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Facilities Study & Long-Range Planning. Celeste ISD. September 2006 Texas Assn. of School Administrators. TASA Facility Surveys. GOAL: Provide an Objective and Independent Analysis of School Buildings and Sites, by qualified experts. The PLANNING AND ANALYSIS TASKS: The tasks include….
Facilities Study & Long-Range Planning Celeste ISD September 2006 Texas Assn. of School Administrators
TASA Facility Surveys GOAL: Provide an Objective and Independent Analysis of School Buildings and Sites, by qualified experts. The PLANNING AND ANALYSIS TASKS: The tasks include… 1. Prepare POPULATION FORECASTS & TRENDS • Determine the CONDITION OF EXISTING FACILITIES 3. Calculate SCHOOL CAPACITIES 4. Evaluate LONG-TERM BEST USES of EXISTING FACILITIES 5. Develop Facility RECOMMENDATIONS & CONCLUSIONS
Planning Parameters • Orientation: • Near-term Educational Programming; consider/anticipate known program changes in next 3-5 years. Vision the next 10-20 years, with flexibility. • Orientation: • Long-term Use: All significant improvements (40-60% of replacement $$). • Should be used for 20 or more years. • Principle: • Equality – Parity of Space to Support Education • Principle: • The Critical Issue in Learning is the Student/Teacher Relationship. • The Facility becomes Important ONLY when It Gets in the Way of • and Doesn’t Support that Relationship
Characteristics of the Study • A Deficit Analysis – by its nature it seeks out and identifies • Variances from Standards; Problems, Shortcomings, Inadequacies. 2. Data for Decision-makers. • Ideas to serve as Thought Stimulators, possible • Points of Departure for Local solutions • Objectively BLIND to the Local Circumstances Impacting • Decision-making.
Additional Topics –available to be discussed • Remodeling Cautions • Determining Classroom Size • Addressing Nostalgia Issues • Arranging Efficient Classrooms • Educational Programming & Specifications • Effects of Deferring Maintenance • The FCI (Facility Condition Index)
Data Gathering the 5 Parts of the Critical Field-work • Gathering Information on the Instructional Program from • Interviews with… • Superintendent • Central Office Instructional Staff • Building Administrators • Specialists, as appropriate, such as… • Director of Special Education • Director of Technology • Athletic Directors • Others
Data gathering, continued... • Gathering Information on the Facilities, from interviews with: • Superintendent • Principals • C.F.O. • Director of Maintenance • Others • Review of Building Plans • Architectural Plans • space/component dimensions and sizes • structural and HVAC systems • Site Plans and Plat Surveys • size, configuration, drainage, topography • flood plains, easements, rights-of-ways
On-site visitation/inspection of each school, school site, environment, evaluating: …using the INSTRUMENT for EVALUATING SCHOOL BUILDINGS… condition adequacy of systems, appointments, spaces supportive of instructional program health and safety efficiency of operations and flexibility parking/vehicular & pedestrian access/circulation patterns appearance others
5) Develop a PROGRAM PROFILE for Celeste ISD • Outline existing program • Identify Instructional Program Initiatives • Clarify intended methods of instructional delivery • SOURCES… • Superintendent • Curriculum & Instr. Specialists • School Principals • Other specialists …The Product…
THE PRODUCT… Celeste ISDs INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAM • Self-contained Elementary organization, with supporting programs and special offerings in PE, art, music, computers, reading, literacy, gifted/talented, and expanded science support, (S:S ratio 17.6). • Departmentalized Secondary organization: beginning with grade 6 and student-to-section ratios of 11.9 (HS) to 17.1 (MS). • Focus on maintaining low student-to-section ratios (S:S) at all levels. • Focus on integrating technology and differentiated instruction, as well as supporting leadership that sustains and integrates innovations. • Focus on suitable labs, for specialized instruction in science, technology, and others, as soon as possible. • Appropriate facilities for special education and special needs pupils. • Developing instructional facilitators, supporting more individualized teaching at all levels. • Focus on a safe and orderly learning environment, with instructionally supportive buildings/campuses
Celeste ISDINSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY • Encourage teachers as instructional facilitators, with less large-group teaching/lecturing; supporting more individualized teaching. • Individualized & Differentiated instruction at all levels & learning styles, using small groups, breakout sessions, interest centers, etc. • Technology integration: an average of 3-5 student-access computers in classrooms; opencomputerlabs for core subjects. • Interdisciplinary Instruction; emphasizing collaborative learning • Increased support of individual needs, through special education and at-risk programs as well as the gifted/talented population. • Focus on a safe and orderly learning environment, with instructionally supportive buildings/campuses These will likely require larger and more flexible instructional spaces
Celeste ISDSuggested Facility Master Planning Criteria As part of the instructional program profile, these issues surfaced as some needing consideration for future facilities planning. • School Organization: Evaluate the most appropriate organization that will support the contemporary instructional program, especially as it relates to the probable future growth in CISD. • School Size: Plan schools that will be educationally and economically efficient; size matters to local communities – what are preferred sizes? …at each level of school organization? • Site Acquisition Plan: develop a plan for site acquisition, by level, based on long-term population trends. • Develop Facilities Master Plan: forecast facilities needs in relation to population benchmarks, with adequate planning and construction time.
FORM Should Follow FUNCTION ...the Function Is... The Educational Program & Conditions of Delivery
TASK 1 - POPULATION FORECAST • Historical Data • Base: the ’90’s – 10 Years of Historic Data • Normal: 10 Years of Historic Data • Base: X Years of Historic Data • (period may vary, based on local circumstances) • Assumption: Population • Net: Primary Sources of Change • Existing In-migration B. Procedure: Cohort Survival, modified • Product:10 Year Projections, by: • Grade Level • School/Administrative Unit
Findings: ENROLLMENT TRENDS • Celeste ISD’s enrollment hasincreased modestly (+1.8% average), with a slight reversal last year. • Specifically, the likely scenario forecasts growing enrollment in 10 years, from about 515 last year to between 704 and 755 pupils, an annual ave. increase to around 3%. • Hunt County has been growing moderately; TxSDC forecasts the growth to continue, and by 2040 to be about 3 times larger than in 2000 (76,596). • Celeste ISD should monitor enrollment changes & patterns carefully and annually, for changes compared to the expected. • Steady enrollment increases will add pressures to the current overcrowding; the backlog of needs should be addressed soon.
Forecast Enrollment: Two Scenarios ...similar pattern.
Task 2 – EVALUATING EXISTING SCHOOLS • Includes Examination of • Building(s) • Site and Vehicular Circulation, and • Neighborhood/Environment B. Instrument based on 1,000 Point Scale (105 questions) • Instrument Evaluates…(see Study Appendix for definitions) • Educational Adequacy • Safety & Health • Accessibility (vehicles, pedestrians, buses, visitors) • Efficiency (of operation) • Flexibility • Appearance • Results/Product • 1) Percentage Score for each of 6 Components • 2) Percentage Score: Building Composite, for each • 3) Each building is compared to State standards.
Evaluation Scale Building ScoreGeneral Evaluation 90-100% A school facility of exceptional quality 70-89% Serves program needs well; some minor or component improvements are needed 60-69% Facility needs substantial or major rehabilitation 46-59% Complete renovation or replacement indicated: a more detailed study may need to be completed prior to a final decision 0-45% Abandon and/or replace the facility What is a TYPICAL SCORE ?
State Standards, Commissioner’s Rules State Standards page IX
Recommended Site Size -- TEA Useable Acres In TX, HS need 20%-30% more...
Findings: BUILDING CONDITIONS • All existing schools have been built between 1957 and 1983; all score between 50.3% (MS) and 58.6% (HS) and all have major needs. • Sites are small for current enrollments, vs. recommended State/national standards. • Vehicular separation and circulation are problems at all campuses, especially at the ES and JHS. • Schools average condition score is 54.0%; generally, the critical scores of educational adequacy and flexibility score below the composite average. • Celeste JHS is approaching educational and economic obsolescence. It should be the first school taken out of service; decisions where to move this program will depend on the district’s long-range master plan. • The ES should be relocated as the next priority. • All schools should be replaced in the next 15-20 years, and the district should expect growth during that period to greatly increase the need. • The HS site/building cannot serve, long-term as a HS; evaluate for short-term use by lower levels, and longer term as centralized services or as ES site. • The original campus should evaluated for redevelopment as a long-term elementary school campus; if it is large enough, it is unlikely that any existing buildings will remain part of a redeveloped campus.
