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Athena System Overview Training. Date: 5 th Nov. 2003. by Athena Team. Training Session Goals:.
Athena System Overview Training Date: 5th Nov. 2003 by Athena Team HP Restricted
Training Session Goals: To train Athena users on all the overview features of Athena Client:For detailed instructions on using Athena Client Functions, usershas to follow ‘Athena Functional Training Slides’ document. Athena main functions include: • Athena Client Install and Set-up • Retrieve and Load Customs Invoices • Sort & Search of Customs Invoices • Display, Print and Download of Customs Invoice • Editing of Customs Invoices • Bulk Printing/Deletion/HTML formatted creation of Invoices • Random Printing/Deletion/HTML formatted creation of Invoices • Grouping Invoices HP Restricted
Training Session Goals: • Manual Invoicing Process • Athena Other Functions • Auto-Downloading of Invoices HP Restricted
Athena Specific Functionalities: • Invoice Format features include: • Hardware/Software unbundling • BTCO- pricing consolidation, displaying components • Serial No. range printing • TSCA, DCS (US Export and US Import), SWPM statements • Logistics Charges Breakout • Electronic Signature 2. Client features include: • Flexibility in the setup function • Editing of Invoices • Auto-Download of Invoices into flat file • Grouping of Invoices • Easy to install and operate HP Restricted
Athena Specific Functionalities: • Server features include: • Data validation check, reporting errors to CDB • Various Filtering logics • No data manipulation 4. Invoice routing • By Email • Uses combination of selection criteria: order prefixes, invoice no., AWB, etc... • Athena Support features • 24x7 support helpdesk • English speaking support people HP Restricted
Athena Specific Functionalities: 6. Athena System interfaces • WWTBL for defaulting addresses • WWCLASS for classification info. • ASSISTS • PIM • Web Input Invoices HP Restricted
Athena Controls: Athena does the following data quality controls: • Athena will reject invoice if buyer and seller are same country • Athena will reject if transactions have the same invoice numbers • Athena Does not process credit memos • Athena DOES NOT Manipulate any Data sent from Upstream Systems • Athena Does data quality checking and reports to the Compliance Data Base HP Restricted
GT: PoliciesInvoicing Requirements Policy - CU-008 1.0 PurposeThis document establishes the Hewlett-Packard (HP) policy regarding invoicing requirements for imported or exported merchandise. The policy is based on HP business standards as well as common Customs and regulatory standards. This policy is predicated upon legal requirements to ensure that HP complies with current governmental and international trade regulations. Failure to meet legal requirements may result in delayed or impounded shipments, increased inspections and audits, increased cycle times, the loss of highly valued export and import trading privileges and government confidence, and/or civil or criminal penalties to include fines or imprisonment. 2.0 PolicyAny invoice created by or on behalf of HP that may be used for the purpose of customs clearance will contain all data elements described in the Customs Invoice Data Element Dictionary defined as mandatory, unless prohibited by local law or regulation. All information on the customs invoice will be true, complete and will provide a full description of the merchandise. Each HP supplier and/or shipping entity is completely responsible for ensuring that the data elements contained on the customs invoice follow this policy and are 100% accurate. Refer to Customs Invoice Standards and Guidelines at the following URL: http://findoc.corp.hp.com/tlcl/customs/custinvoice/index.htm. HP Restricted
New Integrated Standard CustomsInvoice Message (ISCIM) If we are not focused on a common messaging format, we are not accomplishing our goal Robert Gifford, October 29, 2002 The objective of getting to standard message stays…. If we allowed every implementation with a timeline to stop this process, then it would never, ever complete ! What is needed is a way forward that serves both purposes.In this case you need to complete the implementation as planned in order to meet the timescale, and then go on to retrofit to the standard. There will always be a temptation to forgo this send phase on the grounds that it is no longer urgent - it is urgent, we cannot afford the resources, time and effort required to continue to support multiple and unique messages. Once the standards are published [..] then no future project should consider anything other than this standard. Ian Robertson, October 28, 2002 HP Restricted
Customs Invoice Data Elements Dictionary Policy Page Link: http://globaltrade.hp.com/gt_policies/hp020-05.htmRefer next 2 slides for the new Customs Invoice Format HP Restricted
New Customs Invoice (Regular Invoice) HP Restricted
New Customs Invoice (BTCO Invoice) HP Restricted
HP Heritage Legacy Financial Systems Relationships HP Restricted
Athena - Application Landscape Flow Diagram Legend: Existing Interface BLUE Existing Interface being changed New asset Data warehouse Intranet or Extranet New interface Existing Asset WHITE Other data store or file Existing Asset being changed Core application Interface can be retired Interface across Firewall or External service provider application Interface being retired EAI/Messaging infrastructure Satellite application or Asset being retired Heart Assist Work Buffer WWClass WWKrako Classifications WWTBL Addresses WWLife ATHENA Eiffel Mailbox TT5C Email RSAP Web Invoicing Athena Client US-PIM Calado-SAP HPSB ImportSys/Brokers Flagship Legend: HP Restricted
Athena/Electronic Invoice Timing Review HP Restricted
Athena Web Invoice System Overview Brokers & HP Business Partners are here You are here Print Processed Invoices FTP Email Print Un- Processed Invoices Athena Server Athena Client WWCLASS LOOKUP For complete on this system, see Athena Web Invoice System User Guide Slides. HP Restricted
Athena Client Install and SetupAthena Website: Athena website can be reached by typing the URL http://www.hp.com/go/athenaon the Internet Explorer Browser. Below is the snapshot of Athena Homepage. HP Restricted
Athena – Downloading of New Athena Client: To download Athena Client from website, Click the link ‘Download Install v5.0 (new)’under the ‘Downloads’ category on the left navigation section. See the snapshot below: HP Restricted
Athena – Installation Instructions: After clicking the ‘Download Install v5.0 (new)’ link, website will lead to the ‘Installation Guide 5.0’ webpage (as below). Users need to follow all the instructions mentioned on the web page for successfully installing Athena Client on their system. HP Restricted
Athena Client – Main Window: Before using Athena Client for generating customs invoices, Users need to setup theparameters according to their site needs in the Setup Form. To do that, start the Athena Client by double clicking the Icon ‘Hewlett Packard Athena 5.0’. Then the following Main Window will be displayed: Speed Buttons Title bar and version no. InvoicesBrowseWindow Search /Sort Keys Process Buttons Process Window Message Box HP Restricted
Athena – Setup Form: The next step for the Users to follow before actually using Athena Client is – to set theparameters in the ‘Setup Form’ according to their Site needs. These parameters affecttheir invoice generation process. So users should be careful in the selection of theseparameters. ‘Setup Form’ can be opened by clicking the ‘Setup Menu’ on the Main Window. HP Restricted
Extension indicating Mailbox file Athena - Retrieve and Load Customs Invoices:Athena – Mailbox File: Each Athena Site is designated with a particular Site Code and Email address. Athena Server sends the mailbox files containing Invoices data to that email address. Below is the snapshot to show how a mailbox file looks like: What does a Mailbox File Look Like??? Site Odometer HP Make NOTE of Your Site Code: India: 5334 Thailand: 5492 Philippines: 5652 HP4211AA.mbx Site Code HP Restricted
Athena – Retrieve of Mailboxes: To retrieve the mailbox file, do the following steps:- Open the Mailbox File Email Message- Right Click Mailbox File attachment and click ‘Save As…’ option- Select ‘C:\Athena’ folder and click the ‘Save’ button for saving the mailbox file HP Restricted
