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Directive 98/83/EC « water intended for human consumption » of 3 November 1998

Ministère de la Santé, de la jeunesse, des sports et de la vie associative. Directive 98/83/EC « water intended for human consumption » of 3 November 1998. Warsaw 2-5 June 2009 Training on water quality monitoring for State Sanitary Inspection

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Directive 98/83/EC « water intended for human consumption » of 3 November 1998

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  1. Ministère de la Santé, de la jeunesse, des sports et de la vie associative Directive 98/83/EC« water intended for human consumption »of 3 November 1998 Warsaw 2-5 June 2009 Training on water quality monitoring for State Sanitary Inspection The French Ministry of Health water database SISE-EAUX Pierre Chantrel International Office for Water PARIS

  2. Ministry DGS Dépt 1 Dépt 2 Dépt 3 … Dépt n SISE EAUX Architecture • A disseminated database • The data base is disseminated all over the territory • The National level is feeded each week by data created at the « departemental* level » Régional Server France is divided in 100 « Departements » (see next slide) In each departement exists a « departemental Public Health Direcorate »

  3. THE 100 FRENCH DEPARTMENTS In each Departement : a « departemental » Health Directorate

  4. North- Pas de Calais Upper Normandy Picardy Lower- Normandy Lorraine Isle of France Champagne- Ardennes Alsace Brittany P. de Loire Centre Burgundy Franche- Comté Poitou- Charentes Limousin Rhone-Alps Auvergne Aquitaine Midi- Pyrenees Provence-Alps Côte d’Azur Languedoc- Roussillon Corsica THE 22 FRENCH REGIONS In each Region : a  regional  Health Directorate

  5. SISE EAUX Architecture (Initially) ADMINISTRATION of the DATA ADMINISTRATION of the BASE Toulouse PADSE Data Administration Pole MINISTRY Strasbourg PAD Development Maintenance & control of the Base Computer systems dept SISE-Eaux GeneralHealthDirectorate telecommunications Sanitary riskmilieuhygiene NATIONAL BASE SISE-Eaux , National Committee SISE 22 DRASS : Regional Health Directorates SERVEUR UNIX SERVEUR UNIX SERVEUR UNIX SERVEUR UNIX DRASS DRASS DRASS DRASS BO-SISE : Propose requests BO One « GRANIT » in each region: 1 Computer specialist & 1 Environment/Health specialist =>assistance to the DDASS • 100 DDASS (départemental Health Directorates) • production and management of data • - exploitation of data: information, studies, synthesis reports

  6. SISE-Eaux database content (2008) In SISE-Eaux database: • More than 100 000 installations : • 29 585 TTP (Production and Treatment Installations) • 46 349 UDI (Distribution Units) • 52 565 CAP (Water Intakes) • 3 450 MCA(Groups of water intakes) • Nb surveillance points : 293 952 PSV • Nb water samples : 4 719 741PLV • Nb analyticresults : 86 640 253 Each year, the database content is increasing by 350.000 PLV and 9 million analyticresults

  7. Information flow towards Central Ministry & Commission General Health Directorate (Ministry of Health) • generates national reports and reports to EU • in charge of the evolution of «SISE-EAUX» « SISE-EAUX » national database system • DGS centralises validated analysis results • manage regional network descriptors • validate analysis results in « SISE-EAUX » (control management validation) • - generate reports for consumers Regional/Departmental environmental health divisions • Lab transfers analysis results through « SISE-EAUX» Laboratories • Sample and analyse water samples • validate analysis results (analytical validation)

  8. UDI (Distribution Units) • UDI (Distribution Units= homogeneous water supply zones ) • homogeneity as regards provenance of water, installations, network, water quality… • and …administrative homogeneity (same municipality or group of municipalities as « contracting Authority » as well as same exploitant) • National consistency is ensured by : • a modelling of UDI done at local level (departemental) based on precise rules

  9. UGE lab Result ANL ANL ANL field Result UDI Core elements (simplified) of the Conceptual Data Model Parameters Laboratories Water supplier Municipality/Contracting Authority Resource CAP MCA TTP PLV PSP PSV PSS

  10. Modelling SISE-EAUX Municipality Vaiges UndergroundTable Municipal water supply Aquifer of Vaiges des Avaloirs UGE Lotissement du lac CAP Intake and 1 Treatment plant PSP 5 BOIS ROBERT 2 distribution TTP network 7 Bourg PSP Usine 6 Moineau 3 Réservoir 8 haut UDI rocher Antenna PSS South East Hameau de PSP Brignon Sampling points

  11. A complex case

  12. Conceptual Data Model (MCD)

  13. Content of SISE-Eaux • The Database contains information on : • Administrative organization • Installations • monitoring • Tables are : • Either National, no modification possible at departemental level => consistency • Or (part of them), modifiable at departemental level (according to local rules, usually defined in coordination at regional level) => flexibility • Some essential data to be filled systematically (compulsory) • securing possible elaboration of synthesis reports at regional, national, basin and EU levels