School Evaluation Scores Celeste Elementary Celeste JHS
School Evaluation Scores Celeste High School
TASK 3 - CALCULATING SCHOOL CAPACITY How many students will each of your schools hold? • Most typical method… Count Rooms and Multiply by a common • Factor (based on group size & scheduling issues) • ES95% factor = 24 rooms X 22 X 95% = 500 • MS/JHS90% factor = 30 rooms X 25 X 90% = 675 • HS85% factor = 40 rooms X 25 X 85% = 850 Is not accurate; generally OVERSTATES reality WHY ???
MANY Issues Contribute; 2 major reasons (from Findings) • In elementary or non-departmentalized schools, 25% of “classrooms” needed for special programs with NO CAPACITY (pullout programs) Example: 24 rms. – 25% = 18 rms. – 18 rms. X 22 X 88% = 348 capacity 500 • In departmentalized schools, the facility’s student/section ratio averaged 18.7 Pupils at the MS/JH, and 17.6 pupils at the HS Example: HS – 40 rooms x 17.6 pupils x 85% = 600 capacity [where 6/7 is A full schedule = 85.7%] 850 • Basis, alternate 1: Pupil Stations / DESKS • Basis, alternate 2: Teaching Stations / CLASSROOMS • Compares Building to: • District’s Instructional Program Requirements • State Facility Standards • Comparable National Standards, if no state standards exist
TASK 3 – CALCULATING SCHOOL CAPACITY, continued… Capacity is a Product of Program Needs IT IS NOT STATIC – IT CHANGES, & is impacted by: 1) Instructional Schedule (7 period vs. Block Schedule). • Room Sizes & Programs Assigned… • (i.e. computer labs, special education, etc.) 3) Amount & Adequacy of Support Spaces 4) Teaching Station vs. Pupil Station Capacity Calculations 5) District Policies & Practices (special courses, staffing ratios, minimuim class size, room sizes, advanced placement…).
Findings – SCHOOL CAPACITIES • No district classrooms meet current state minimum standards. • 75% of the labs and specialized spaces are below state or comparable national standard. • All the schools are seriously overcrowded when adjusted for space shortages. Celeste ES is the most overcrowded, followed by the JHS and the HS, in that order. • Collectively, the district currently has a student ‘desk’ shortfall of -299 and a classroom (teaching station) shortfall of -22 classrooms, and is forecast to increase to -490 and -36 respectively in 10 years. • If adjustments are made to house instructional program needs, the shortfall will grow by just over -120, to -520. • The district’s capacities are low; in addition to growth and some small spaces, two issues influence that. • Elementary level pull-out programs use about 25% of available classrooms, and • secondary student-to-section ratios are17.06 at the MS and 11.96 at the HS.
TASK 4 – EVALUATING BEST USE A. Consider District’s Identified Instructional Program Space Needs, & Forecast Enrollment Trends. B. Consider each Facility’s Probable Useful Life. 1) Overall Condition & Age: Reasonable Life Expectancy? 2) Do Spaces Meet or Approximate State Standards/Dist. Needs ? • Evaluate… • Size of General Classrooms, Labs & Specialized Spaces, • Size of Site…and characteristics – Useable Acres, • Pedestrian & Vehicular Access to Site and Bldgs., • Size of Library/Media Center, • Amount & Size of Core and Support Spaces, and • Structural & Systems Flexibility – for expansion or additions - Reminder - …as these relate to the District’s Instructional Program & Organizational Plan
TASK 4 – EVALUATING BEST USE, continued… C. Evaluate Marginal Facilities for Alternate Uses, such as… 1) Alternate Education Programs, 2) Centralized Services Needs, 3) Other Governmental Uses, 4) Potential Improvements Value for Other Uses, and 5) Potential Land Value.
BEST USE CONSIDERATIONS… • Eachexisting school has major shortcomingsforlong-term use for the regular instructional program • The existing site is too small,especially if the district continues to grow, which is likely. • Original campusmight support an elementary level school, long-term. • The athletic campus should be evaluated for use as a HS site, with potential a MS/JHS, long-term. • Existing facilities have limited useful lives housing instruction: • The MS is obsolete, and the program should be relocated ASAP. • The ES is now bordering obsolescence; it should be replaced soon (no more than 10 years out). • The HS has outgrown its space and is not significantly expandable • Consider temporary uses: • JHS as temporary support for ES program, no more than 5-8 years. • Consider HS as temporary housing for JHS (8 years or 175 pupils), or for some ES uses, and longer term, for central administrative services.
TASK 5 – FACILITY RECOMMENDATIONS & CONCLUSIONS A. Policy Considerations • Alternate Solutions, Depending on Circumstances • Generally Prioritized. • Scheduled in Relation to Needs. • Additional Information, as Needed.
