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Video Dissolve and Wipe Detection via Spatio-Temporal Images of Chromatic Histogram Differences

Video Dissolve and Wipe Detection via Spatio-Temporal Images of Chromatic Histogram Differences. Mark S. Drew, Ze-Nian Li, and Xiang Zhong International Conference on Image Processing ICIP'00 Vancouver, pp.III 929-932, Sept. 2000 . Presentation by Kenton Anderson CMPT 820 March 3 rd , 2005.

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Video Dissolve and Wipe Detection via Spatio-Temporal Images of Chromatic Histogram Differences

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  1. Video Dissolve and Wipe Detection via Spatio-Temporal Images of Chromatic Histogram Differences Mark S. Drew, Ze-Nian Li, and Xiang Zhong International Conference on Image Processing ICIP'00 Vancouver, pp.III 929-932, Sept. 2000 Presentation by Kenton Anderson CMPT 820 March 3rd, 2005

  2. Overview • Background • Introduction • Wipe and Cut detection • Dissolve detection • Conclusions

  3. Background • What is a shot? • Uninterrupted segment of video time • The boundary between two shots is a camera break • Three major types of transitions: • Cut (instant) • Wipe (gradual) • Dissolve (gradual)

  4. Gradual Transitions • Wipe transition • Moving boundary line between two shots crossing the screen such that one shot replaces the other • Dissolve transition • One shot blends smoothly into a second shot

  5. Introduction Content-Based Image/Video Search, Retrieval, and Segmentation • Why detect video transitions? • Segmentation is an important basic step! • Before scenes can be searched for content, the location of the scenes have to be determined

  6. Introduction • This paper presents methods to detect gradual transitions using 2D chromaticity histogram metrics: • Histogram intersection for wipes • Color-distance Histogram metric for dissolves • Both generate potential indicators of shot transitions, with good results

  7. Wipe and Cut Detection • In a wipe, a boundary line crosses the first shot, revealing the second shot

  8. Wipe and Cut Detection • Ngo et al. “Detection of gradual transitions through temporal slice analysis” • Taking the pixels from the middle column and placing them sideways, stacking them over time Column C at time t1 Column C Y t t1 Y X

  9. Wipe and Cut Detection • Detect lines in the resultant spatio-temporal image

  10. Wipe and Cut Detection • Instead of using pixels, convert to 2D chromaticity coordinates • r = R R + G + B • g = G R + G + B • Recall chromaticity from our class notes

  11. Wipe and Cut Detection • 2D chromaticity conversion effectively eliminates the shadows • Form a 2D chromaticity histogram for each column • Using the DC component of the frames • Using Histogram Intersection, compare a frame to its previous frame to detect differences.

  12. Wipe and Cut Detection • From frame to frame, the histogram intersection value for a column stays nearly the same • When the Wipe Boundary hits that column, the histogram intersection value is near zero Cut t Wipe X Each element in a row represents a histogram intersection value for each column in the image (Black == 0)

  13. Wipe and Cut Detection Conclusions • Note that this techniques takes into account the entire image frame • Not just a slice • The previous image has no edge enhancement performed on it • Raw data

  14. Dissolve Detection • Replaces every pixel with a mixture of the two shots over time, gradually replacing the first by the second • Each pixel is affected gradually

  15. Dissolve Detection • Frame by frame of a cross dissolve • Diagram

  16. Dissolve Detection • For dissolve detection, 2D Cb-Cr chromaticity space is adopted • Recall from our class notes that YCbCr Colour model is used in JPEG image compression and MPEG video compression • YCbCr is closely related to YUV • Y’ is the luma (for gamma corrected signals) • U and V is the chrominance U = B’ – Y’ V = R’ – Y‘

  17. Dissolve Detection • Define transition as; R = A + α(t)(B – A) (1) • Where A and B are 2-vectors for video A and video B, in Cb-Cr space • α(t) is a transition function α(t) = Kt, with Ktmax ≡ 1 (2)

  18. Dissolve Detection • Histogram Intersection fails on simple cases for dissolve detection • For example, uniformly-coloured still images • H (K, M) never really drops to zero • To counter this problem, use a histogram-difference metric

  19. Dissolve Detection • Histogram-difference metric: • Hafner et al.’s metric is a weighted distance between colour distributions of two images, generating a histogram distance measure • Histogram difference D2 D2 = zTAz

  20. Dissolve Detection Summary of modifications • For the histogram difference D2 • Use 2D CbCr chromaticity space (vs 3D color) • Use only DC components of video • Analyzes actual pixel values (vs histogram) • Use Euclidean Distance metric for difference • Derivation

  21. Dissolve Detection Results of modifications • For time t1 and t2(beginning and ending of dissolve transition) • Temporal differences for each column is • k(t1 - t2)2, k is a constant • If t1 – t2 is constant, D2 is constant • Normalized D2 is approximately • 0 outside a dissolve • 1 during a dissolve

