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Prelude for practice talk: I have outdated numbers for the D Hadronic BR analysis I have the papers and a week so will fix soon. Tables grabbed from recent talks but they will be replaced. Figures will be as they are presented today. Need to add “preliminary” in some places (WA).
Prelude for practice talk: • I have outdated numbers for the D Hadronic BR analysis • I have the papers and a week so will fix soon. • Tables grabbed from recent talks but they will be replaced. • Figures will be as they are presented today. • Need to add “preliminary” in some places (WA). • Some “fluff” at beginning will be removed as I think of more important things to say. • Talk is 40 minutes.
D Hadronic Branching Fractions And Vub Dan Cronin-Hennessy University of Minnesota CLEO Collaboration May 27, 2005
Outline • CLEO-c Program • First Results on D Hadronic Branching Fractions • Weak Annihilation Limits from CLEOII/IIV
CESR CESR @ Cornell Cornell Electron-positron Storage Ring e+ e- collisions: sqrt(s): 1.8 – 5.6 GeV Low energy running: Natural damping of beam lost (1/20). CESR-c: First demonstration of wiggler dominant ring.
RICH Kaon eff = 0.8 Kaon eff = 0.85 Kaon eff = 0.9 • Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector • Designed for B decays. • Clean separation in charm region. K-p separation shown. B physics CLEO-c
CLEO-c (3770) – 3 fb-1 ((3770) DD ~ s=6 nb) Hadronic D decays Semileptonic D decay (D decay constant, form factors, Vcs,Vcd, Mixing, CPV, rare/nonSM) Accumulated Luminosity: ~ 280/pb Results Today: 60/pb (pilot sample)
Hadronic D Branching Fractions Motivation: Provide most precise measurement of D hadronic BRs. Many current measurements determined with respect to normalizing modes (e.g. D K p , D K p p). CLEO-c will provide absolute measurements. Counting D mesons provides DD production cross sections. First step toward improved constraints on D mixing parameters.
Hadronic D Branching Fractions Basic Strategy: (for most CLEO-c analyses) D Tagging Full reconstruction of one D meson (Tag D). Search remainder of event for signal D decay. Continuum, t pair, radiative return events suppressed significantly. Efficiency is analysis dependent -15% to 20%. (Large BR of D mesons and low multiplicity) Single tags are clean
Double Tags S = 2*(e*BR)*NDD D = (e*BR)2*NDD NDD = S2/4D sDD = NDD/L (do not need e, BR) Simple description Doubly Tagged D+K-p+p+, D-K+p-p- Prelim. DATA ~60 pb-1
Analysis 9 Decay modes measured Single tags: Double tags: Syst unc cancels. To first order Bi independent of tag modes and efficiencies. • Simultaneous fit for all BR and cross sections. • All correlations taken into account.
Fits D0 D+ Line shapes include ISR, FSR, resolution, beam energy spread. Efficiencies include FSR correction.
Tracking systematic determined using recoil mass: Reconstruct y p from y’y p+p-. Peak at p mass2. Systematics Pion found Pion not found MC Data
Results D0 Modes D+ Modes
Results *Results from CLEO-c pilot data sample. *Luminosity ~60/pb *Statistical and Systematic unc comparable for some modes. *Expect systematics to scale with luminosity since many of these are determined from data. Agreement with PDG. PDG numbers are correlated among modes. CLEO-c numbers correlated (from simultaneous fit). CLEO-c include FSR correction.
Cross Sections Branching fraction analysis fringe benfit: Precision measurement of DD production cross sections. Interesting to note: PDG: Gee and G s(y(3770) hadrons) ~ 10 nb But only a 2 sigma effect at this time. CLEO-c will provide a significantly improved cross section measurement that will allow measurement of non-DDbar y(3770) decays at or below a nb.
