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Estimation of Resolution and reduced Likelihood analysis - Kai Schatto University of Mainz. IceCube Colaboration Meeting, Berlin 21. September 09. Contents. Part 1: Status of Cramer-Rao modul. Part 2: Studies on reduced likelihood. 18/09/09. 2. Cramer-Rao-Bound.
Estimation of Resolution and reduced Likelihood analysis - Kai Schatto University of Mainz IceCube Colaboration Meeting, Berlin 21. September 09
Contents Part 1: Status of Cramer-Rao modul Part 2: Studies on reduced likelihood 18/09/09 2
Cramer-Rao-Bound • Cramér-Rao inequality expresses lower bound for resolution of individual track • Cramér-Rao inequality: • Fisher information matrix: • p=propability density function • (in our case Pandel function) 18/09/09 4
Cramer-Rao-Bound • Fisher information matrix: 18/09/09 5
Cramer-Rao-Bound • Fisher information matrix: 18/09/09 6
Cramer-Rao-Bound • Fisher information matrix: 18/09/09 7
Cramer-Rao-Bound • Fisher information matrix: precalculated calculated on the run 18/09/09 8
Cut efficiency Cutting the geometric mean of azimuth and zenith estimation 18/09/09 9
Cut efficiency 6 % 3 % 1 % 50 % Cutting the geometric mean of azimuth and zenith estimation 18/09/09 10
Real resol vs estimator 18/09/09 11
New: Depth-dependent scatter length • we use the Pandel function as pdf, which depends on lambda: • before a fixed lambda value of 33m was used, which is not accurate due to • in ice dust layers for instance • now the Cramer-Rao estimation is calculated with the lambda values from: • „Ackermann, M., et al. (2006), Optical properties of deep glacial • ice at the South Pole, J. Geophys. Res., 111, D13203, • doi:10.1029/2005JD006687“ 18/09/09 12
New: Depth-dependent scatter length 18/09/09 13
New: Convoluted Pandel • using gauss convoluted pandel from: • Implementation of a Gauss convoluted Pandel PDF • for track reconstruction in Neutrino Telescopes, • N. van Eijndhoven, O. Fadiran and G. Japaridze 18/09/09 14
New: Convoluted Pandel • using gauss convoluted pandel from: • Implementation of a Gauss convoluted Pandel PDF • for track reconstruction in Neutrino Telescopes, • N. van Eijndhoven, O. Fadiran and G. Japaridze t/ns 18/09/09 15
New: Convoluted Pandel 18/09/09 16
Still fast to compute • using a precalculated table • On an Intel Xeon 2.5GHz quad core 0.91ms/event • a paraboloid calculation takes 178ms • no need for high level reco 18/09/09 17
Part 1: Status of Cramer-Rao modul Part 2: Studies on reduced likelihood 18/09/09 18
llh!=Chi^2 • definition of reduced likelihood • but likelihood differs from Chi^2 • get further information in • Studies on reduced likelihood, Lutz Köpke 18/09/09 19
reduced Likelihood vs NChannel 18/09/09 20
Nchannel independent rLlh Fit to find rlogl without NCh dependency 18/09/09 21
Nchannel independent rLlh Fit to find rlogl without NCh dependency Reduced Llh with (NCh-0.8) 18/09/09 22
Nchannel independent rLlh 18/09/09 23
Cut comparison 18/09/09 24
Correlation correlation factor for background = 0.1 18/09/09 25
Conclusion & status • Cramer Rao module: • Cramér-Rao module currently in testing & review stage • fast computation and practical for early cuts • not correlating too strong with rLlh cuts • integration into offline software soon • rLlh: • rLlh cuts are hidden channel cuts • other name for that what‘s currently called „reduced Likelihood“ -> effective Likelihood ??? • reduced likelihood similar to Chi^2 with (N-0.8) 18/09/09 26
Thanks for listening! 18/09/09 27