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Amalgam Restoration

Amalgam Restoration. DHYG 113 Restorative Dentistry I. Objectives. Describe procedures for condensing and carving amalgam restorations for Class I and Class II cavity preparations Identify correct sequencing of instruments used in amalgam placement

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Amalgam Restoration

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Amalgam Restoration DHYG 113 Restorative Dentistry I

  2. Objectives • Describe procedures for condensing and carving amalgam restorations for Class I and Class II cavity preparations • Identify correct sequencing of instruments used in amalgam placement • Describe criteria for evaluation of the finished amalgam restoration

  3. Class I Amalgam Restoration • Pits and fissures • Molars • Premolars • Maxillary anteriors

  4. Amalgam Carrier

  5. Condensing the Amalgam

  6. Continue condensing

  7. Condense into line angles

  8. Add larger increments

  9. Continue Condensing

  10. Larger Increments

  11. Large Condenser

  12. Overfill

  13. Overfill

  14. Condense at Cavosurface Margin

  15. Discoid Carver

  16. With discoid, start to carve away excess amalgam – be careful not to “gouge” around the cavosurface margin Begin Carving

  17. Use the countours of the cusps to continue carving, being careful not to remove too much amalgam at the margins Continue carving

  18. Used to define occlusal anatomy Carefully carve the amalgam so that the side of the cleioid carver is in contact with the tooth to avoid removing too much amalgam at the cavosurface margin Cleioid Carver

  19. Carving with Cleioid

  20. Carving

  21. Marks should be on cusp tips only Check Occlusion

  22. Check Occlusion

  23. Finished Class I Amalgam

  24. Class II Amalgam Apply Dycal Copalite Varnish

  25. Apply Matrix Retainer

  26. Secure Band with Wedge

  27. Insert Wedges from Lingual

  28. Check fit of band on proximal Burnish with T-ball burnisher Band is flush with tooth surface

  29. Condensers

  30. Place Amalgam into Proximal

  31. Condense into Box

  32. Build up Amalgam at Proximal

  33. Condense to against matrix band to close contact

  34. Condense against band

  35. Condense into Undercut

  36. Continue Filling Prep

  37. Condense well

  38. Burnish

  39. Remove Excess with Explorer

  40. Carvers Hollenback Carver Discoid-Cleioid Carver

  41. Discoid – begin to remove excess amalgam

  42. Remove Wedge

  43. Loosen Matrix Retainer

  44. Hold down band while gently loosening it from tooth

  45. Proximal surface carvers

  46. Carve Proximal

  47. Carve Marginal Ridge

  48. Use Discoid to define cavosurface margins

  49. Use Cleioid to define occlusal anatomy

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