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Penyelesaian Perselisihan Hubungan Industrial UU 2/2004 tentang PPHI. Sebuah perubahan yang mendasar dalam sistim hubungan industrial di Indonesia. Delivered by : Dr.Ir.J.F.X.Susanto.S.MBA.,MM. Overview . Kasus perselisihan tidak pernah tidak terjadi di perusahaan.
Penyelesaian Perselisihan Hubungan Industrial UU 2/2004 tentang PPHI Sebuah perubahan yang mendasar dalam sistim hubungan industrial di Indonesia. Delivered by : Dr.Ir.J.F.X.Susanto.S.MBA.,MM
Overview • Kasus perselisihan tidak pernah tidak terjadi di perusahaan. • Makan waktu, tenaga, pikiran dan biaya. • Gambaran jelek bagi perusahaan. • Menunjukan kemampuan seorang HRD Manager dalam me-manage tugasnya. • Parameter keberhasilan hubungan industrial diperusahaan • Parameter effectivitas fungsi pengawasan dan bimbingan dari Disnaker.
Pokok-pokok bahasan • UU 13/2003 Bab XII Pasal 150 s/d. 172. • Lembaga Kerja Sama Bipartit • Lembaga Kerja Sama Tripartit • Mediator • Consiliator • Arbitrator • Pengadilan PPHI • Makamah Agung
Bagaimana HRD Dept. harus menyusun “kekuatan” • Bentuk Seksi Industrial Relations • Hubungan baik dengan PUK SP. • Fungsi counseling agar berjalan effective. • Konsep “Every manager is a Human Resources Manager” agar dijalankan. • Line Managers harus dikordinasi dan diberikan training mengenai aspek-aspek hubungan industrial. • Petugas Disnaker agar dimanfaatkan untuk memonitor “gerakan” PUK Serikat Pekerja dan selalu melakukan deteksi dini. • Tata tertib kerja mengenai disiplin karyawan harus jelas. • Peraturan Perusahaan harus ada.
Industrial Relations : Fungsi Yang Crucial di Perusahaan • Paling sulit, karena berhubungan langsung dengan manusia (karyawan, Serikat Pekerja dan Disnaker) • Prioritas utama dalam menciptakan ketenangan kerja dan ketenangan berusaha. • Rawan dan sarat masalah (perselisihan kepentingan, hak dan PHK).
Penyelesaian perselisihan hubungan industrial berdasarkan UU PPHI Didaftarkan Sepakat Perjanjian Bersama I. Bipartit II. Mediasi Sepakat Eksekusi Tidak Sepakat III. Konsiliasi Tidak Sepakat V. PPHI Ditawarkan IV. Arbitrase Fiat Eksekusi
UU 2/2004 - PPHI • Perselisihan hak • Perselisihan kepentingan • Peselisihan PHK • Perselisihan antara SP
1. Peselisihan Hak Perselisihan yang timbul karena tidak dipenuhinya hak, akibat adanya perbedaan pelaksanaan atau penafsiran terhadap ketentuan peraturran perundang-undangan, perjanjian kerja, peraturan perusahaan atau perjanjian kerja bersama.
2. Perselisihan Kepentingan Perselisihan yang timbul dalam hubungan kerja karena tidak adanya kesesuaian pendapat mengenai pembuatan, dan/atau perubahan syarat-syarat kerja yang ditetapkan dalam perjanjian kerja, atau peraturan perusahaan, atau perjanjian kerja bersama.
3. Perselisihan Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja Perselisihan yang timbul karena tidak adanya keswsuaian pendapat mengenai pengakhiran hubungan kerja yang dilakukan oleh salah satu pihak.
Perselisihan antar serikat pekerja/serikat buruh Perselisihan antara serikat pekerja/serikat buruh dengan serikat pekerja/serikat buruh lain hanya dalam satu perusahaan, karena tidak adanya persesuaian paham mengenai keanggotaan, pelaksanaan hak, dan kewajiban keserikatpekerjaan.
Penyelesaian diluar Pengadilan PPHI • Penyelesaian bisa lebih cepat. • Dapat menampung rasa keadilan bagi pihak-pihak yang berselisih. • Lebih bersifat sukarela. • Dapat diselesaikan secara lebih bersahabat.
4 macam penyelesaian diluar Pengadilan PPHI • Bipartite negotiations • Mediation • Conciliation • Arbitration
1. Bipartite Negotiation Bipartite body consists of management representatives and workers representatives. Bipartite settlement is first priority before other party is invited to help in settling the dispute. Disputes on rights, interest and termination may be settled by the Bipartite.
2. Mediator Mediator is government official responsible for mediating labor disputes. Mediator is assigned by the Minister to mediate and shall be obliged to provide a written recommendation to both parties as to resolve the disputes. All disputes may be settled by the Mediators.
