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HIV/AIDS & Stigma

HIV/AIDS & Stigma. Diversity Literacy Week 6 / Lecture 2. Prepared by Claire Kelly. Defining stigma… (Coleman, p. 216). Prepared by Claire Kelly. “ undesired differentness ” ( Goffman ) “all human differences are potentially sitigmatizable ”

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HIV/AIDS & Stigma

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  1. HIV/AIDS & Stigma Diversity Literacy Week 6 / Lecture 2 Prepared by Claire Kelly

  2. Defining stigma… (Coleman, p. 216) Prepared by Claire Kelly “undesired differentness” (Goffman) “all human differences are potentially sitigmatizable” “reflect the value judgments of a dominant group” “linked to social context” “different levels of stigma”

  3. Stigma & Stereotypes Prepared by Claire Kelly “The danger of stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete” (ChimamandaAdichie) “stigma becomes the master status” (p. 222) “neutralises positive qualities” & “undermines the identity of stigmatised individuals” “the danger of a single story”(ChimamandaAdichie) Justify exclusion, expulsion, isolation, exploitation > “powerful and pernicious social tool” (p. 218)

  4. Racial stereotypes & Disease Prepared by Claire Kelly • Insert: picture of “Yellow –Peril” Anti- Chinese poster images. • Insert: picture of Anti-Japanese sentiments in WWII • http://thesocietypages.org/socimages/2008/07/08/old-yellow-peril-anti-chinese-posters/ • http://thesocietypages.org/socimages/2011/07/25/more-world-war-ii-anti-japanese-propaganda/

  5. Racial stereotypes & Disease Prepared by Claire Kelly • “Since the flea is not a pleasant animal we are not obliged to keep it, protect it and let is prosper so that it may prick and torture us, but our duty is rather to exterminate it. Likewise with the Jew.” Paul Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propoganda • “The fundamental biological principles of poisoning Japanese, insects, rats, bacteria and cancer are essentially the same.” William Porter, Chief of the US Chemical Warfare Service in 1944

  6. The Role of Emotion Prepared by Claire Kelly Fear, disgust, dislike “Fear may be instrumental in the perpetuation of stigma and in maintaining it’s original social functions” (p. 219) “…[we] learn fear and avoidance as well as which categories or attributes to dislike, fear or stigmatize” (p. 220) HIV vs Diabetes

  7. Stigma & Subjectivity • Can a stigmatized person refuse to be stigmatized? • Social control aspects of stigma > strip the sigmatized of power, empower stigmatizer • False consciousness • Butexplain…. Insert: image of a TAC members in an “HIV Positive” t-shirts http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:TAC-activists-2.jpg Prepared by Claire Kelly

  8. Conscientization Prepared by Claire Kelly Recognition of the relationship btw the individual and their social, political, historical, cultural and economic contexts Understanding of, and ability to position oneself within power relations & structural oppression Requires the mobilization of emotion, acknowledges relational dimension of  conscientisation Martín-Baró (1996) & Freire(2000)

  9. Extra references Adichie, C. (2009) The danger of a single story. Available at http://www.ted.com/talks/chimamanda_adichie_the_danger_of_a_single_story.html Martín-Baró, I. (1996) Writings for a liberation psychology. A. Aron & S. Corne (Eds). Harvard, MA: President and Fellows of Harvard College. Freire, P. (2000) Pedagogy of the oppressed (30th Anniversary Ed.) . New York & London: Continuum

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