Athena – Loading Mailbox Files: To load mailbox files into Athena Client, do the following steps: - Start Athena Client by double clicking the Athena Icon on the desktop - Click ‘Load’ button Following snapshots shows the loading process: Button forloading theMailboxes MessageBox to confirm forloading theMailboxes HP Restricted
Athena – Loading Mailbox Files: Browse Window showing the loaded invoices HP Restricted
Athena – Sort & Search of Customs Invoices:Athena – Sorting Invoices: Invoices can be sorted by the following sort keys:- Invoice No.- AWB#- Order No.- Mailbox No.- DC Code- RC Code- Group No.- Invoice Date To Sort the invoices, just click the Radio Button corresponding to sort key. Note: Invoices will be sorted in the ascending order of the sort key. HP Restricted
Athena – Sorting Invoices: Following snapshot shows that Invoices are sorted in the order of AWB# by clickingthe Radio Button next to AWB# key. Similar procedure will be followed for other sort keys. Sorted Invoices in the order of AWB# Checked Radio Button for sorting the invoices in AWB# order HP Restricted
Athena – Searching Invoices: Invoices can be searched by any of the following search keys:- Invoice No.- AWB#- Order No.- Mailbox No.- DC Code- RC Code- Group No.- Box Number- Invoice Date To Search for a particular invoice, just enter the value of the search key in the corresponding search key text box. HP Restricted
Athena – Searching Invoices: Following snapshot shows that Invoices are searched by the search key ‘AWB#’ by entering its value in the AWB# search key textbox. Similar procedure will be followed for searching with other search keys. Arrow highlightindicates thesearched invoice. Search Key value HP Restricted
Athena – Display, Print and Download of Customs Invoice:Athena – Displaying Invoices: To display a particular invoice, do the following steps: - Highlight the invoice that needs to be displayed - Click the ‘Display’ button Highlighted invoice that needs to be displayed Display Button for displaying the Invoice HP Restricted
Athena – Displayed Customs Invoice: Invoice Header details Invoice Linedetails HP Restricted
Athena – Downloading Invoice into HTML format: To download a invoice into a HTML formatted invoice file, do the following steps: - Highlight the invoice that needs to be HTML file formatted - Click the ‘Create HTML Invoice’ button Highlighted invoice that needs to be HTML file formatted Button for creating the HTML Invoice HP Restricted
Athena – HTML Invoice File Location: HTML invoice will be saved in the C:\Athena\Download folder. The name of the filewill be same as invoice no.Below snapshot shows that: Location of HTML Invoice HP Restricted
Athena – Downloading Invoice into Flat File: To download a invoice into a Flat file (text file), do the following steps: - Highlight the invoice that needs to be written into Flat File - Click the ‘Create Flat File’ button Highlighted invoice that needs to be written into Flat File Button for creating the Flat File for the selected invoice HP Restricted
Athena – Download Invoice File Location: Downloaded invoice flat file ‘Download.Txt’ will be saved in the C:\Athena\Downloadfolder. Below snapshot shows that: Location of Downloaded Invoice Flat File HP Restricted
Athena – Downloaded Invoices: Once Invoice gets downloaded successfully, Athena puts a ‘*’ markin the ‘D’ Column of the Main Window for that corresponding invoice.Below snapshot shows that: ‘*’ mark in the ‘D’column shows thatparticular invoicewas got downloadedinto a flat file HP Restricted
Athena – Printing Invoices: To print a particular invoice, do the following steps: - Highlight the invoice that needs to be printed - Click the ‘Print’ button Highlighted invoice that needs to be printed Print Button for printing the Invoice HP Restricted
Athena – Printing Invoices: Once Invoice gets printed successfully on the printer, Athena puts a ‘*’ markin the ‘P’ Column of the Main Windows for that corresponding invoice.Below snapshot shows that: ‘*’ mark in the ‘P’column shows thatparticular invoicewas got printed HP Restricted
Athena – Editing of Customs Invoices:Athena – Edit Menu: By Default, Athena Client will not provide the editing privileges to the Athena User.To have editing privileges, Athena Site should request for the same from Athena Management which will then be provided by means of a special mailbox. Edit Menu Functions HP Restricted
