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IOBC / wprs

IOBC / wprs. OILB / srop. International Organisation for Biological and integrated Control of noxious animals and plants West Palaearctic Regional Section Organisation Internationale de Lutte Biologique et Integrée contre les Animaux et les Plantes Nuisibles

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IOBC / wprs

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  1. IOBC / wprs OILB / srop International Organisation for Biological and integrated Control of noxious animals and plants West Palaearctic Regional Section Organisation Internationale de Lutte Biologique et Integrée contre les Animaux et les Plantes Nuisibles Section Régionale Ouest Paléarctique http://www.iobc-wprs.org

  2. West Palaearctic Regional Section: one of 6 regional sections of IOBC http://www.iobc-global.org http://www.iobc-wprs.org

  3. IOBC-wprs General Assembly Council Executive Committee Working Groups Commissions Study Groups Organisation of IOBC and IOBC-wprs IOBC / wprs OILB / srop Non-profit, Non Governmental Organisation since 1956 IOBC-Global General Assembly 9 Global Working Groups Regional Sections EPRS WPRS APRS ATRS NRS NTRS (12+3) (6) convenors (19) (1) (4) Scientific Community and Larger Public http://www.iobc-wprs.org

  4. IOBC shared objectives IOBC / wprs OILB / srop Promote research and implementation of sustainable(environmentally safe, economically feasible, socially acceptable)control-methods of pests and diseases of agricultural and forestry crops Promote the development of biological control and its application in integrated production programmes http://www.iobc-wprs.org

  5. IOBC-wprs activities IOBC / wprs OILB / srop • Organisation of scientific meetings to foster exchange of information and ideas on research and practical applications, training • Production of Guidelines for integrated production • Presentation platforms: workshops, symposia, proceedings, publications • Implementing scientific knowledge into advising & executing production • Collaboration with other international organisations • Contributes financially to IOBC-Global http://www.iobc-wprs.org

  6. IOBC-wprs Working / Study groups IOBC / wprs OILB / srop • 20 Working Groups • Crop-focused: Integrated control / protection in / of • citrus crops • fruit crops(5 sub groups) • protected crops • temperate climate • Mediterranean climate • Method-focused • Breeding for plant resistance to pests and diseases • GMO's in integrated plant production • Induced resistance in plants against insects and diseases • Landscape management for functional biodiversity • Multitrophic interactions in soil • Pesticides and beneficial organisms • Pheromones and other semio-chemicals in integrated production • Pest-focused • Insect pathogens and entomoparasitic nematodes(5 sub groups) • Integrated control of mite pests • Integrated control of plant pathogens • field vegetables • oilseed crops (2 sub groups) • olive crops • stored products • viticulture (7 sub groups) http://www.iobc-wprs.org

  7. IOBC-wprs Commissions IOBC / wprs OILB / srop Small, focused, expert groups on: • Publications • Determination and identification of entomophagous insects and insect pathogens • Guidelines for integrated productionhppt://www.iobc.ch • Harmonized regulation of biological control agents http://www.iobc-wprs.org

  8. Publications of IOBC and IOBC-wprs IOBC / wprs OILB / srop • “Biocontrol”, refereed international journal (IP > 1.3 in 2005) • “IOBC-wprs Bulletins”(ca 12 issues per year), Proceedings of conferences organized by Working/Study Groups Activities of Commissions • “Profile”(2 issues per year) Newsletter of IOBC-wprs; free on web site http://www.iobc-wprs.org • “IOBC Newsletter”(2 issues per year ) from IOBC-Global; free on web site http://www.iobc-global.org • Books, technical booklets, hand books, etc. http://www.iobc-wprs.org

  9. Reduced price on IOBC-wprs Bulletins 1981-1996: 5 € per copy + shipping (surface mail free) http://www.iobc-wprs.org

  10. Who benefits from IOBC-wprs ? IOBC / wprs OILB / srop • Advisory services • Farmers • Authorities • Universities & Research Institutes • Industry • Trade • Consumers http://www.iobc-wprs.org

