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Understand the operating principles, processes and variables associated with chemical pulping. P&P4CR SHE. P&P4CR Basics of chemical pulping. P&P4CR Quality. P&P4CR Standard Operating Procedures. P&P4CR Utilities. P&P4CR Maintenance.
Understand the operating principles, processes and variables associated with chemical pulping
P&P4CR SHE P&P4CR Basics of chemical pulping P&P4CR Quality P&P4CR Standard Operating Procedures P&P4CR Utilities P&P4CR Maintenance Understand the operating principles, processes and variables associated with chemical pulping Modules Notional Hours 28 12 12 12 10 14 14 12 6 120 PC403 Understanding the chemical pulping process PC403 Understanding the quality requirements of chemical pulping feedstock and products PC403 Understanding variations in the process PC403 Applying sampling practices PC403 Understanding the use of utilities in the chemical pulping processes PC403 Understanding Operating Procedures in the process PC403 Applying Standard Operating Procedures to the process PC403 Applying first line maintenance PC403 Applying SHE in the process Total Notional Hours
Critical Cross-field Outcomes Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Communicate effectively Organise and manage myself and my activities Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Use science and technology effectively and critically Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Use mathematics Learner and societal development US: U0001 Understand the operating principles, processes and variables associated with chemical pulping PC403 Understanding the chemical pulping process Be able to explain the fundamental chemical processes underlying each of the alternative chemical pulping processes Understand the basic properties and characteristics of all chemicals used in the process Understand the principles for mass balancing, mass transfer, combustion, heat transfer and how these are applied in the recovery process Understand the basic principles of diffusion in wood liquid interface Understand the fundamental operating principles of each of the types of pulping processes Be able to identify each piece of equipment in each of the major pulping processes Be able to trace the material flow through each of the types of pulping processes Understand the basic advantages and disadvantages of each of the pulping processes Understand the purpose of this process and how it fits into the overall process
Notional Hours 28 Topic Specification: PC403 The chemical pulping process Learning Activities Assignment Description Topic assessment criteria Use Multi media Individual or group training. Do self study to develop key plant operation questions. Answers are obtained by discussions with production experts and plant investigation. WHAT • The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: • Understand the purpose of this process and how it fits into the overall process • Understand the basic advantages and disadvantages of each of the pulping processes • Are able to identify each piece of equipment in each of the major pulping processes • Are able to trace the material flow through each of the types of pulping processes • Understand the principles for mass balancing, mass transfer, combustion, heat transfer and how these are applied in the recovery process • Understand the fundamental operating principles of each of the types of pulping processes • Understand the basic principles of diffusion in wood liquid interface • Understand the basic properties and characteristics of all chemicals used in the processes • Are able to explain the fundamental chemical processes underlying each of the alternative chemical pulping processes Self Study Plant investigation Collect Information HOW Media search Interview experts • Learners are provided with relevant plant and equipment information / manuals • Inspect the plant and determine the flow of material through the plant • Draw a block diagram to show where this process fits into the overall process, specifically noting suppliers and customers of this plant • Draw a basic layout sketch of this area • In a discussion with a plant specialist, identify: • the purpose of the process • the basic advantages and disadvantages of each of the pulping processes • the different equipment used in the process • the fundamental operating principles of each piece of equipment and the total plant • the principles for mass balancing, mass transfer, combustion, heat transfer and how these are applied in the recovery process • the basic properties and characteristics of all chemicals within this process • the basic principles of diffusion in wood liquid interface • the fundamental chemical processes underlying each of the alternative chemical pulping processes • Learners complete a questionnaire to indicate findings Attend lectures Group Discussions Sketch Case studies Analyse, plan and make decisions Use checklists Develop recommendations Job assignment Make presentation Complete documents Execute, test and evaluate Draft a report Complete a questionnaire
Critical Cross-field Outcomes Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Communicate effectively Organise and manage myself and my activities Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Use science and technology effectively and critically Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Use mathematics Learner and societal development US: U0001 Understand the operating principles, processes and variables associated with chemical pulping PC403 Understanding the quality requirements of chemical pulping feedstock and products Be able to construct a spreadsheet with throughputs, specifications, typical results and reasons for each specification Be able to carry out quality checks on the feedstock and final products Understand the properties of the feedstock, intermediate and final products Know the typical specifications for the feedstock, intermediate and final products Understand the reasons for quality standards in raw materials, intermediates and final products Know the suppliers of feedstock and the customers for the products produced.
