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Vietnam War

Vietnam War. Images and Information. Of the 2.7 million Americans that served in the Vietnam war… 300,000 were wounded in action 75,000 were disabled Of the casualties listed on The Wall, approximately 1,300 remain missing in action 58,129 were killed The average age was 19.

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Vietnam War

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Vietnam War Images and Information

  2. Of the 2.7 million Americans that served in the Vietnam war… 300,000 were wounded in action 75,000 were disabled Of the casualties listed on The Wall, approximately 1,300 remain missing in action 58,129 were killed The average age was 19

  3. The beginnings…to the new air advances

  4. Photograph courtesy of the National Archives and RecordsAdministration.

  5. Monsoon Season…land to tent

  6. Transportation

  7. In lieu of a tank… M113 Armored Personnel Carrier The M113 served as valuable transport, reconnaissance and fire support in a variety of terrains.

  8. (Picture courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration.)

  9. Photograph courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration.

  10. U.S. troop deployment by helicopter in Vietnam.. IRC(2005). Retrieved May 25, 2009, fromDiscovery Education: http://streaming.discoveryeducation.com/

  11. Huey: Bell UH-1 Helicopter The Huey could fly at low altitudes and speeds land in small clearings transport troops, equipment, and supplies provide additional firepower to troops on the ground evacuate the dead and wounded

  12. On Patrol U.S. Special Forces in Vietnam.. IRC(2005). Retrieved May 25, 2009, fromDiscovery Education: http://streaming.discoveryeducation.com/ Cavalry Division on search and destroy mission.. IRC(2005). Retrieved May 25, 2009, fromDiscovery Education: http://streaming.discoveryeducation.com/

  13. An infantry patrol moves up (June 7, 1966) Dak To, South Vietnam. (Picture courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration.)

  14. Marines take to the water as they move to join up with other elements of their battalion. 07/1966 (Picture courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration.)

  15. Wet going - Marine Private First Class J.L. Collins keeps a battery pack dry as he wades through a muddy hole while on a search mission (Picture courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration.)

  16. A U.S. Army soldier directs a helicopter approaching to pick up injured in South Vietnam. Helicopter evacuates wounded, Vietnam war.. IRC(2005). Retrieved May 25, 2009, fromDiscovery Education: http://streaming.discoveryeducation.com/

  17. Medical Evacuation. Marines, while under heavy firefight with NVAs within the DMZ, are carrying one of their fellow Marines. (July 29, 1967) (Picture courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration.)

  18. The Conditions

  19. Staff Sergeant Howard Stevens, a Special Forces advisor, gets a chance to read his mail. (January 15, 1964) (Picture courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration.)

  20. "Home is where you dig" was the sign over the fighting bunker. (1968) (Picture courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration.)

  21. Private First Class Russell R. Widdifield takes a break during a ground movement. (1969) (Picture courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration.)

  22. Thanksgiving….to Patrick

  23. The Uniform & Supplies CanteenNecessary in hot conditions, canteens were often passed on to friends by soldiers going home. Many soldiers carried multiple canteens when given the opportunity, despite the weight added by the water. BackpackSoldiers carried their gear in a canvas field packs. The pack weighed as much as 90 pounds or more.

  24. Headgear Soldiers received a steel helmet, which served many purposes: Protection against shrapnel or bullets Chair Cookpot “Butt armor" during helicopter transport Protected valuables like cigarettes, matches and personal letters from frequent downpours

  25. Food In the field, food included dehydrated and canned meals, or fish, rice, and other food scavenged from the land.

  26. The Language of a Soldier

  27. AIRBURST- explosion of ammunition in the air FIREFIGHT- exchange of small arms fire between enemies LIGHT UP- to fire on the enemy MAD MINUTE- firing all weapons for a short time

  28. BIRD any aircraft, usually helicopters • C-rations (C-rats) -- canned meals • D.M.Z. demilitarized zone • GRUNT nickname for a Marine • R & R rest-and-recreation

  29. VIETCONG (VC)— the enemy of the US • CHARLIE -- short "VC": Victor Charlie

  30. The Journal of Patrick Seamus Flaherty • America won the war easily. (True or False) • This was a (short,long) war. • Where is Vietnam located? • What does the country look like? • What is the climate like? • How is this war similar to other wars in American history? How is it different?

  31. Music Used • Paint it Black—Rolling Stones • Have you ever seen the rain? Creedence Clearwater Revival • Elevation-U2 • We Gotta Get Out of this Place—The Animals • Welcome to the Jungle—Guns-n-Roses

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