  11. Advantages of IOBC-wprs IOBC / wprs OILB / srop • Operating international, inter-institutional, stable, independent, non-profit network • Since 1956, leading role for conception and promotion of integrated plant protection in Europe • Continuous adaptation to (anticipation of)changing conditions in agricultural production • Fosters cooperation of all different interested parties • Important platform for exchange of applied science and knowledge for the development of suitable solutions to concerns of different stakeholders http://www.iobc-wprs.org

  12. Membership of IOBC-wprs IOBC / wprs OILB / srop • Institutional members, usually governmental bodies • Supporting members,smaller institutions and private companies • Individual members,academics /researchers, teachers, advisors of public and private domains Individual membership fee 65 € / year • Bulletins from 5 Working / Study Groups • Reduced subscription to BioControl http://www.iobc-wprs.org

  13. Extra slides to be used according to specific needs

  14. BioControl http://www.iobc-wprs.org

  15. http://www.iobc-wprs.org

  16. Newsletters: IOBC-wprs IOBC / wprs OILB / srop http://www.iobc-wprs.org

  17. Newsletters: IOBC-Global IOBC / wprs OILB / srop http://www.iobc-wprs.org

  18. Regulation of biocontrol agents IOBC / wprs OILB / srop • IOBC Commission on ‘Harmonized Regulation of Biological Control Agents’ Sept. 2003- • EU policy support project: REBECA2006-2007 ‘Regulation of Biological Control Agents’ • biocontrol agents, • semiochemicals • botanicals • pheromones http://www.iobc-wprs.org

  19. Regulationof biocontrol agents(continued) IOBC / wprs OILB / srop • International organisations • EPPO (European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization ) • EPPO guidelines on import and release of invertebrate biological control agents • FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation) • IPPC/FAO code of conduct for import and release of biological control agents • OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ) • Guidance document on regulation of biological control agents • Rio Convention on Biodiversity • National regulations • EU-harmonization IOBC could provide expertise in developing a positive list and a web-site on biocontrol agents BIGLER, F., J.S. BALE, M.J.W. COCK, H. DREYER, R. GREATREX, U. KUHLMANN, A.J.M. LOOMANS & J.C. van LENTEREN (2005): Guidelines on information requirements for import and release of invertebrate biological control agents in European countries. – Biocontrol News and Information 26, 4: 115-123. http://www.iobc-wprs.org

  20. Biological control facts IOBC / wprs OILB / srop • Natural (biological) control • constantly active in all world ecosystems (55.5 billion ha) • affects 95% of potential arthropod pests(100 000 species) • Implemented control methods • targeted at the remaining 5 000 arthropod pest species • 8.5 billion US$ spent annually on insecticides => "Ecosystem service" value: minimum 400 billion US$ per year (Costanza et al.,1997) From IOBC Internet book of Biological Control, Oct. 2006 http://www.iobc-global.org http://www.iobc-wprs.org

  21. Biological control facts (continued) IOBC / wprs OILB / srop • "Classical" biological control: • 350 million ha(10% of cultivated land) • benefit-cost ratio 20-500 : 1 • Augmentative (commercial) biological control: • 16 million ha(0.05% of cultivated land) • benefit-cost ratio 2-5 : 1(same as chemical pest control) • > 5,000 introductions (2,000 arthropod species) for control of arthropod pests (196 countries or islands) in past 120 years • > 150 species of natural enemies (parasitoids, predators, pathogens) commercially available From IOBC Internet book of Biological Control, Oct. 2006 http://www.iobc-global.org http://www.iobc-wprs.org

  22. Comparison of data on performance of chemical and biological control IOBC / wprs OILB / srop Lenteren, J.C. van, 1997. From Homo economicus to Homo ecologicus: towards environmentally safe pest control. In: Modern Agriculture and the Environment, D. Rosen, E. Tel-Or, Y. Hadar, Y. Chen, eds., Kluwer Acadamic Publishers, Dordrecht: 17-31 From IOBC Internet book of Biological Control, Oct. 2006 http://www.iobc-global.org http://www.iobc-wprs.org

  23. Mass Rearing and Quality Control BC of Aphids and Coccids BC of Chromolaena Odorata BC of Plutella xylostella BC of Water Hyacinth Egg Parasitoids Fruit Flies WGO - Ostrinia and other maize pests Transgenics and BC IOBC-Global Working Groups IOBC / wprs OILB / srop http://www.iobc-global.org http://www.iobc-wprs.org

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