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i T and Organization LAB. 指導教授. 謝 清 佳 . 博士班研究生 呂 新 科. i T and Organization LAB. Digital Learning Dashboard in an University Conference paper 第四屆全球華人科技研討會( Singapore ) GCCCE - 2000. Exploring the Framework of Knowledge Management on Campus Conference paper 全國計算機會議 (台北)
i T and Organization LAB 指導教授 謝 清 佳 博士班研究生 呂 新 科
iT and Organization LAB Digital Learning Dashboard in an University Conference paper 第四屆全球華人科技研討會(Singapore)GCCCE - 2000 Exploring the Framework of Knowledge Management on Campus Conference paper 全國計算機會議 (台北) NCS - 2001 Dec The effect of Cognitive style & model type on DSS acceptance: An empirical Study Periodical paper European Journal of Operational Research 131 (2001) 649-663 EJoOR - 2001 An Exploring on the Effects of Learning style on the Acceptance of Blended e-Learning Systems (conference paper) (unfinished) 2003 3rd International Conference on Technology in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education July 14-16, 2003 Heidelberg, Germany
H Domain Exploring the Framework of Knowledge Management on Campus Conference paper 全國計算機會議 (台北) NCS - 2001 Dec Conference Track Information System and Knowledge Management Exploring the Framework of Knowledge Management on Campus
Introduction • 本研究的主要目的便是經由文獻探索,據以相關理論架構為基礎提出符合校園營運的知識管理統合架構。 • 同時以數位華岡的經營實務去解析這個架構並驗証執行成效。
Theoretical Background • KM Literature Review 知識的內涵 Support Organization Learning Support Decision Making EDIKW 知識演進模型 資料來源:本研究 管理顧問Arthur Andersen及 Million Dollar均引用「資料-資訊-知識-智慧」的架構[6]
Theoretical Background • KM Literature Review 知識的分類觀點 • 認識論觀點(Epistemology) : • 外顯與內隱知識 • 本體論觀點(Ontological) : • 層次分為個人、群體、組織、跨組織 Nonaka [8]認為這些觀點會隨著知識創造的程序而轉移,知識的轉移將隨觀點呈現螺旋的互動形式。
Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership use use adapt adapt create create Strategy Strategy Strategy Strategy Culture Culture Culture Culture explicit explicit K K K K identify identify share share tacit tacit organize organize collect collect Measurement Measurement Measurement Measurement Process Process Process Process Technology Technology Technology Technology Enablers Enablers • Theoretical Background • KM Literature Review 知識管理架構 資料來源:[7] 引用美國生產力暨品質中心[9]與Arthur Andersen顧問公司共同發展的 「知識管理架構(Knowledge Management Framework)」,結合外顯與內隱知識的分類理論
知識整合型學校的學習架構 資料來源:本研究 • Theoretical Background • KM Literature Review 知識管理與組織學習 本研究整合Moore的學習週期理論[11]與APQC協同Arthur Andersen顧問公司發展的「知識管理架構」[9]
組織性層級 (Organizational Levels ) 生成性階層 (Production Layers) 校園知識組織性層級及生成性階層 資料來源:本研究 • Theoretical Background • KM Literature Review 校園知識層級 • 以本體論(Ontological)的觀點來看,將組織知識層級分為個人、群體、組織、跨組織[8],參酌此知識層次結構的理論,規劃學校知識層級(Knowledge Levels),劃分為六個層次依序為個人、班級(課程)、系所、院部、跨校層次。 • Maturana [13]則將組織的知識體系稱之為知識樹(Knowledge Tree),這是個有趣且富創意的類比方式,我們也根據這樣的精神發展「數位華岡」的知識樹,從根部、樹軀幹、樹幹、枝幹、小枝幹、再至各單獨的樹葉
Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership use use adapt adapt create create Culture Culture Culture Culture Strategy Strategy Strategy Strategy explicit explicit K K K identify identify share share tacit tacit organize organize collect collect Measurement Measurement Measurement Measurement Process Process Process Process Technology Technology Technology Technology Enablers Enablers • Theoretical Background • KM Literature Review Enablers • 完善的資訊基礎建設 Technology • 激勵及適切的組織性機制 Strategy Leadership Measurement • 學習導向的組織文化 Culture
Framework 領 導 use Support Organization Learning 顯 adapt create 服務 隱 研究 文 化 策 略 知識 share identify 知 識 層 organize collect 衡 量 知識管理 科 技 教 學 行 政 知識管理觸媒 應用領域 Support Decision Making 知識創造 研究 Information 服務 知識運用 資 訊 層 資訊管理 教 學 行 政 資訊管理觸媒 應用領域 資訊彙集 資訊應用 資 料 層 DATA
The effect of Cognitive style & model type on DSS acceptance: An empirical StudyThe effect of Cognitive style & model type on DSS acceptance: An empirical Study Periodical paper European Journal of Operational Research 131 (2001) 649-663 EJoOR - 2001 Research Model Correlation / Path Analysis
An Exploring on the Effects of Learning style on the Acceptance of Blended e-Learning Systems (conference paper) 2003 3rd International Conference onTechnology in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education July 14-16, 2003 Heidelberg, Germany This paper presents a path analytic model of students’ acceptance of blended courseware from the perspectives of individual’s learning styles, beliefs and attitudes. Another contribution of this study is to integrate learning styles with the popular TAM model as a new theoretical framework to examine the acceptance of e-learning systems. • Introduction • Theoretical Background • Research Model • Measure and Methodology • Findings and Discussion
Theoretical Background • Adoption Models 1975 Fishbein and Ajzen’s Ajzen et al (1985) TRA TBP TAM TAM2 David et al (2000) Davis 1980)
Theoretical Background • Adoption Models TAM, a dominant model, proposed by Davis(1980) was adapted from the TRA model. Much research in the last two decades implies that TAM is one of the most widely cited and influential models. According to TAM, the usage of system is highly correlated with the behavior intention, which is largely determined by attitude toward the system. The construct of attitude will be influenced by individual’s beliefs, which is further defined by two determinants, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. A number of researchers examine the possible mediating effects as additional constructs to extant models.(Dishaw & Strong) The TPB model proposed by Ajzen(1991) extends from the original TRA model by taking subjective norms and perceived behavior control into consideration. Lucas and Spitler (1999) also extended TAM, including social norms and user performance, and tested their model in a field study.
