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TURKISH WEDDING TRADITIONS. Turkish people have a lot of t raditions … Most of these traditions have been neglected for a long time … But some of them are still going on in some parts of the country , especially in the eastern regions …. Here are some examples
Turkishpeoplehavea lot of traditions… Most of thesetraditionshavebeenneglected for a long time… But some of themarestillgoing on in some parts of thecountry ,especially in the easternregions…
Herearesomeexamples fromthesetraditions…
Thebridegroomthrowswheatgrainandsweets at bride’sheadsothatthebride can bring goodluck , be softspokenandgentle
Thebridedrives in nailsintothedoor, in thisway ,shewill be faithfulto her house andwon’tleavethere…
Thebriderides a camelor a horseandgoes totheweddingplace…
Thebridegroom has a specialshave on the weddingday
Thefamily of thebridegroomprepares a specialchestforthebridewhichincludes presentsfor her (lace,makeup,nightgown,etc)
Anotherpresent is a kind of wrapped clothwhichalsoincludessamethings
Themostimportantandwell-knownweddingtradition is ‘’henna’’.Thenightbeforetheweddingday, friendsandneighboursof thebrideapply henna in theirpalm.A specialredcloth is covered on thebrides’shead,andtheydance allnightlong…It’s an alivetradition in Turkey
Aredribbon is tieduparound bride’swaist.