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太陽雑誌会速報 2004.05.24 T.T.Ishii

太陽雑誌会速報 2004.05.24 T.T.Ishii. The Astrophysical Journal, 607:L131–L134 , 2004 June 1 NEAR-INFRARED OBSERVATIONS AT 1.56 MICRONS OF THE 2003 OCTOBER 29 X10 WHITE-LIGHT FLARE Yan Xu , 1 Wenda Cao, 1,2 Chang Liu, 1 Guo Yang, 1

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太陽雑誌会速報 2004.05.24 T.T.Ishii

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  1. 太陽雑誌会速報 2004.05.24 T.T.Ishii The Astrophysical Journal, 607:L131–L134, 2004 June 1 NEAR-INFRARED OBSERVATIONS AT 1.56 MICRONS OF THE 2003 OCTOBER 29 X10 WHITE-LIGHT FLARE Yan Xu,1 Wenda Cao,1,2 Chang Liu,1 Guo Yang,1 Jiong Qiu,1,2 Ju Jing,1 Carsten Denker,1,2 and Haimin Wang1,2 Received 2004 March 12; accepted 2004 April 22; published 2004 May 4 1 Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research, New Jersey Institute of Technology, 2 Big Bear Solar Observatory

  2. Near-infrared (NIR/1.6mm) image of the X10 flare Dunn Solar Telescope at Sac Peak with high-order AO (adaptive optics) FOV: 91”×91” CCD: 1024×1024 →0.0089”/pixel 2003-Oct-29 20:42 UT Flare onset: 20:37 peak: 20:49

  3. NIR time sequence of the X10 flare with RHESSI HXR contour from 20:40 to 20:47 (1 image / 1 min.) Blue: RHESSIHXR contour (50-100 keV channel) Red: local NIR intensity maxima (flare ribbons in NIR)

  4. Temporal evolution of the NIR flare ribbons on SOHO/MDI longitudinal magetogram Separation speed: 38 km/s within weak field (700 G), 19 km/s (1400G)

  5. Forbes & Priest (1984) and Forbes & Lin (2000) Ec: electric field strength along the current sheet vt : ribbon separation speed Bn: longitudinal magnetic field (near disk center) ⇒ Ec= 45 V/cm (much larger than previous results) Intensity enhancement (18-25 % to quiet-Sun in NIR) → temperature perturbation Wang et al. (1998) → radiative loss ⇒ 1031 ergs within 8 minutes

  6. 太陽雑誌会速報 2004.05.24 T.T.Ishii The Astrophysical Journal, 607:L59–L62, 2004 May 20 ON THE ORIGIN OF SOLAR FACULAE C. U. Keller,1,2 M. Schüssler,1 A. Vögler,1 and V. Zakharov1 Received 2004 March 9; accepted 2004 April 5; published 2004 April 22 1 Max-Planck-Institut für Aeronomie 2 On sabbatical leave from the National Solar Observatory

  7. Numerical MHD simulations (100×288×288 grid points) ab initio three-dimensional simulations of nongray radiative magnetoconvection in the solar surface layers with the MURaM code (Max-Planck Institute for Aeronomy and University of Chicago Radiative Magnetohydrodynamics code) http://www.linmpi.mpg.de/~msch/Thesis_Voegler.pdf

  8. Observation Lites et al. 2004 LaPalma 1m Swedish Solar Telescope Simulation B=400G q = 60 deg. (viewing angle) Upward = Limb-ward

  9. Bright wall model Continuum intensity & Slices of physical quantities (dash line: continuum level) →Limb-ward

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