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Organisational Change and Development, 15 hp. Course Coordinator: Henrik Kock Henrik.kock@liu.se. Organizational Change and Development - several dramatic notions on this issue.
Organisational Change and Development, 15 hp Course Coordinator: Henrik Kock Henrik.kock@liu.se
Organizational Change and Development- several dramatic notions on this issue ”Not since the industrialrevolution have the stakes ofdealingwithchangebeen so high” (Economist 2012) ”Organizations must change or die” (Times, 2011) ”Lowsuccess rate – about 70 % of all changeinitiativesfail” (Harvard Business Review, 2000) ”Executivesneedto understand the nature and process oforganizationalchangebetter – Leadersneedsto crack the codeofchange” (Harvard Business Review, 2011) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Students in needto understand the nature and process oforganizationalchangebetter? • Students needto crack the codeofchange?
Course Objectives • … to contribute to a deeper understanding of organizational change and development and how certain factors and conditions can be viewed as enabling/constraining organizational change and development, • … overview of key areas of planned organizational change and describes various theoretical perspectives that can be applied to study change processes in organizations, • … how organizational change can be organized in practice.
Organisational Change and Development viewed from several perspectives • Leading Organizational Change • Learning and Organizational Change • Politics and Organizational Change • Management and Steering Large Scale Projects • Participation and Organizational Change • Gender and Organizational Change • Restructuring the Public Service Sector • Researchers connected to HELIX Vinn Excellence Centre
Examination and requirements • Readings texts • Discussing texts in work groups • Submitting questions to seminars and active participation in seminars • Writing a paper • Discussing and Defending the paper in a Seminar
A Typical Week: Leadership and Organisational Change
Course Literature (734G47, 759A37)Compulsory readings on basic and advanced levels Beer, Michael, and Nitin Nohria (2000). "Cracking the Code of Change". Harvard Business Review 78, (May-June 2000), pp. 133-141. Beer, M., Eisenstat, R. A., & Spector, B. (1990, November/December). Why change programs don't produce change. Harvard Business Review, 68, pp. 4-12. Brulin, G., & Svensson, L. (2012). Managing Suistainable Development Programmes. A Learning Approach to Change. London: Gower (book). Buchanan, D. and Badham R.J., (2008.) Power, politics and organizational change. Sage Publications (book). Ellström, P-E. (2010a). Organizational Learning, In P. Peterson, E. Baker, & B. McGraw (Eds.) International Encyclopedia of Education, pp. 47-52 (pdf, will be distributed). Ellström, P.-E. (2010b). Practice-based innovation: a learning perspective. Journal of Workplace Learning, 22, No.1/2, pp. 27-40. O`Reilly, C., & Tushman, M. (2004). The Ambidextrous Organization. Harvard Business Review, April. Sundin, E. (1995). The Social Construction of Gender and Technology. A Process with No Definitive Answer. The European Journal of Women´s Studies, 2, 3, pp.335-353 (paper copy, will be distributed). Sundin, E. (2011). Entrepreurship and the reorganization of the public sector: A gendered story. Economic and Social Democrazy, 32, 4, pp. 631-653. Sundin E. & Tillmar, M (, 2010) The Masculinization of the Elderly Care Sector: Local-Level Studies of Public Sector Outsourcing, International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, spring 2010. Svensson, L., Brulin, G., Jansson, S., & Sjöberg, K. (2009). Learning Through Ongoing Evaluation. Lund: Studentlitteratur (book). Chapter 1-5, 14. Wallo, A., Nilsson, P., & Kock, H. (2012).Accelerating and Braking in Times of Economic Crisis: Organisational learning in a top management team. Submitted to the Journal of European Industrial Training. (PDF, will be distributed). Weick, K. E and Quinn, R. E. (1999.) Organisational change and development. Annual Review of Psychology, 50, pp. 361-86. Wilson, J (1991) Participation - a framework and foundation for ergonomics? Journal of Occupational Psychology, 64, 1, pp. 67-80. Yukl, G., & Lepsinger, R. (2006). Leading Change. Adapting and Innovating in an Uncertain World. Leadership in Action, April May, pp. 3-7.
Additional literature on advanced level Adler, P., S. (2009). Marx and Organization Studies Today. In: P., S. Adler (Ed.), The Handbook of Sociology and Organization Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press (pdf, will be distributed). Andriopoulos and Lewis, (2009). Exploitation-Exploration Tensions and Organizational Ambidexterity: Managing Paradoxes of Innovation, Organization Science, 20, No 4, pp.696-717. Avolio, B., J., Walumbwa, F., O. , & Weber, T., J. (2009). Leadership: Current Theories, Research, and Future Directions. Annual Review of Psychology, vol 60, pp. 421-449. Heller et al. (1998). Organizational participation - myths and reality. Oxford University Press. (Chapter 5-6, paper copy, will be distributed). Svensson, L., Brulin, G., Jansson, S., & Sjöberg, K. (2009). Learning Through Ongoing Evaluation. Lund: Studentlitteratur(book). Chapter 7, 8, 10. Ven, A. H. V. d., & Poole, M. S. (1995). Explaining Development and Change in Organizations. Academy of Management Review, 20, pp. 510-540.