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Talk board status . R. Fantechi , D. Gigi, G.Lamanna TDAQ meeting, Mainz 8.9.2011. T rigger A daptor for LK r. The trigger distribution was based on the asynchronous TAXI chip The timestamp was attached to the data in the DC (the timestamp was not propagated in the CPD)
Talk board status R. Fantechi, D. Gigi, G.Lamanna TDAQ meeting, Mainz 8.9.2011
Trigger Adaptor for LKr • The trigger distribution was based on the asynchronous TAXI chip • The timestamp was attached to the data in the DC (the timestamp was not propagated in the CPD) • In 2012 runs and in any activity before the deployment of the CREAM modules, the LKr readout will be done through the SLM+CPD system • In the NA62 L0 trigger the timestamp will be not propagated through TTC, but are “regenerated” synchronously (same reset) in each TEL62 (and in L0TP) • The TALK board has to provide the interface between TTC and TAXI distribution system and the production of the timestamp lists to be merged in the readout PC To CPD TAXI PP TTC TALK FPGA PP SL PP PP ETH to R/O PC
A multipurpose daughter board for TEL62 • The easy way to have the TTC signal in our trigger system is to exploit the common readout board: the TEL62 • The TALK board is a daughter board of the TEL62 • Why not exploit the computing power of the TEL62 FPGAs for other purposes? • The TALK board will provide additional I/O connectors and functionalities for TEL62 applications • The TALK board is compatible with the TELL1
Layout • Taxi Chip • Cyclone 3 FPGA • 5 eth. connectors • 5 lemos for input/output • 5x32bits bus with the TELL1/TEL62 • 4 RJ11 connectors • 1 Connector for the LTU
PCB • 10 layers • Impedence controlled lines for clocks • DC-DC for power regeneration on board • Digital and Analog grounds • Passive filters for power • Connectors in one side and on the internal surface
Hardware checks • Few small bugs found • Error in NIM-TTL converter: fixed disconnecting one pin of the converter • Missing pull down resistor on the gate of Mosfet switch for the internal power supply and consequent random behavior: fixed soldering the missing resistors • ID switch with inverted bits (layout?): fixed in the firmware • Still parts of the hardware to be tested • Taxi path, delay line, error/choke receivers, LTU I/F • Start as soon as the relative firmware is ready
Control access JTAG I2C 5 triple speed Eth links In addition to the connector to the TELxx
Control access - status • JTAG • Working fine with the board standalone • Still problems when the Talk is inserted in the JTAG chain of the TELxx • I2C • Decoder firmware implemented and tested • Functions to read/write the memory • More functions easy to be implemented • I2C interface software implemented under Linux (thanks to Phil Rubin)
Control access - status • Ethernet • Firmware design derived from the SLM • Worked at the first try • Commands implemented and tested • “Ping”, load calib, read calib, read memory (fifo mode) • Being implemented • Read/Write memory (random access), configure as packet generator (latency tests) • The first implementation includes a standard mechanism to handle large incoming packets: the tested commands transfer only few words after the header
The trigger adaptor • The Taxi chip is still available on the market • Different package wrt to the old one (no DIP, easier to be mounted) • The PECL signal is provided in LEMO connectors as in the past TAXI CHIP • The LKr, with the SLM readout, can’t run without this TALK board functionality!!! First priority: started already to setup the working environment for the firmware development on the TELxx, as time stamps will be generated there
FPGA & memory • The timestamps will be added to the data inside the readout PCs • They are stored in the memories (enough space for several bursts)and requested through the Ethernet by the LKr readout PCs, probably at the end of the burst FPGA Memories The memory has been tested through I2C. We have already defined the protocol to write it from the TELxx