Charge to Neutral Ratio Prediction: M. Voloshin (hep-ph/0402170) These (and other) data-theory discrepancies have prompted speculation of 4-quark component of y(3770). See hep-ph/0504197 Measured Rc/n Predicted sqrt(s) MeV
Unitarity Constraints Transition Slide Today CLEO-c will allow B factory measurements to reach full potential by calibrating lattice QCD. form factor measurements (see Feng Liu’s talk) D meson decay constant (fD) (Zhongchao Li’s talk) With 1000/pb from B factories and CLEO-c lattice calibration CLEO II/IIV analyses at Y(4S) energies continue to improve our knowledge of CKM constraints…
BXu l n • Vub Inclusive: • Isolating bu component requires • measurement in restricted kinematic regions. • Must know fraction of b u events in acceptance • region. • Progress has been made in last five years by • using b to s g to understand b quark fermi motion • and b quark mass. This essentially trades modeling • uncertainties for experimental uncertainties and • has resulted in precision Vub extraction. • Does not remove all sources of theoretical uncertainties. Must find other ways to limit these uncertainties using additional measurements. Lepton energy spectrum PRL 88 231803 2002
Weak Annihilation *Annihilation of valence quarks (leptonic). *Hadronization of residual “brown muck”. *Estimates of rate suggest small contribution from these processes. (Order ~ 1/mH3) *However, if rate is distributed differently than the more dominant bu production processes then the impact on Vub can be significant. *Extreme example: Leptonic decay, B l n, places rate at the kinematic endpoint.
Weak Annihilation Are there methods of quantifying WA experimentally? *High statistics of B-factories will allow comparison of charge and neutral measurements. *D meson analyses at CLEO-c provide additional opportunities (m3 dependence suggests effects may be larger in charm sector (D0/D+ width difference) *Or… we can just look directly for WA kinematic signature in available B samples: We have looked. Using CLEOII/IIV data (~10/fb). Approach: Traditional inclusive B semileptonic analysis. Lepton identification plus neutrino recontruction. Observable of interest is lepton-neutrino mass (q2 spectrum). Look for anomalous rate in high q2 region. Bump hunting yes but with a model as a guide.
WA Search Expected Contributions: *B Xc l n Kinematically limited well below B Xu l n but still contributes due to experimental resolution. *Continuum *B Xu l n (b u l n) *Weak annihilation?
WA Search DeFazio-Neubert: JHEP 99, 017 bu model: “Hybrid” model which includes resonant and non-resonant modes. Known branching ratios and form factors for resonances. Combined resonant and non-resonant modes follow HQET expectations (with constraints on HQET parameters imposed by b s g measurements).
Weak annihilation model: *Invented for this analysis. *Leptons carry most momentum. *Soft hadronic component, X Ex, Mx, px ~ LQCD q2 ~ MB2 - LMB WA Search q2 for various PDF parameters Distribution function for Mx and px. Flat distribution of width x. Exponential drop dictated by L
WA Search 30 models used. q2 for various PDF parameters
WA fits Strategy: Binned c2 fit. 30 bins in q2. 3 bins in pl.. Fakes and continuum normalization known/fixed. Normalizations for bc, bu, and WA float. Results in N bc, N bu & NWA.
WA fits Sample fit projections.
WA fits Sample fit projections. All but bu and WA subtracted
Key points: 1)This is a lousy method for measuring the WA rate. The WA model has too much freedom in the kinematics. 2)This a good method for quantifying the impact of WA on Vub. *This analysis is sensitive to WA when these processes contribute significantly in the endpoint region. When such is the case the impact on Vub is large. *If WA processes are spread over a large region of phase space we are not sensitive (and neither is the extraction of Vub). We quote our results in terms of the “impact” on a “typical” endpoint analysis rather than in terms of WA rates. Ra = “Impact Ratio” Results
Results q2 and Mx q2>8.0 GeV2 Mx<1.7 GeV Pl>1.0 GeV/c Mx Mx<1.55 GeV Pl>1.0 GeV/c Endpoint El>2.2 GeV Shape function regime
Summary • D Hadronic Branching Fractions: • I have presented first results from CLEO-c on D hadronic BR fractions. • With the pilot data sample (60/pb) we have agreement with PDG and comparable superior uncertainties. • Expect significant improvement with new data samples already accumulated (and future data). • We have measured 9 D decay modes with double tagging method which provides absolute BRs. We have provided new/improved measurements for critical normalizing modes. • We are at the level where careful treatment of radiative corrections is required. • DD cross sections and the charge to neutral ratios measured. • Future extensions of this analysis will provide new D mixing constraints.
Summary • Vub: • I have presented a preliminary measurement from CLEOII/IIV (10/fb) that allow us to set experimental limits on WA contamination of analyses that extract Vub. • The measurement is statistics limited and we are adding data from CLEOIII. • We find that the impact on Vub is well below current uncertainties. • This approach could be improved with better WA modeling (need help from theory). • We have invented our own model which use LQCD as the relevant energy scale for the hadronic component.