Athena – Edit Menu Functions: Once activated, user can do the following editing functions on the CustomsInvoice: • Header - used for editing invoice header details • Line Item – used for editing invoice line item details • Negative Values – used for editing negative unit price values • Zero Quantity – used for editing for zero quantity line items • Manual Invoice – used for editing manual invoices • Sample Invoice – used for editing sample invoices HP Restricted
Athena – Edit Invoice Header: To edit the Invoice Header details, do the following steps: - Select the invoice that needs to be edited by highlighting the invoice on the Main Window - Click Edit Menu and select the option ‘Header’ to open the ‘Edit Invoice Header’ window (see the snapshot below) - Edit the required values on the displayed window - Click the ‘Apply Updates’ button HP Restricted
Athena – Edit Line Item: To edit the Invoice Line Item details, do the following steps: - Select the invoice that needs to be edited by highlighting the invoice on the Main Window - Click Edit Menu and select the option ‘Line Item’ to open the ‘Edit Line Item’ window (see the snapshot below) - Edit the required values on the displayed window - Click the ‘Apply Updates’ button HP Restricted
Athena – Edited Invoice: Invoice once gets edited for any value, puts the original invoice in the History database and then puts the ‘*’ mark in the ‘H’ column to indicate that particularinvoice got edited. ‘*’ mark in the ‘H’ columnindicates that particularinvoice got edited. HP Restricted
Athena – Edit Invoice Negative Values: If any invoice carries a negative unit price, then it can be edited by this option. Todo that, follow the below steps: - Click Edit Menu and select the option ‘Negative Values’ to display the appropriate message box based on whether negative valued invoices are found or not. - Then select the required invoice from the list of invoices and edit it. - Click the ‘Apply Updates’ button. Following snapshots the above steps clearly: Message Box indicating No Negative UnitPrice Valued Invoices are found HP Restricted
Athena – Edit Invoice Negative Values: If the ‘Negative Values’ option in the Edit Menu finds a couple of Negative UnitPriced Invoices, then it displays the following message box for the user: Then the user can select the appropriate invoice and can edit it. Following snapshotshows that: Invoice with a Negative Unit Price Value HP Restricted
Athena – Edit Invoice Zero Quantity: If any invoice carries a zero quantity line item, then it can be edited by this option. Todo that, follow the below steps: - Click Edit Menu and select the option ‘Zero Quantity’ to display the appropriate message box based on whether zero quantity line item invoices are found or not. - Then select the required invoice from the list of invoices and edit it. - Click the ‘Apply Updates’ button. Following snapshots the above steps clearly: Message Box indicating No Zero QuantityLine ItemInvoices are found HP Restricted
Athena – Edit Invoice Zero Quantity: If the ‘Zero Quantity’ option in the Edit Menu finds a couple of Zero QuantityInvoices, then it displays the following message box for the user: Message Box indicating Zero QuantityLine ItemInvoices are found Once the user click the ‘OK’ button, the editing process will be commenced. HP Restricted
Athena - Bulk Printing/Deletion/HTML formatted creation of Invoices:Athena – Bulk Printing of Invoices: Bulk Printing is the process of printing multiple invoices (that has identical key value)with a single click of the ‘Print’ button. Bulk printing is possible, if the invoices has anyof the following identical key values:- AWB#- Order No.- Mailbox No.- DC Code- RC Code- Group No.- Invoice Date To do Bulk Printing, sort the invoices in any of the above key, double click that keyvalue in the Browse window such that the key value is populated in the key valuetext box and then finally click the ‘Print’ button Following snapshot shows the example of Bulk Printing: HP Restricted
Athena – Bulk Printing of Invoices: Message Boxshowing the Bulk Printingof Invoices thathas commonAWB# (Key Value) HP Restricted
Athena – Bulk Deletion of Invoices: Message Boxshowing the Bulk Deletionof Invoices thathas commonAWB# (Key Value) HP Restricted