LKr calibration • The LKr calibration logic will be implemented on the TALK board, instead of the old NIM crate full of modules • A command from Ethernet will program: • Calibration in and/or out burst • Rate in/out burst • Pulses synchronous wrt NA62 clock or not • Delay wrt sync clock • The Talk board will be mounted on a dummy VME support and operated standalone • In the simplest mode, the trigger to L0TP is a NIM pulse Status of the tests: Config data from Eth written correctly in the internal registers and read back Continuous mode programmed, pulses in output, frequency varied following the programmed count. Complete the test next week, now that the input converter is working
Pulser controller for calibration • Also other detectors can use the same idea to control pulserseither for calibration or efficiency monitors • Or for a random trigger (not intensity related) TTC MUV ETH RUN CONTROL TALK • The TALK board will provide up to 4 LEMO output and 3 LVDS output (+8 if required, using the LTU connector)
L0TP for dry and test runs • The trigger primitives are produced by the TEL62s for each detector participating to the trigger • They are sent through Ethernet to the L0TP to elaborate the trigger decision (dispatched using TTC) LTU • Having up to 5 Ethernet connectors, the TALK board will allow to collect primitives to use the TEL62 as L0TP • The trigger decision can be delivery to the LTU using the LTU connector on board • 4 RJ-11 connectors can be used to receive the choke/error LVDS lines from the detectors • Status: Hardware connectors to be tested. Firmware design to be started RJ-11
L0TP for dry and test runs STRAWS RICH CHOD LKr SmallScintillator GTK SAC CUSTOM CUSTOM CUSTOM TEL62 TEL62 TEL62 SLM Trigger primit. TELL1+ Taxi Board LTU + TTCex TTC to LTU Trigger to SLM
Trigger & Readout for “old” detector • Old detectors participating to the trigger can provide std NIM/TTL logic signal to the TALK-L0TP through LEMO (i.e. CHOD if the trigger will be implemented in old NIM, paddle of scintillators for test runs,…) • If the not-“standard” front-end can provide data on Ethernet the TALK board can be used to integrate on the TEL62 TDAQ (i.e. STRAW) NIM/TTL, LVDS TTC TALK RJ-45 FRONT END DATA TEL62 LEMO DATA with TIMESTAMP
“Digital pulser” for TEL62 test • Two TALK boards can be used to send the same pattern on the 4 connectors of the TEL62 • Useful for radiation test (i.e. CEDAR) TEL62 TALK TALK Status: development of the Talk firmware started pulser
Ethernet receivers to merge TEL62 Status: firmware design to be started if there is the need TEL62 TEL62 TDCB TDCB TDCB TDCB • The TALK board can be used to merge primitives (or data) coming from TEL62 through ethernet • For example: LAV(12 TEL62), RICH(4 TEL62) • A TEL62 with 2 TALK board provides up to 10 ethernet input ports TDCB TDCB TDCB TDCB TEL62 TALK TALK
ICE CREAM: test bench for the CREAM L0 (TTC) Trigger Card LTU+TTCex L0 (Lemo) PC CONTROL TALK BOARD L1(ETH) CREAM SWITCH READOUT PC Trigger start CPD Pulser • The TALK board will produce both L0 trigger signal (LTUTTC) and L1 requests for the same events (ETH). • Useful to test the CREAM modules Status: to be started soon, after TAXI firmware
Schedule • Some delay due to technical reasons delayed done To start soon
Talk firmware (by Dominique G.) Ethernet Preamble MAC Dest - Source Command Memory data
Talk firmware (by Dominique G.) I2C Write access I2C Write access I2C Read access
TELL1 preliminary firmware & software Talk board com. FSM Timestamp gen. (ctrl) • The basic firmware contains: • generation of the timestamps (or propagation, if generated in the TTCrx) • Register controller (local control, Talk control (calibration, lemo, pulsers, connection,…)) • Dummy logic for L0TP Monitor Logic Register & services • Reminder of the main Talk Board functionalities: • Propagation of the L0 trigger to the SLM • Implement the LKr Calibration Logic • Proto-L0TP for Dry and Technical runs • L0 primitives multiplexer • Digital pulserfor the TEL62 (for monitor purposes) • Pulser for other detectors (Ethernet to analog converter) • interface for detectors without ethernetoutput • Manage of TTC messages (i.e. SPS signals) • ICE Cream: test of Cream modules