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Technology: Stationary Sources and Demand-Side Management Air Pollution as Climate Forcing: A Workshop Honolulu, Hawaii

Technology: Stationary Sources and Demand-Side Management Air Pollution as Climate Forcing: A Workshop Honolulu, Hawaii May 1, 2002. Terry Surles California Energy Commission. Electricity in a Sustainable Future. Downside: Population growth Enhancement of economic well-being

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Technology: Stationary Sources and Demand-Side Management Air Pollution as Climate Forcing: A Workshop Honolulu, Hawaii

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  1. Technology: Stationary Sources and Demand-Side ManagementAir Pollution as Climate Forcing: A WorkshopHonolulu, HawaiiMay 1, 2002 Terry Surles California Energy Commission

  2. Electricity in a Sustainable Future Downside: Population growth Enhancement of economic well-being Ignoring true life-cycle costs Upside: Decreases in energy intensity per capita and GDP New technologies for efficient use of energy Public awareness California can lead the way in making a difference!

  3. Power Generation Trends (IEA) • World electricity demand increases by 2.7% p.a. • Coal remains N0. 1 source for power generation • Coal’s share declines in OECD area, but triples in developing countries • Natural gas grows 350% by 2020 • Shares of hydro, nuclear and oil decline • Renewables will increase rapidly, but remain at a low level

  4. World GDP to 2030

  5. U.S. 1997 Carbon Emissions - 1500 Tcf

  6. Decarbonization CO2 Btu < CO2 atm CO2 emitted < Carbon Management: An Approach for Integrated Energy Systems R&D Carbon Management Sequestration Efficiency Btu GSP <

  7. California and United States Electricity per Capita Trends Since 1976

  8. Top Ten Peak Energy Uses/Sectors Top Ten Peak Energy Uses/Sectors (assumes a 56,000 MW peak)

  9. Contribution to ISO Peak DemandAugust 16, 2001 (MW) Commercial AC Commercial Lighting Residential AC Other

  10. U.S. Refrigerator Energy Use vs. Time

  11. www.energy.ca.gov/pier/pr.html PIER Buildings Program HighlightsBerkeley Lamp • Model partnership between CEC/DOE/California utilities • PIER funded Phase 1 to develop task/ambient lamp concept • DOE funded Phase 2 to develop specific lamp configuration • PIER was instrumental in moving this technology into the marketplace via coordination with utility Emerging Technology Coordinating Council Project is both a technical success and a customer success

  12. GHG Emissions per kWh Generated by Best Available Technology

  13. CO2 Emissions from Power Generation(IEA)

  14. Emissions in the Coal Fuel Cycle

  15. NOx Emissions(IIASA)

  16. SO2 Emissions(UNDP)

  17. SO2 Concentration Projection(IIASA) 2020 with current legislation 1995 WHO limit = 50 g/m3

  18. Concentration of Particulate Matter in Urban Areas in 2001 (World Bank Atlas) High Low

  19. COAL GAS NUCLEAR WIND PHOTOVOLTAIC CO2 emiss. [g/kWh] due to 900 400 4 20 200 100 (1996) (Near future) Combustion Fuel Cycle Construction CO2 Emissions Related to Electricity Generation

  20. PowerLight’s PowerGuard PowerLight’s insulated 30 year roof system reduces building air conditioning loads while it’s PV surface generates electricity during hot and expensive peak summer hours While California is known for its hot dry summers, that same solar resource provides a clean, safe and reliable way to generate electricity

  21. The Wind Turbine Company • Design, develop and demonstrate a utility-scale wind turbine • Horizontal axis, two-blade, downwind design • Prototype developed for PIER and tested at NREL rated at 250 kW • Commercial prototype demonstration sited at the Fairmont Reservoir in LADWP territory for a 500 kW - scaled up to 750 kW - wind turbine demonstration to begin in October 2001 • Goal is to produce electricity  $0.035 cents per kWh per 100 unit wind farms with wind resources  15 mph.

  22. Solid Oxide Fuel Cell/Turbine Hybrid

  23. Fuel Cell / Turbine Hybrids • Integration of a fuel cell and a gas turbine into a single unit • Efficiency: 70% • Cost: 20-25% lower than non-hybrid fuel cell • Year: 2010

  24. New Storage Technologies Regenesys Innogy

  25. Combined Heat and Power (CHP)CO2 emissions with and without CHP

  26. EnergeTech, AustraliaParabolic-Focusing Pneumatic PressureOcean Wave Energy Power Plant

  27. IPS/AquaEnergy Photo courtesy Bengt-Olov Sjöström AquaEnergy Moored, Heaving Buoy Off-Shore Ocean Wave Energy Converter This technology is located 1-2 miles off the coast where water depth is 150-250 feet.

  28. 1990-1999 Relative Gross Greenhouse Gas Emissions

  29. Carbon Intensities for California and Selected Countries- 1995

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