Notional Hours 12 Topic Specification: PC403 Quality requirements of chemical pulping feedstock and products Learning Activities Assignment Description Topic assessment criteria Use Multi media WHAT • PC403he assessor will observe and confirm that learners: • Know the suppliers of feedstock and the customers for the products produced. • Understand the reasons for quality standards in raw materials, intermediates and final products • Know the typical specifications for the feedstock, intermediate and final products • Understand the properties of the feedstock, intermediate and final products • Are able to carry out quality checks on the feedstock and final products • Are able to construct a spreadsheet with throughputs, specifications, typical results and reasons for each specification Individual or group training. Obtain basic product and supplier information by discussions with production experts. Apply knowledge in a practical quality check. Self Study Plant investigation Collect Information Media search HOW Interview experts Attend lectures • Learners are supplied with information on feedstock quality • Have a facilitated group discussion in the plant to determine: • by whom feedstock is supplied and routes into the plant • PC403he reasons for quality standards in raw materials, intermediates and final products • the typical grades and properties of the feedstock • the typical properties and specifications used for the intermediate and final products • the customers for the products produced • Construct a spreadsheet with throughputs, specifications, typical results and reasons for each specification • Carry out quality checks on the final products using the checklist/spreadsheet and report findings Group Discussions Educational games Case studies Analyse, plan and make decisions Use checklists Develop recommendations Job assignment Make presentation Complete documents Execute, test and evaluate Draft a report Complete a questionnaire
Critical Cross-field Outcomes Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Communicate effectively Organise and manage myself and my activities Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Use science and technology effectively and critically Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Use mathematics Learner and societal development US: U0001 Understand the operating principles, processes and variables associated with chemical pulping PC403 Understanding variations in the process Know the effect of variations and deviations on the process and products Understand what process variations could occur in the process Understand how a deviation in the properties of the feedstock will impact on the process Understand what feedstock variations could occur in the process Be able to complete all log sheets
Notional Hours 12 Topic Specification: PC403 Variations in the process Learning Activities Assignment Description Topic assessment criteria Use Multi media WHAPT • The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: • Are able to complete all log sheets. • Understand what feedstock variations could occur in the process • Understand how a deviation in the properties of the feedstock will impact on the process • Understand what process variations could occur in the process • Know the effect of variations and deviations on the process and products Individual or group training. Use the information on the feed stock obtained earlier to list quality variations. A facilitated discussion to identify possible process deviations and the downstream effects. Self Study Plant investigation Collect Information Media search Interview experts HOW Attend lectures Group Discussions • Learners are supplied with log sheets and assisted to complete them with the help of a production specialist • Individually list the feedstock variations that could occur and the effect each type of variation could have on the final products and / or in downstream processes or products • In a facilitated discussion at the site, identify and list process deviations that could occur and the effect each type of deviation could have on the final products and / or in downstream processes or products • Tabulate all variations and deviations, their effects and the broad rectification action required and compile the information into a report Educational games Case studies Analyse, plan and make decisions List / Tabulate Develop recommendations Job assignment Make presentation Complete documents Execute, test and evaluate Draft a report Complete a questionnaire
Critical Cross-field Outcomes Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Communicate effectively Organise and manage myself and my activities Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Use science and technology effectively and critically Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Use mathematics Learner and societal development US: U0001 Understand the operating principles, processes and variables associated with chemical pulping PC403 Applying sampling practices Be able to interpret the test results in terms of the impact on the process and customers Be able to construct a basic spreadsheet for sources and sample results Be able to do sampling according to plant standards Understand the principles of sampling used in the chemical pulping process
Notional Hours 12 Topic Specification: PC403 Apply sampling practices Learning Activities Assignment Description Topic assessment criteria Use Multi media WHAPC403 • The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: • Understand the principles of sampling used in the chemical pulping process • Are able to do sampling according to plant standards • Are able to construct a basic spreadsheet for different sources and sample results • Are able to interpret the test results in terms of the impact on the process and customers Learners are given a short lecture on the statistical basis of sampling practice. Sampling is demonstrated and then done under supervision. A spreadsheet showing required and typical feedstock and final product qualities is drawn up. Self Study Plant investigation Collect Information Expert demonstration Interview experts Attend lectures Group Discussions HOW Educational games Case studies Analyse, plan and make decisions • Learners are given a lecture on the statistical basis of sampling practice and tied into the sampling practice in the chemical pulping area. • A typical sampling procedure is outlined and a simple checklist compiled • Learners view a demonstration of sampling and take a full range of samples under supervision • The results of samples are compared to specifications and typical values previously obtained • A short report outlines findings List / tabulate Develop recommendations Job assignment Make presentation Complete documents Execute, test and evaluate Draft a report Complete a test