General Conclusions and Recommendations • The study team recommends that the following be considered: • Develop facility planning criteria/goals – school organization, school size, school feeder patterns, staffing ratios, busing, etc.
Typical Planning Criteria Topics (The decision to address some will depend on long-term anticipated growth.) • School organization • School feeder patterns • School size, by organizational level • Neighborhood schools • District busing practices • Celeste ISD’s attendance boundary redistricting policies/practices • School and grade staffing ratiosand patterns • Open or closed secondary campuses. • Portable classrooms; when and under what circumstances? • Refurbishment & renovationpractices regarding schools as they age • Bond elections—frequency and guiding assumptions
General Conclusions and Recommendations • The study team recommends that the following be considered: • Develop facility planning criteria/goals – school organization, school size, school feeder patterns, staffing ratios, busing, etc. • Create Policy for the use of temporary & modular buildings. • Produce educational programming statements for each school unit, to be used as guides for planning and school space needs. • Create a MASTER PLAN for CISD, addressing the direction, the priorities, and likely needs for 10-20 years, with specific plan for next 10 years. The needs addressed should reflect sound Facility Planning Criteria. • Select a professional design/planning team with master planning skills. • Relocate the MS facility, as the highest priority facility need.
General Conclusions and Recommendations continued... • Concurrently, establish ES expansion as the greatest current need; initial solutions will likely be only temporary. • Include in Celeste ISD’s master planning process the evaluation of alternatives, including: • Reusing the current ES & JHS as a temporary ES, reusing the current HS as a temporary JHS, & relocatingthe HS to the 1st phase of a new HS/SS • Replace all remaining existing facilities within a 10–15 year period to new and appropriately sized separate sites. • Establish a two-school district, an ES (EE–5/6) and a secondary school (6/7–12) for about 450–500 pupils; locate the secondary grades to a new facility on the 49-acre site; and use existing buildings for the ES • Replace elementary school on a new site to be constructed in 8-10 years, or when the district’s population nears 800 students. • Plan a third campus for MS/JHS grades to be opened when the district’s enrollment approaches 950–1,000 pupils. • Select sites that are far enough apartso traffic does not share the same routes - so student drivers use a route not used by any other vehicles.
General Conclusions and Recommendations continued... • Concurrently, Celeste ISD should master plan currently owned sites to evaluate their usefulness to the district’s longer-term needs, including: • Evaluate the JHS, IS, and 4 lots north of Cockrell Street, plus the Cockrell Street right-of-way, as a possible 10–15 year ES site. • Evaluate the HS site as an interim JHS and a longer-term central administration, warehousing, and maintenance facility. • Evaluate all 3 school sites as 1 contiguous site for ES redevelopment. • Evaluate the 49-acre parcel south of FM 1562 for use as a secondary site (grades 6/7–12) and/or a HS site (grades 9–12). • Locate an alternate site for a replacement ES, with cost estimates, to compare to various re-use evaluations. • For any modification or reuse of existing facilities, develop preliminary master plans that ensure functional spatial relationships (SR), vehicular access, safety, and ongoing operations while changes are being made; SRs are often ignored in renovations.
General Conclusions and Recommendations continued... • Consider alternate uses for any existing school/buildings that are no longer serviceable for regular instructional use. Will generally be a reduced occupancy use, and may include district, public or community uses. • Plan any additions, so construction can occur safely, with separate access, allowing existing buildings able to be occupied and used. • Benchmark 20-25 years for refurbishing and renovating schools to maintain effective instructional support and to delay obsolescence • Provide adequate housing for all special needs programs at appropriate locations, especially those in self–contained environments. The district has too few such spaces, and those that exist are generally inadequate. • Improve current site access routes, traffic circulation and separation, queuing lanes, and parking convenient to controlled entrances for daily use.
General Conclusions and Recommendations continued... • Develop phased plan for making all facilities handicapped accessible. • Make all buildings and improvements technology ready, consistent with Celeste ISD’s technology plan. • CISD should evaluate and address issues related to differentiating instruction and integrating technology; rooms are generally too small. Renovating costs may be high, but staffing for small classes is expensive. Also consider creative solutions.
CISD Aerial of Site
CISD Aerial of Site
In all of this, it should be noted that we saw evidence that Celeste ISD has some very dedicated staff members creating a good educational environment in all the schools, including in those facilities that now limitand handicap the instructional program. Thank you... Questions?