h e C a R J o a M R o F S T F e EW1-024 Park Seri, Ryu Hyun a EW1-048 Kim Da Eun, Park JooMi EW1-068 Park Yun Jin
e N X I D • Bio-Convergence Engineering 1.1. How to be famous for Food Engineering 1.2. Personal success in major field 2. Computer Engineering 2.1. How Computer Engineering should be Asia 50 by 2020 3. Business Administration 3.1. Department of Business Administration Need Improvement points
Bio-Convergence Engineering1-1. How to be famous for Food Engineering
How to Be Famous For Food Engineering CELEBRITY NEWS AND GOSSIP WORLD EXCLUSIVES Food Engineering : improve the environment of laboratory students can concentrate on their research. can become successful people from their fields
Bio-Convergence Engineering1-2. Personal success in major field
Personal success in major field THE WORLD’S FAVOURITE NEWSPAPER www.dailynews.com - Since 1879 A personal success can raise status of schools. Definitely, I think our school has to improve the system of personal ‘major’. Curriculum about major subject!
Personal success in major field THE WORLD’S FAVOURITE NEWSPAPER www.dailynews.com - Since 1879 Professors are teaching lots of subjects about ‘Pharmacy or Medicine’. This is very limitative field in all of biotech! Many experiences to study in various fields can raise students’ abilities.
Computer Engineering 2. How Computer Engineering should be Asia 50 by 2020
THE GARY TIMES CELEBRITY NEWS AND GOSSIP WORLD EXCLUSIVES HOW TO BE ASIA TOP 50 ( C.E ) I don’t want Engineering Anthentication. Engineering authentication SejongUniversity student
THE GARY TIMES CELEBRITY NEWS AND GOSSIP WORLD EXCLUSIVES HOW TO BE ASIA TOP 50 ( C.E ) I want to study important major more than math or science. Engineering authentication SejongUniversity student
Business Administration3. Department of BusinessAdministration Need Improvement points
Department of Business Administration Need improvement points THE WORLD’S FAVOURITE NEWSPAPER www.dailynews.com - Since 1879 1. Courses should be opened several specific subjects. Operations Management Marketing Business Administration Accounting Management Information Systems Management Finance
Department of Business Administration Need improvement points THE WORLD’S FAVOURITE NEWSPAPER www.dailynews.com - Since 1879 1. Courses should be opened several specific subjects. Distribution channel management Product control Marketing NoPrice management theory Advertising and public relations theory
Department of Business Administration Need improvement points THE WORLD’S FAVOURITE NEWSPAPER www.dailynews.com - Since 1879 2. Student participation program have to be hold more actively.
Department of Business Administration Need improvement points THE WORLD’S FAVOURITE NEWSPAPER www.dailynews.com - Since 1879 3. Special Lecture should be increased and widened. I want to listen marketing but… No marketing
Department of Business Administration Need improvement points THE WORLD’S FAVOURITE NEWSPAPER www.dailynews.com - Since 1879 3. Special Lecture should be increased and widened. That’s what I looking for!! marketing accounting management
Department of Business Administration Need improvement points THE WORLD’S FAVOURITE NEWSPAPER www.dailynews.com - Since 1879 4. ‘Mentor-Mentee program’ should be activated. It’s hard to consult my problem.
Department of Business Administration Need improvement points THE WORLD’S FAVOURITE NEWSPAPER www.dailynews.com - Since 1879 4. ‘Mentor-Mentee program’ should be activated. I can consult my problem easier than before.
R F e R n e C e e http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biotechnology http://www.sejong.ac.kr/college/life_06_2_1.html http://home.sejong.ac.kr/~bioscidpt/8.html http://home.sejong.ac.kr/~mnadpt/1.html http://biz.sejong.ac.kr/2sub012.html http://biz.sejong.ac.kr/1sub011.htm http://m.news.naver.com/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=102&oid=421&aid=0000385986 (세종대 실험실 사고) http://cse.snu.ac.kr/ (서울대학교 컴퓨터공학부 홈페이지) http://ce.sejong.ac.kr/ (세종대학교 컴퓨터공학과 홈페이지) http://www.sejong.ac.kr/unilife/subject_01.html(세종대학교 교과과정) http://home.sejong.ac.kr/~mnadpt/(세종대학교 경영학과 홈페이지)
Thank you. Thank you.