Critical Cross-field Outcomes Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Communicate effectively Organise and manage myself and my activities Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Use science and technology effectively and critically Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Use mathematics Learner and societal development US: U0001 Understand the operating principles, processes and variables associated with chemical pulping PC403 Understanding the use of utilities in the chemical pulping processes Understand the fundamental operating principles associated with the utility systems Be able to identify each piece of equipment in each utility system associated with this process Understand the purpose, use and application of each utility system and how it fits into the process
Notional Hours 10 Topic Specification: PC403 The use of utilities in the chemical pulping processes Learning Activities Assignment Description Topic assessment criteria Use Multi media WHAT Individual or group training. Do self study to develop key plant operation questions. Answers are obtained by discussions with production experts and plant investigation. • The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: • Understand the purpose, use and application of each utility system as well as the fundamental operating principles associated with the systems. • Are able to identify the components of the systems. Self Study Plant investigation Collect Information Media search Interview experts HOW Attend lectures Group Discussions • Inspect the equipment and determine the interaction of each auxiliary system with the plant • Draw a block diagram showing the main components of each auxiliary system relevant to the plant. • In a discussion with a specialist on the auxiliary system, identify: • what the purpose, use and application of each utility system is • how it supports the process • the different components of the systems, and • the fundamental operating principles of each system • Compile all the obtained information in a short report Sketch Summarise Analyse, plan and make decisions Use checklists Develop recommendations Job assignment Make presentation Complete documents Execute, test and evaluate Draft a report Complete a test/questionnaire
Critical Cross-field Outcomes Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Communicate effectively Organise and manage myself and my activities Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Use science and technology effectively and critically Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Use mathematics Learner and societal development US: U0001 Understand the operating principles, processes and variables associated with chemical pulping PC403 Understanding Operating Procedures in the process Understand the sequence and reason for correcting deviations Understand the sequence and reason for shut-down and emergency shut-down procedures Understand the reason for maintaining normal running conditions and the consequences of losses caused by inefficient operation Understand the sequence and reasons for every pre-check Understand the sequence and reasons for start-up procedures Understand the reasons for having pre-check-, start-up-, normal running-, shutdown- and deviation correction procedures Understand the different responsibilities in terms of compiling, authorization, layout / format and safety procedures contained in the Standard Operating Procedures Know any other plant / process rules and regulations applicable to the plant Know the purpose of Standard Operating Procedures
Notional Hours 14 Topic Specification: PC403 Understanding “Standard Operating Procedures” Learning Activities Assignment Description Topic assessment criteria Use Multi media A facilitated group discussion is used to clarify the logic behind controlled procedure systems. Individual procedures are studied in detail or in terms of key steps as indicated. Indices and summaries for procedures are created for easy future reference. WHAT • The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: • Know the purpose of these procedures • Know other applicable plant rules and regulations • Understand the reason for responsibility control and document control procedures • Understand the reasons for having • pre-checks • start-up procedures • maintaining normal running condition procedures and the consequences of losses caused by inefficient operation • shut-down and emergency shut-down procedures • correcting deviation procedures • Know procedures and sequences in detail or in terms of key steps as required Self Study Plant investigation Collect Information Media search Interview experts Attend lectures HOW Group Discussions • Learners are supplied with the operating procedures for the plant and individual equipment and any other relevant plant rules and regulations • In a facilitated group, the document control system is shortly explained. PC403he purpose of the procedures, responsibility control, document control and having procedures for each operating phase (pre-check, etc.) is discussed and summarised • Procedures and sequences are studied in detail (esp. emergency procedures) or in terms of key steps as required. Practical understanding and knowledge is essential • Learners should compile a file containing an index (with subheadings / keywords as necessary) of each procedure • A theoretical test will proof competence Educational games Summarise Analyse, plan and make decisions Use checklists Develop recommendations Job assignment Make presentation Complete documents Execute, test and evaluate Draft a report Complete a theoretical test
