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Hide-n-seek Robot

Hide-n-seek Robot. Ivan See & Karen Tsang Presentation Date: 9/18/03. Objectives. A robot that recognize and search for tangible objects and carries the correct object back to the original location

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Hide-n-seek Robot

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hide-n-seek Robot Ivan See & Karen Tsang Presentation Date: 9/18/03

  2. Objectives • A robot that recognize and search for tangible objects and carries the correct object back to the original location • Involves servomotor control, DC motor control, image processing, PDA programming, and ultrasonic sensor utilization

  3. Overview • User shows targeted object in front of the robot’s camera • Robot takes a picture of the object and stores it in its memory • User hides the object within ultrasonic-reachable area and press the “Go” button on the robot

  4. Overview (cont.) • Robot starts searching for the object by using its ultrasonic sensor • Robot approaches sensed object and recognize if it’s the correct object by using its camera • Robot grabs on the object and brings it back to the start position

  5. Parts Arrangement

  6. Block Diagram

  7. User Interface • User interacts with the Palm which will be mounted at the back of the robot • “OK” button will be shown on the screen of the Palm for starting the initial photo taking procedure • “Go” button will be shown on the screen for starting the searching procedure • “Reset” button will be shown on the screen for restarting all the procedures

  8. Specification • 1.5m radius ultrasonic effective area • 320 x 240 image processing resolution • Travels approximately 1ft/sec • Hold targeted object in arms up to 0.5lb • Final returning position error < 1ft2

  9. Specification • Only objects in symmetrical shapes will be used • Only floor in plain color will be used for testing to avoid image background confusion (No patterns are allowed on the carpet) • Sufficient light source to avoid too much shadow area appear under the target object • No obstacles allowed in operating area

  10. Ultrasonic Range Finder SRF08 By Devantech • Uses sonar to detect objects • Detects up to 16 returning echoes • Built-in light sensor

  11. Object Location Algorithm

  12. Image Processing Algorithm

  13. Image Processing Algorithm • Compare pixels one by one • Pixel is valid if color value is within tolerance ranges • Validity of an entire image is considered by a certain percentage of valid pixels

  14. The foot • DC Motor Module from the “Rumble Robots Invasion” • Motor A drives two wheels on the right, while Motor B drives two wheel on the left • Forward, backward, turn left or right • Make 0 degree radius turns • Driven by SN754410 Motor Controller IC from Texas Instruments

  15. The foot

  16. Test Plan • Targeted objects such as apple, orange, and lemon will be used to check if the robot will be able to distinguish between objects in different color • Accurately locate itself in front of the targeted object after searching • Make sure target object is hold in arms while moving • Return to original position with in 1ft2 error

  17. Work Completed • Acquired all hardware components • Downloaded Palm emulation software for Palm software development • Acquired reference books for programming Palm in C • Dissembled and investigated “Rumble Robots Invasion” from Toys R Us • Acquired DC Motor wheel module from “Rumble Robots Invasion”

  18. Work to be done • Assemble arms with servos and optical sensor (Ivan/Karen) • Build DC motor controller circuit with motor controller chip and PAL chip (Ivan) • Install Palm and HC12 on plexiglass rack on the robot (Ivan/Karen) • Investigate SRF08 ultrasonic sensor and its IIC interface (Karen) • HC12 code write up (Karen) • Palm code write up (Ivan) • Investigate SD camera interface with Palm (Ivan)

  19. System Cost

  20. Questions?Comments?Suggestions?

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