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SUICIDE. A Proactive Approach. The Warning Signs:. A. Statements such as…. “ I want to die ” (Direct) “ Soon this pain will be over ” (Indirect) B. Depression C. Mood Swings D. Withdrawn C. Previous Attempts. Situational Influences. Death of someone close to them

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SUICIDE A Proactive Approach

  2. The Warning Signs: A. Statements such as…. “I want to die” (Direct) “Soon this pain will be over” (Indirect) B. Depression C. Mood Swings D. Withdrawn C. Previous Attempts

  3. Situational Influences • Death of someone close to them • Breakup of a relationship • Other serious loss • Problems with school, job, finances, the law • Abuse of drugs or alcohol

  4. SuicideThreat Is A CRY FOR HELP

  5. PROPER RESPONSE • Stay Calm • Show interest and support • Listen without judging • Emphasize desirable alternatives - there is another way • Use constructive questions • Emphasize temporary nature of problems

  6. DON’T • Ask why – angers the person, makes them become defensive • Act shocked – puts distance between you and person • Give advice by forcing decisions on the person or tell the person to behave differently. • Be sworn to secrecy-seek support and help immediately. • Offer hope that alternatives are available • Engage in a philosophical debate on the moral aspect of suicide – you may lose the debate and the suicidal person.

  7. Know The Drill • Contact the parent. • Get the parent to sign the parent suicide outcry form. • Give the parent a list of resources with phone numbers. • Release the student to the parent. • Counselor follows up with student and parent as needed • Fax report form to Ron Moss at 432-689-5107 (this is a secure fax). **PLEASE NOTE IF THE STUDENT HAS MADE AN ATTEMPT TO TAKE THEIR LIFE CONTACT THE MENTAL HEALTH OFFICER** IF YOU HAVE AN OUTCRY AND CANNOT CONTACT THE PARENT OR EMERGENCY CONTACT CALL MIDLAND ISD POLICE AND KEEP THE STUDENT THERE UNTIL AN OFFICER ARRIVES TO ASSIST YOU.

  8. Follow-Up A. GO to hospital to be with student • Follow up with parents and offer additional support a. Refer to outside agencies to address additional needs.

  9. Resources for you • Checklist to assess severity level • No suicide contract • Parent contact document

  10. Contact Numbers Student Development: Priscilla – 689-1053 Ron – 689-1031 MHMR – 579-3300 Campus Security – 689-1077

  11. SUICIDE Hot Line • 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) • Midland: 432 570-3300 • Odessa: 432 333-3265

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