3. Conciliator Conciliator is assigned by the Minister to give written recommendation to the parties in resolving the disputes of interest, termination and dispute among unions in a company. Disputes on interest , termination and disputes between Unions may be settled by the Conciliator
4. Arbitrator Arbitrators refer to one or more persons appointed by the parties involved in a dispute from the list of Arbitrators provided by the Minister, to resolve disputes on interest and dispute between unions in a company. Dispute on interest and disputes between Unions may be settled by the Arbitrator
Dispute Settlement Mechanism by Bipartite Negotiation Record At Industrial Court Registration Slip Mediation ( 4 ) Conciliation ( 3 ) Arbitration ( 2 ) Court ( 4 ) No Consensus Consensus Collective Agreement Bipartite Negotiation Minutes Company / Management Dispute Termination, Rights, Interest & Dispute Among Unions
Bipartite Negotiations • Bipartite approach as first priority and compulsory. • Negotiate first before inviting any third party, minutes signed. • Settlement should be reached within 30 working days. • Signed collective agreement shall become law and registered at Industrial Court. • Disagreement, one of the parties to file case at the Manpower office.
Dispute settlement mechanism by Mediation INDUSTRIAL COURT Record At Industrial Court Registration Slip No Consensus Consensus Collective Agreement • Mediator produces suggestion. • Suggestion submitted in 14 days. • Both parties reply the suggestion within 14 days. • No reply regarded as refusing / rejection. • Agree upon the suggestion, Collective Agreement is to be produced within 6 days. Mediation Bipartite Negotiation Minutes Company / Management Dispute Termination, Rights, Interest & Dispute Among Unions
Mediation • Mediator is a government official. • The 4 types of disputes can be settled thru this mediation. • Case must be examined within 7 days after written request. • Written agreement reached, to be filed at Industrial Court. • Agreement not reached, mediator issue written recommendation within 10 days. • Both parties should give opinion within 14 working days. • Either party fails to give opinion regarded to have rejected the recommendation. • Mediator must complete the mediation within 30 working days.
Conciliation • Conciliator is registered at Manpower office. • Conciliator is to be selected by both parties within 7 days. • 3 types of disputes can be settled thru this conciliation : interest, employment termination, dispute among unions. • Conciliator may call for witness. • Conciliation must be done within 30 days. • Fees to be paid by the state.
Dispute settlement mechanism by Mediation / Conciliation / Arbitration SUPREME COURT Record At Industrial Court Registration Slip PPHI No Consensus Consensus Mediation/ Conciliation/ Arbitration Meeting Collective Agreement Mediation / Conciliation / Arbitration Bipartite Negotiation Minutes Company / Management Dispute TERMINATION, RIGHTS, INTEREST & DISPUTE AMONG UNIONS
Arbitration • Certain requirement as Arbitrator and provided by the Minister. • 2 types of disputes only can be settled thru arbitration : interest and dispute among unions. • Both parties to make written agreement containing: name of Arbitrator, the case, authorize and will abide the Arbitrators’ decision. • Each party choose 1 Arbitrator, the 3rd is chosen by the two Arbitrators. • Fail to choose Arbitrator, Industrial Court will appoint the Arbitrator. • Written agreement as the appointed Arbitrators.
Arbitration (cont.) • Arbitrators will finalize their job within 30 days. • Based on both parties agreement, can be extended for 14 days. • Close arbitration unless both parties agree to otherwise. • Each party may be represented by Legal Counselor. • Arbitrator may break the agreement if both parties do not show up at the hearing. • If either party does not come in the first meeting, the Arbitrators may issue the virtue without the presence of one party. • Arbitrators will offer a compromise or consensus. • Consensus to be mutually signed and filed at the Industrial Court.
Arbitration (cont.) • Consensus achieved, will be filed at the Industrial Court. • Consensus not carried out will be executed. • Cost associated to bring witness will be born by the requesting party. • All hearing and meetings will be recorded. • Decision to be implemented within 14 days. • If not carried out, Industrial Court execution may be requested. • In 30 days either party may request for cancellation to Higher Court, Supreme Court (Makamah Agung). • MA can cancel the decision within 30 days. • Dispute being settled by the Arbitrators may not be brought to Industrial Court.
Industrial Court • A special court established within the District Court (Pengadilan Negeri) and authorized to examine, hear and render decisions over industrial relation disputes. • Initially, one Industrial Court shall be established in every District Court in all provincial capital cities whose jurisdiction covers a particular province.
Industrial Court (IC) Cases can be brought to IC : • First level of the IC : • Rights dispute • Employment termination • First and final level • Interest disputes • Dispute between unions in one company
Structure of IC at the District Court • Judge • Ad-hoc Judge • Junior Registrar • Substitute Registrar
Structure of IC at the Supreme Court • Supreme Court Judge • Ad-hoc judge at the Supreme Court • Registrar
Ad-hoc Judges • Appointed and terminated by Supreme Court Head. • Consist of at least 5 persons each from labor organization and employers association. • Before being proposed to the President by the Supreme Court, Ad-hoc Judges must obtain approval from the Minister in change of labor matter.
Qualification of Ad-hoc Judges • Indonesian. • Believe in one God. • Loyal to Pancasila & 1945 Constitution. • Minimum 30 years old. • Physically healthy. • Reputable, honest, fair and has good conduct. • Minimum Bachelor degree except at Supreme Court level must hold a law degree. • At least 5 years experience in industrial relations. Terima kasih atas perhatian anda.