Critical Cross-field Outcomes Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Communicate effectively Organise and manage myself and my activities Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Use science and technology effectively and critically Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Use mathematics Learner and societal development US: U0001 Understand the operating principles, processes and variables associated with chemical pulping PC403 Applying Standard Operating Procedures on the process Be able to bring product variations under control Be able to shut the process down Be able to bring process variations under control Be able to maintain normal running conditions Be able to monitor the process Be able to start the process up Be able to do pre-checks on the process Be able to use and interpret instrument readings
Notional Hours 14 Topic Specification: PC403 Applying “Standard Operating Procedures” Learning Activities Assignment Description Topic assessment criteria Use Multi media WHAT • The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: • Are able to: • use and interpret instrument readings • do pre-checks on the process • start the process up • monitor the process • maintain normal running conditions • bring process and product variations under control • shut the process down Group or individual training sessions where, through demonstration, the learner first observes the implementation of operating procedures and then implements the procedures himself under supervision Self Study Plant investigation Collect Information Media search Expert demonstration Attend lectures HOW Group Discussions Summarise • By using relevant checklists and operating procedures, learners will first observe and then, under supervision, implement the following procedures: • do pre-checks on the process • start the process up • use and interpret any instrument readings • monitor the process • maintain normal running conditions • bring process and product variations under control • shut the process down • Complete any relevant pre-check, start-up, etc. reports as normally required • A practical test will proof competence Case studies Analyse, plan and make decisions Use checklists Develop recommendations Job assignment Make presentation Complete documents Execute, test and evaluate Draft a report Complete a practical test
Critical Cross-field Outcomes Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Communicate effectively Organise and manage myself and my activities Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Use science and technology effectively and critically Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Use mathematics Learner and societal development US: U0001 Understand the operating principles, processes and variables associated with chemical pulping PC403 Applying first line maintenance Be able to carry out maintenance and pre-maintenance duties on the process Know documentation requirements for maintenance functions
Notional Hours 12 Topic Specification: PC403 Applying first line maintenance Learning Activities Assignment Description Topic assessment criteria Use Multi media WHAPC403 • The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: • Understand the documentation requirements for maintenance functions • Are able to carry out maintenance and pre-maintenance duties on the process. Individual or group training. Study given materials regarding first line maintenance. A discussion / demonstration of first line maintenance duties are facilitated at the plant. Carry out first line maintenance under supervision. Self Study Plant investigation Collect Information Media search Expert demonstration Attend lectures Group Discussions HOW Summarise Case studies Analyse, plan and make decisions • Learners are supplied with documentation required for first line maintenance on the plant and machines • A discussion / demonstration of typical first line maintenance procedures and their sequence is facilitated in the plant • A checklist is drawn up • Under supervision, carry out pre-maintenance and maintenance duties on equipment as prescribed • Complete pre-maintenance and maintenance reports / log sheets Use checklists Develop recommendations Job assignment Make presentation Complete documents Execute, test and evaluate Draft a report Complete a test/questionnaire
Critical Cross-field Outcomes Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Communicate effectively Organise and manage myself and my activities Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Use science and technology effectively and critically Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Use mathematics Learner and societal development US: U0001 Understand the operating principles, processes and variables associated with chemical pulping PC403 Applying SHE in the process Understand the potential environmental impact of the process Be able to identify all potential hazards and indicate actions to reduce/avoid hazards Know the relevant sections of the OHS Act Understand the application of fire prevention, lock-out and emergency procedures Know the safety standards, procedures and safety equipment relevant to the process
Notional Hours 6 Topic Specification: PC403 Applying SHE in the process Learning Activities Assignment Description Topic assessment criteria Use Multi media WHAT • The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: • Know the relevant OHS Act, safety standards, procedures, and equipment in the plant. • Understand the application of fire prevention, lock-out and emergency procedures in the plant, as well as the potential environmental impact of the process. • Are able to identify all potential hazards in the process and indicate actions to reduce / avoid / minimise the impact of hazards. Learners obtain information through self study. Individuals evaluate the plant area for safety features, potential hazards and environmental impact. Self Study Plant investigation Collect Information Media search Interview experts HOW Attend lectures • Learners are supplied with a copy of the safety procedures and the relevant section of the OHS Act • Learners individually undertake a plant inspection and identify all potential hazards. They also assess the potential impact of the plant on the environment. • Learners should also sketch the area and indicate the position of all safety equipment and safety features (e.g. alarm buttons, emergency exists) on it • Recommendations are made to reduce / avoid these hazards, the impact of possible hazards and the plant’s impact on the environment • A short presentation on the findings is made Group Discussions Educational games Case studies Analyse, plan and make decisions Use checklists Develop recommendations Job assignment Make presentation Complete documents Execute, test and evaluate Draft a report Complete a test/questionnaire