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Athena’s Son

Athena’s Son. Chapter 1. Egyptian religion Isis Osiris Ba and Ka. Chapter 1. Vocabulary ominous orb taut writhe wrench abnormal. Chapter 2. Archimedes Hints about his character and abilities Transportation of the Ancient World Lever

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Athena’s Son

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Athena’s Son

  2. Chapter 1 • Egyptian religion • Isis • Osiris • Ba and Ka

  3. Chapter 1 • Vocabulary ominous orb taut writhe wrench abnormal

  4. Chapter 2 • Archimedes • Hints about his character and abilities • Transportation of the Ancient World • Lever • Of the six simple machines, the lever is the most basic.

  5. Chapter 2 • Vocabulary alchemy pilfer dank torment amulet lurk brine perpendicular ransack

  6. Chapter 3 • Trade in the Ancient World, Pharos Lighthouse

  7. Chapter 3 Importance of religion to Archimedes • “Along with Athena, move also your hand.”

  8. Chapter 3 • Vocabulary sheath delta gnaw perception dismal insolence brandish proficient menacing recur

  9. Chapter 4 • Pulleys • How they increase force • It trades distance (rope) for energy

  10. Chapter 4 • Constellations • Ancient civilizations used the stars to tell stories of their mythology • Stars of Summer

  11. Chapter 4 • Vocabulary bauble anchovy trinket spar tentatively unwittingly imperceptibly constellation

  12. Chapter 5 • Anubis • Egyptian god of the dead and mummification • Jackal head with human body

  13. Chapter 6 • Geography of Greece and Egypt • How each influenced the development of their civilization • Egypt: flat, fertile, major river

  14. Chapter 6 • Geography of Greece and Egypt • Greece is peninsulas, islands, mountains • Influenced the development of independent city-states

  15. Chapter 6 • The marketplace was often the center of social activity in ancient cultures. • Civilization Trade Game

  16. Chapter 6 • Vocabulary • jostle • ilk • melodic

  17. Chapter 7 • Are you speaking Egyptian…or Greek? • Most “Egyptian” words you know are really Greek! • pyramid • sphinx • papyrus • hieroglyph • pharaoh

  18. Chapter 7 • Vocabulary throng sentiment contemptuously scribe conspicuously scorn unwieldy cumbersome immaculate

  19. Chapter 9 • Spartans • Hephaestus • Talos

  20. Chapter 9 • Vocabulary subservient translucent imposing dupe rhetorical sacrilege oppressive audible bestowed gouge heresy

  21. Chapter 10

  22. Chapter 12 Library of Alexandria Contained 1000s of scrolls Burned down or destroyed, but no clear date

  23. Chapter 12 Tomb of Alexander the Great He died in June 323 BC Ptolemy took the body on it’s way to Macedonia Many theories of how he died A Babylonian clay diary (323 BC) recording the death of Alexander

  24. Chapter 12 Muses of Art and Science 9 daughters of Zeus Inspiration for artists and scientists Clio, muse of history

  25. Chapter 13 Demotic script used for lengthy, official writing Hieroglyphs used for religious displays Hieroglyphs Demotic script

  26. Chapter 16 Archimedes Principle and the displacement of water

  27. Chapter 17 Herophilos worked on dissection and autopsies in Alexandria Explained how the heart pumped blood through the body Discovered the brain is the center of human intellect Interactive Human Body

  28. Chapter 19 Pharos Lighthouse One of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World 7 Wonders DVD

  29. Chapter 19 Sphinx “The Strangler” What goes on four legs in the morning, on two legs at noon, and on three legs in the evening?

  30. Chapter 22 Ammit the Devourer a demon with a body that was part lion, hippopotamus and crocodile—the three largest "man-eating" animals known to ancient Egyptians

  31. Chapter 22 Hippocratic Oath

  32. Chapter 23 Romulus and Remus Founders of Rome SPQR The Senate and People of Rome Emperor Game

  33. Chapter 25 Roman murder mystery

  34. Chapter 27 Spartans were one of the most disciplined, well-trained and feared military forces in world history. At birth, determine if child is healthy enough

  35. Chapter 27 At age 7, boys entered military camp until 18. Served in army until 30. Training was brutal. Anything to live. Graduated into the army when they could assassinate a slave.

  36. Chapter 29 Alexander’s empire after his death

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