Beliefs Attitude Intention Beliefs Attitude Intention Individual Individual System • Theoretical Background • Extant Constructs in Adoption Models Use External Social Norm Use
Theoretical Background • Individual Difference Individual difference is regarded as a dominant factor to the adoption behavior of information system. David & Detmar(1997) reported that gender differences that might relate to beliefs and use of computer-based media. LU et al(2000) have examined the difference in cognitive style how to impact on the usage behavior of DSS systems. Because of the variety of perspectives used to differentiate individual, the meaningful difference factors are chosen based on the relevance to the characteristics of research subject, web-based learning.
Beliefs Attitude Intention Beliefs Attitude Intention Individual Individual System • Theoretical Background • Individual Difference EJoOR - 2001 Decision Styles DSS System ICTTL 2003 Learning Styles Web-based Learning Use External Social Norm Use
Theoretical Background • Learning Styles Kolb’s(1984) Learning Style Inventory model classifies learners in terms of their relative preferences for thinking in four different types based on concrete experience or abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation or reflective observation dimensions. Four categories: Type 1 preferences for concrete experience and reflective observation. Type 2 preferences for abstract conceptualization and reflective observation. Type 3 preferences abstract conceptualization and active experimentation. Type 4 preferences concrete experience and active experimentation. • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), a well-known model classifies learner by • extroverts/introverts, • sensing/intuition, • thinking/feeling, • judging/perceiving dimensions.
Theoretical Background • Learning Styles Felder & Silverman (1988) proposed a model of learning styles that has been emerged as a popular model to classify learners in the educational field. 44 self-report questions. • Active/ Reflective: • Active learners like to try things out and see how they work and like to work with others. • Reflective learners like to think things through first. • Sensing/Intuitive: • Sensors like to learn facts, use well established methods and practical and careful. • Intuitors tend to work fast and be innovative and can often handle abstract and mathematical concepts well. • Visual/Verbal: • Visual learners like diagrams, pictures, graphs and films. • Verbal learners get more out of words heard and written. • Sequential/Global: • Sequential learners like to work in linear steps that follow logically. • Global learners like to jump in, absorb material nearly at random and then get the big picture.
SEN-INT VIS-VRB ACT-REF SEQ-GLO Preference Usefulness Ease of Use Duration Social Norm Willingness • Research Model • extend from TAM Learning Styles Beliefs Attitude Intention Usage TAM 3 2 TBP, TAM2 TBP, TAM2 1 By examining individual difference effects in the context of TAM, the integrated model identifies learning style as impact factor to individual’s beliefs and attitude. Furthermore, this paper examines the influence of learning style and social norm on IT usage behavior. Learning style and social norm were explicitly incorporated in TAM as external variables affecting perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use in the research model.
Measure and Methodology • extend from TAM Samples The sample includes 167 undergraduate students of a Basic Computer Skills course in Chinese Culture University. They were asked to use e-Learning systems to support the classroom teaching during a whole semester. The frequency and duration of usage were collected automatically by systems. Questionnaire • Learning Styles: LSI 44 items (Felder-Silverman Model) • Beliefs (PU / PETU) + Attitude + Intention : 16 items
Measure and Methodology • Extension from TAM Usage Construct • Duration • Article read • Article post • File download • Announcement • Homework ∑UisWi Standardized Statistics Methods • Description Statistics • Reliability : Cronbach • Validity: Factor Analysis • Correlation • Path Analysis
ACT ACT ACT ACT 4.47 * 5.36 * ACT 0.65 3 -3 – 3 Non-Diff. Zone 0 REF -5.71 * -3 A Group B Group F Group G Group SEQ SEN SEQ SEQ SEN SEN SEQ SEQ SEN SEN GLO INT -2.65 2.22 3 * 5.43 * 5.55 * 0.38 3.49 * 6.27 * VRB -0.22 VIS 3.36 * 4.53 * 9 * VIS VIS VIS VIS ACT ACT ACT ACT 5.19 * 1.28 1.4 C Group D Group E Group SEQ SEN SEQ SEQ SEN SEN SEQ SEN -5.36 * 1.55 -5 * -2.7 -2.8 6.03 * 2.1 6.17 * 8.27 * VIS VIS VIS VIS
Usefulness Ease of Use Usage SEN-INT SEQ-GLO ACT-REF VIS-VRB Social Norm Preference Willingness Beliefs Usage Attitude Intention • Findings • Correlation (Unfinished) Learning Styles 0.219 ** -0.185 * - 0.167* 0.396 ** -0.185 * 0.696 ** 0.44** 0.5 ** 0.594 ** 0.4** 0.391 ** 0.16 * 0.185 * Samples 164 ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed)