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Jeudi le 21 mars. Nike of Samothrace or the Winged Victory of Samothrace 220-190 BC. Reminder: Bathroom passes are given last 3 minutes of class only!. “To have a big head”. F 2: RECIPES due tomorrow! What kind of French food do you like? .
Jeudi le 21 mars Nike of Samothrace or the Winged Victory of Samothrace 220-190 BC
Reminder: Bathroom passes are given last 3 minutes of class only! “To have a big head”
F 2: RECIPES due tomorrow! What kind of French food do you like?
F 2 RECIPE & GROCERY LIST MINI-PROJECTS(Example: See recipe- 192-193, & samples) Start own recipe in class-go online and find a French recipe you like. A. Create a recipe card with ingredients/instructions in French on one side and a picture of the food on the other side. B.Then create a grocery list, writing quantities of 20 items you need for the recipe and for your weekly groceries (a dozen eggs, a jar of mustard, a litre of water, etc.) BOTH are Due on Friday! BOOK TEST DUE! Recipes/list due tomorrow! VERBCHART out-due Monday, 4/1 5 FF project-due Monday, 4/8 VERBCHART #1: (Parler) (tu) Tuparles –You speak Tu as parlé- You have spoken Tu vas parler-You are going to speak
F 3 • Essay rough drafts due: first 10 sentences and second 15 sentences. You will get them back on Monday. Please tweak, type and turn in on Tuesday to the sub.(curriculum meeting) • Today: Finish presenting poems. • If time:In groups:Translate “La Parure” • Tomorrow’s film? Les Misérables!
F 2 PreAP • Review new vocabulary (208-213) • VERBCHART out-work in class & turn in today. You can have it again tomorrow to work on! • Bor. Words K –in LMS-due next Wed. #5 is RESTER! VERBCHART #1: (Parler) (tu) 1. PARLER(to speak) (Tu) Tuparles –You speak Tu as parlé- You have spoken Tu vas parler-You are going to speak 2. DIRE (To say/tell) (Elles) Ellesdisent-They say/tell Ellesontdit-They said/told Ellesvont dire-They going to say
F 1 Notes 144, 147. (140 and 142 are due!) 3X French, 1X English Review body words, songs Body games! If time: Review classroom supply words-next slides! MORE Body games tomorrow!
Le corps Videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWqdJ97Oxt8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKjJWnoVpeY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vbp5f_NyP2A&list=UUw7R1--Ace1uEt-ZiWuvzSA&index=10&feature=plcp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bChrAwLzoSo&playnext=1&feature=results_main http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_hFw_cWg9U http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsxuynmMc-w GAME: http://lexiquefle.free.fr/vocab.swf
F 1 http://quizlet.com/2506218/quizlet-1-french-school-supplies-w-images-flash-cards/