re doing in Argentina. Todobienche? Si, todobien. How´s it going man? It´s all good, thanks/I´m fine thanks. Te molesta? No, estátodobien! Am I bothering you? No, it’s all good! • Yafue You say it when something is over, or has finished, and it´s time to forget about it. Juan: Estoymuytriste, porque me olvidé mi cámara. Simon: Bueno, yafue. It´s like saying, forget about it, there´s nothing else you can do. The Argentines love to say it. • Muletilla Comes from muleta, which means ‘crutch.’ A muletilla is the word the argentines use to describe colloquial words that they say every sentence, something they can say when they have nothing else to say, as a filler. In English, for example, we say “like ” “you know” or “um.” Here are the most common ones used in Argentina. It is good to know them, but don’t make a habit of using them. Just like the equivalents in English, when they are overused, it sounds really bad.
Words and Phrases learned on the trip part 3 • Viste This is probably the most common, and very Argentine. It is not really used in other Spanish speaking countries. It is nearly an exact translation of “you know” in English. No me gustair a la playa, viste, siempre hay muchagente. I don’t like going to the beach, you know, there’s always a lot of people. Siempre hay muchabasura en la calleviste. There’s always a lot of garbage in the streets, you know? Sí, pero son locasviste? Ya, but they’re crazy, you know? • Queséyo Pretty much identical to “I don´t know” which is it´s literal meaning. Argentines use it all the time as a filler, similar to how we do in English. Es un helado, queséyo, cremosoydulce. It´s a type of ice cream that´s, I don´t know, creamy and sweet. Salísestanoche? No, quieroquedarme en casa para, queséyo, limpiar, vertele.
Works cited • http://www.tug.org/texlive/Contents/live/texmf-dist/doc/latex/minitoc/argentina-f.png • Argentina flag • http://www.recognizedexpert.com/expert/members/florenciaoliver-albums-argentina-picture57-buenos-aires.jpg • Main picture • https://www.carrentals.com/order.jsp;jsessionid=FMDBKIDJAMGA?id=49&psid=FMDBKIDJAMGA&rateTime=1273689503390&src=rates&searchId=153C773C7712N82N88B8FB8F4337KY37KY7B5ZB5Z29K9K13DUZ3DUZ153LL93LL983M2M3M2M4337K037K05QPQP52NA2NA83RT93RT978ST8ST153CIS3CIS73RVA3RVA81AQ1AQ153BVF3BVF4376H376H43MIX3MIX73N0F3N0F5395U395U4374G374G4AMZAMZ23O693O6973NAB3NAB22N92N9138OH38OH2OJOJ1539MF39MF83NJD3NJD73N083N0855IP5IP4RDRD83NG93NG971AP1AP88SU8SU2AG6AG6538J538J521AO1AO59L9L538GG38GG4337PC37PC153BUX3BUX12742776000001274882400000 • Car rental • http://www.welcomeargentina.com/puertoiguazu/iguazu-falls.html • Iguazu falls info and pictures • http://www.carrentals.com/crrates.jsp?r=1273689330024&hwpop=true • http://travel.yahoo.com/p-travelguide-2756761-buenos_aires_restaurants-i • http://travel.nytimes.com/travel/guides/central-and-south-america/argentina/buenos-aires/restaurants.html • http://baires.elsur.org/archives/30-things-to-do-when-visiting-buenos-aires/ • http://www1.hilton.com/en_US/hi/hotel/BUEHIHH-Hilton-Buenos-Aires/index.do • http://www.destination360.com/south-america/argentina/iguazu-falls • http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.dittmaradventures.com/images/buenos-aires.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.dittmaradventures.com/trips-in-argentina/visit-argentina.php&usg=__NRAJCEGtJ3GNd8H0mIybsMkN6m4=&h=311&w=550&sz=23&hl=en&start=44&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=n7JbxoukKjJk4M:&tbnh=75&tbnw=133&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dreasons%2Bto%2Bvisit%2Bbuenos%2Baires%2Bargentina%26start%3D40%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26gl%3Dus%26ndsp%3D20%26tbs%3Disch:1