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Scan - Print

Scan - Print. Do repeated scans and prints to show image degradation. HW0202. Homework for 2/9. Locate the “bone marrow” image shown in Figures 2-5 of your textbook.

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  1. Scan - Print • Do repeated scans and prints to show image degradation. HW0202

  2. Homework for 2/9 • Locate the “bone marrow” image shown in Figures 2-5 of your textbook. • Acquire a background image and subtract it from the original or divide it into the image. Comment on what you observe. Which is preferred -- divide or subtract? • Perform spatial averaging over 33, 55, and 1111 neighborhoods, and plot the standard deviation of pixel values. Find s.d. from UTHSCA. HW0209A

  3. Suggested Readings from Jasc • Before You Print

  4. Suggested Readings -- Jasc • Sample Jasc Palette • About the Jasc Palette File Format • Setting Palette Transparency

  5. Suggested Readings • Using the Hue/Saturation/Lightness Dialog Box --Jasc

  6. Reading AssignmentRuss, Chapter 2

  7. In Class Mini-assignment • Try different levels of JPEG and TIFF compression on a busy and a ‘smooth’ image. • Do image blowup and describe differences. • Do subtraction from original and describe differences. HW0209B

  8. In Class Mini-assignment • Compare 9:08 and 9:10 • Do a subtraction • Also improve image quality • Use histogram equalization • what does it do? HW0209B

  9. Assignment for next week • Read Chapter 3 • Finish in-class assignment

  10. Bone Marrow Imagesfor 2/9 • Bone Marrow and Bone Marrow2 (BoneMarr, BoneMar2): Light microscope images. Use local equalization to increase contrast between dark features in the original Bone Marrow, compare this video image to the higher resolution image obtained with a digital camera (BoneMarrow2). Compare smoothing and median filters on noise and feature shape. HW0209A

  11. Read next chapter in Russ(Chapter 5) • For 2/14/00

  12. Homework#1 for 2/16/00 • Pick any one of the digital camera photos provided, and use any image enhancement techniques to produce a best quality reproduction of the original subject. The end result should be observable on a gamma corrected monitor. Use any of the filtering and enhancement techniques described in the course or others that may be available. • Turn in a softcopy of the processed image and a description of the corrections applied and their sequencing. HW0216A

  13. Homework#2 for 2/16/00 • Given the following image 5 level image • Design, apply, describe and defend routines for contrast and brightness adjustment, and for histogram equalization routine. Apply to this image with a 5 level result. HW0216B

  14. HW#2 Suggestions(for 2/16/00) • Construct an image histogram/distribution • Define the target desired histogram/distribution • may be discussed in class • Select a level reassignment algorithm to approximate the target. • For this assignment, each level must be reassigned to only one level in the result. • Construct an actual image histogram/distribution • Construct a new image array HW0216B

  15. HW#1 for 2/23 • Start with threesins image which is 3.31” square • consists of 3 sinewave images added together • Prepare a circular filter .514” diameterr to eliminate the two lower fequencies • Repeat but eliminate high frequency by an inverse of the previous mask. • Provide copies of the original and two resulting images. HW0223A

  16. HW#2 for 2/23 HW0223B • Consider muscle2.tif • Use a mask or combination of masks with the FFT to emphasize periodicity of the structure in the resulting image. • Suggest additional processing to achieve best result • Provide a copy of the before and after image and describe the mask(s) and processing.

  17. HW#2 continued • Determine the spatial frequency of the muscle striations. • Give the units of measurement. • Explain how determined. HW0223B

  18. Correlation • Pick a rice grain. Use correlation to locate similarly oriented rice grains in rice.tif. HW0301

  19. Segmentation for 0308 • Segment retina.tiff to find the vessels. Describe fully the process used for segmenting.

  20. Features HW0322 • Begin with the image that shows the region along the villi of mouse intestine. • Process as shown in Fig 10, p439 with added cleanup for measurement purposes. • Then do an IT analysis on the villi that fall entirely within the image. • Provide a statistical summary of means and sd’s for the villi properties as determined from IT

  21. Optional • For each of the following, give the stereological notation • Describe any added conditions for accurate measurement of the notated variable. • Identify what densities can be determined with the aid of the notated variable. • Continued

  22. Optional • 1. Total area fraction of segmented black pixels. • 2. Formfactor: 4*pi*Area/Perimeter^2 • 3. Consider how to use Image Tool to calculate, directly or indirectly, the sample densities described earlier: NV, AA, IS, SV

  23. The Automated Bug Inspector • A proposal has been made to develop an automated image analysis system for instecting bugs. You are asked to develop such a system. The initial assumptions for development are: • 1. This is always one and only one bug in each image. • 2. The bugs are always aligned in a standard position. • 3. The bug antennae are thinner than buglegs. HW0329

  24. To determine • When feasible, the system is to be broadened to analysis of images for which these assumptions are not valid. Measurements to determine for each bug are: • Overall bug size • Number of legs • Length of each leg • Number of antennae • Length of each antenna HW0329

  25. Approach • Consider pre-processing, segmentation, and analysis. HW0329

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