  22. Dissolve Detection Results of modifications cont’d • For time t1 and t2(beginning and ending of dissolve transition) • If t1 is fixed, and t2 varies, √D2 is linear • D2 has 3 components, each quadratic in time, thus having a linear derivative

  23. Dissolve Detection • Fully derived expression • for linear transition D2 = 2(1/d2max) K2(t1-t2)2 ∑∑(Bi-Ai)T(Bj-Aj) i j

  24. Dissolve Detection Process • 2 frames as part of a dissolve in Cb-Cr space t1: initial frame Result t2: time-varying frame √D2 D2 (t1 – t2) = ∆t is NOT constant

  25. Dissolve Detection • Results: Approx. 1 Approx. 0 √D2, differencing frame to initial frame at a 1 frame interval

  26. Dissolve Detection Process • 2 frames as part of a dissolve in Cb-Cr space t1: frame A Result t2: frame B ⌡D2 D2 (t1 – t2) = ∆t is constant Derivative D2 is linear

  27. Dissolve Detection • Results: • D2, differencing for a constant t1-t2 • Boundaries of the transition are evident • Values in Transition periods are relatively constant Derivation of D2 Time t

  28. Dissolve Dectection Conclusions • Use of multiple columns and rows provides a large number of descriptors for gradual transitions • For constant t1 – t2 • D2 is constant during transitions, 0 otherwise • For fixed t1 • D2 is 1 during transition, 0 otherwise • In testing, this measure performs best when each video in the dissolve does not change much during the transition

  29. Conclusions • 2 new measures are presented for detecting cuts, wipes and dissolves • Both use multiple columns (or rows or diagonals) to generate descriptors • Histogram intersection is fast and effective • In Dissolve testing, the measures perform best when each video in the dissolve does not change much during the transition

  30. Video Dissolve and Wipe Detection The End

  31. Histogram Difference Derivation • Histogram difference D2 D2 = zTAz (3) • A = [aij] is a symmetric matrix where aij denotes similarity between bins i and j • Ared,orange,blue = R O B R O B Red and Orange are considered highly similar

  32. Histogram Difference Derivation D2 = zTAz (3) • For aij, aij = (1 – dij/dmax) (4) • dij defined as a three-dimensional colour difference • Vector z is a histogram-difference vector (for vectorized histograms) • For example, z would be of length 256 if our chromaticity histograms were 16x16

  33. Histogram Difference Derivation • Instead of 3D colour space, we use 2D CbCr chrominance space • Also, use an Euclidean distance metric • aij will no longer be linear under a temporal transition with linear α(t) • This modification maintains the linearity: aij = (1 – d2ij/d2max) (5)

  34. Histogram Difference Derivation • Suppose we use only DC components • Each frame will consist of only 1/8th of the number of rows in an image • Recall equation (3) D2 = zTAz (3) • z is the difference of 2 histograms, x and y z = (x – y) • x and y are normalized to 0 ≤ xi, yi ≤ 1, ∑x = ∑y = 1 • Then -1≤ zi ≤ 1

  35. Histogram Difference Derivation • To generate an analytic expression: • Assume x and y are infinitely precise, z = (1, 1, 1, …, -1, -1, -1) • In our video transition context, • This means 1’s entries for current column for the previous frame, and -1’s entries for the current column in the current frame

  36. Histogram Difference Derivation • Expanding D2 = zTAz, given assumptions: • Where R is the CbCr 2-vector at time t1 for the i-th row in the current column • Differencing between time t1 and time t2

  37. Histogram Difference Derivation • With a Euclidean distance metric and substituting equation (1): R = A + α(t)(B – A)

  38. Histogram Difference Derivation • For linear transition (as is usually the case for dissolves), the previous equation can be simplified: • Since the sum above is simply a constant, then for constant (t1 – t2), the difference D2 is constant over the transition! Back

  39. Back

  40. Histogram Intersection • Given a pair of histograms, K and M, each containing n buckets, the intersection is: n H =∑min(Kj, Mj) j=1 • The result of the intersection is the number of pixels in M that have corresponding pixels of the same colour in K

  41. Histogram Intersection Example 1 Two sample histograms for 4-bit greyscale 4x4 images K1 M H (K, M) = 6 + 0 + 8 + 2 = 16

  42. Histogram Intersection Example 2 Two sample histograms for 4-bit greyscale 4x4 images K2 M H (K, M) = 1 + 0 + 1 + 2 = 4

  43. Histogram Intersection • Normalized between 0 and 1: H(K, M) = • Closer to zero, less histogram match ∑min(Kj, Mj) ∑Mj

  44. Histogram Intersection • High-level representation Poor match K M Close match K M Back

  45. Euclidean Distance • If u = (x1, y1) and v = (x2, y2) are two points on the plane, their Euclidean distance is given by: √(x1 – x2)2 + (y1 – y2)2 • Geometrically, it's the length of the segment joining u and v • For dij, which was previously defined as our 3D colour difference Back

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