  15. Question ? How many: surface water intakes (ESO) > 100m3/day average with a protection area in Burgondy ?

  16. CAPTAGE-cap code du captage libellé du captage nature de l'eau (**) --> usage direct (**) responsabilité suivi (**) débit moyen journalier débit moyen réglementaire débit de pointe fréquence décret fréquence contrôle COMMUNE-com fréquence réaliosée qualité CEE (*) périmètre de protection (o/n) code date d'autorisation population permanente date avis géologue date CDH 1,n population été date DUP environnement population hiver vulnérabilité type de commune (r/u) type de captage (*) type de ressource (*) champ captant (o/n) 1,1 nombre d'émergences profondeur zone hydrographique est situé code BRGM item libre 1 1,n item libre 2 descriptif Département REGION 1,n 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,n code code nom POINT SURVEILL.-psv nom code nature du point (princ./second.) --> est aussi représenté est REPRESENTE libellé du point de surveillance 1,1 localisation habituelle statut (r/i) POINT SECOND.-pss type d'eau habituel (**) 1,1 xlambert ylambert POINT PRINCIPAL psp zlambert

  17. BO BO Sise-Eaux Sise-Eaux Sise-Eaux Sise-Eaux BO Water Agencies Water Agencies Exchange SISE-Eaux : interfaces/format Ministry of Health Partners Central level Water suppliers Sise-Eaux National Format SANDRE ADES Geological survey National reference tables DDASS Water suppliers Sise-Eaux Departemental Laboratories Edilabo

  18. Interface DDASS-Lab-DDASS Sampler XML Field interface Referentiel SISE (UGE, INS, PSV) Sampling and Parameters Tables Sampling and Parameters Tables Sise-Eaux DDASS Laboratories Sampling and Control results Parameters Tables

  19. EURO 2008 • Tools for elaborating the « EU Report » • A specific National Database “EURO 2008” feeded from National Database SISE-EAUX by data requested to elaborate EU Report • “INTRANET Application EURO 2008” organized in 8 “Transactions” according to the EU Report • Specific Query softwares under « Business-Objects » • Elaboration by • DDASS user (local) • General Health Directorate (Central MoH user)

  20. Computerised architecture for drawing up the report to be sent to the European Commission Query software : National Univers B O National base EURO 2008 The Ministry user Univers B O DDASS Central Administration INTRANET application Departmental SISE-Eaux EURO 2008 SISE-EAUX : Health & Environment Information System on WATER D.D.A.S.S. User

  21. EURO 2008 How it works ? • Preliminary comment: Same scheme as the 2 previous EU Reports Euro 2005 (2002-2004) and Euro 2002 (period 1999-2001) • Changes to take into account evolution of legislation, EU requirements, National requirements Sise-Eaux database • 1st step : the National Base Euro 2008 is feeded by the National DataBase SISE –EAUX (Transactions 1 to 7 following slide) • Checking and adding data to Euro 2008 Data Base : • link between UDI (Distribution Unit) and upstream intake, • Duration of non compliances • Changes in UDI during the period of the report • Data not in Sise-Eaux, …

  22. EURO 2008 How it works ? • Transaction 1: UDIs with average population ≥ 5000 inhabitants • Transaction 2: Σ population of all UDIs • Transaction 3: Σ average daily flow of installations DW production • Transaction 4: Surface water intakes A3 and HN (A3 Non compliant) • Transaction 5: Derogations for Surface water intakes • Transaction 6: Non compliant UDI ≥ 5000 inhabitants • Transaction 6bis: Derogations UDI ≥ 5000 inhabitants • Transaction 7: “Annual departemental report” on water quality of UDI ≥ 5000 inhabitants The Transaction 6 bis is NEW (in Euro 2008). The other ones already existed in Euro 2005 updated especially Tr. 4 and 6. • XIII: Procedure for verification/validation

  23. EURO 2008 Procedures • Elaboration of the ” EU Departemental Report” with : • Intranet Application EURO2008. • Query software (help BO requests) • -Validation of the ” EU Departemental Report” • Phase 1 : validation by DDASS with Application EURO 2008 • Phase 2 : notification DDASS to DGS (Central Ministry Health General Directorate) • Phase 3 : verification at the national level (correct implementation of the process). Then hard copy “Departemental Report” signed and sent to the DGS (central level MoH)

  24. EURO 2008 Procedures • Departemental expertise • Exploitation of Sise-Eaux • Data not in Sise Eaux • Ex: Duration of non compliances, causes, measures to restore quality, …. • Working charge • - Time needed: from 2 man-days min. to 3 weeks max. in each “departement” • depending on : • complexity of water supplies in the “department” • nb of UDI (water supply zones), especially nb of UDI non compliant as regard distributed water or feeded by non compliant raw water • good initial updating of the “departemental Sise-Eaux database”

  25. Small water supplies • A lot of small water supplies • Municipalities 0 to 500 inhab. :1.574 Total population : 4.737.250 • 500 to 2.500 inhab. : 11.488 Total population : 12.105.459 • 2.500 to 10.000 inhab. : 2.648 Total population : 12.219.850 • Intermunicipality watersupplies (groups of municipalities) :16.000 • Same Sanitary surveillance in France for small water supplies than for large ones • To elaborate the Report as automatically as possible by SISE-EAUX directly • Nevertheless need of local expertise (causes, measures,..) local involvment • Situation different in some countries about considering small water supplies Agregated data

  26. Ministère de la Santé, de la jeunesse, des sports et de la vie associative Warsaw 2-5 June 2009 Training on water quality monitoring for State Sanitary Inspection THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Pierre Chantrel International Office for Water PARIS

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