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2013 Annual Missions Celebration C. Thomas Wright Ph.D www.mobilebaptists.org. A unicycle has one wheel: hard to drive; very unstable --even dangerous.
2013 Annual Missions Celebration C. Thomas Wright Ph.D www.mobilebaptists.org
A unicycle has one wheel: hard to drive; very unstable --even dangerous.
A big wheel and a little wheel is better than just one. But, one big wheel still cannot do it alone. It still did not provide the safety and stability needed to get anywhere.
Even extended two-wheelers just cant carry the load and meet the need safely.
Three, Four and Eight-wheelers improved safety and stability
The Importance of Cooperation • ~The MBA is now a 118-wheeler. There are 112 churches and 6 missions carrying the load to make an eternal difference in Mobile County. • ~Some are serving in name only. They are flat tires. Some were unbalanced tires that wanted to take off in another direction causing all kinds of instability (like some church members too).
The Load in Mobile County In 2010: out of 412,992 population • 159, 859 (38.7%) people who are not members of any religious group. • Another 60,000 (14.5%) who are in a cult, sect or denomination who do not know Jesus. Total: 53 % of Mobile County LOST • Look: 90,579 people said SBC, (49kon church profile) WHERE ARE YOU? Source thearda.com
~Cooperation is essential. 118 wheels provide stability and carry the load if fully inflated and going in the same direction • ~ The cooperative financial and volunteer support of EVERY church is needed to carry a load of 53% LOST population. • ~We do this by faithful commitment to a church and associations of churches, state and national affiliations.
Churches Meet in Acts 15 Clear biblical example of churches cooperating (also see BF&M): ~Selected messengers (vss. 13:2, 15:25) who were given “what was necessary” to do God’s work and encourage the churches with reports (vs 3), ~Corrected inconsistency in teaching (vss. 1, 5). Accountability! ~Convened leaders (vs. 6). ~Studied the scriptures (vs. 15).
Churches Meet in Acts 15 ~The Apostles and Elders mentioned there were actively involved in evangelistic ministry that resulted in new churches (Acts 2:41-42, 14:23, 20:20). ~Those attending reported back (vs30) ~Caused rejoicing and encouragement (vs. 31). Sounds like Annual Missions Celebration? Refutes Uncooperative philosophies?
In the LAST 50 years: • MBA net gain of 28 churches • population increase of 98,691! • decreased by 40 churches: • 23 disbanded, 10 merged, 7 withdrew, 2 were disaffiliated and 1 under Watchcarechose not to join. • Current church/pop ratio requires every church have 1,100 attendance to be a churched county (ratio v. number of churches)
In the NEXT 50 years • Another 100,000 people estimated. • About 25-40 MBA churches lost. • If no new churches, every remaining of 93 churches will need an ATTENDANCE of 5,535 for Mobile to be a churched county • Biblical components of Worship, Witness, Missions, Ministry, Fellowship and Discipleship. (Over or under emphases of any one will result in a declining church.)
Consulting with Churches • You have seen Chuck’s impact with 80% of MBA churches involved in our training options. • You heard MBA Finance Committee report that this position supplement is being reduced by NAMB and gone by 2017. • It is time for churches to examine allocation of church’s tithe to missions
Competing for Missions Dollars ~Dozens of Para-church Ministries are competing for limited missions dollars ~Check my report in the Book of Reports for guidelines ~Check the receipts report for how much your church gives to cooperative missions
~As you allocate missions dollars to various groups, please give the MBA equal time to present the relevance and effectiveness of cooperative ministry in Mobile.
MBA Helping Church Leaders Our staff helps church leaders find solutions to questions about every aspect of church life: budgeting, buildings, merging, church growth, outreach, leadership, materials, Constitution & By-laws, conflict resolution, training, speakers, Pastor Search Committee training, missions, music, etc. Testimonies: Dr. Adam Hammond, FBC Chickasaw Rev. Demorio Sheffield, Zoe Church
Conclusion • T or F: The future MUST include cooperation • Look to the Eastern Sky, time is growing shorter until the Lord returns • Are your friends and family saved and obediently serving Christ? • Are you satisfied with how you use your time, talent and finances for God’s Kingdom?