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1215. Magna Carta. 1492. Christopher Columbus discovers the New World. Mayflower Compact. November 11, 1620. Boston Massacre. 1770. Boston Tea Party. December of 1773. Common Sense by Thomas Paine. 1776. Declaration of Independence Written by Thomas Jefferson. July 4, 1776.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 1215 Magna Carta

  2. 1492 Christopher Columbus discovers the New World

  3. Mayflower Compact November 11, 1620

  4. Boston Massacre 1770

  5. Boston Tea Party December of 1773

  6. Common Sense by Thomas Paine 1776

  7. Declaration of Independence • Written by Thomas Jefferson July 4, 1776

  8. Articles of Confederation • 1777 1st signatures • 1781 All 13 colonial States Ratified 1777 - 1781

  9. Treaty of Paris • Officially ended the ________________________ in which the last battle was in 1781 where Washington trapped Cornwallis’s troops at Yorktown, forcing surrender, and marking the end to battles of the Revolutionary war. • Britain officially recognized the Independence of the United States. April 15, 1783

  10. Shays Rebellion meeting was held • Represented the weak central government of the Articles of Confederation and the powers in which it held. May of 1787

  11. The United States Constitution was Ratified • Written by James Madison • Sections included the Preamble and 7 Articles • Article I - Article VI • Article II • Article III - Article VII • Article IV • Article V September 17, 1787

  12. George Washington was elected as the 1st United States President • George Washington 1789

  13. Bill of Rights • Represented the 1st ten Amendments to the United States Constitution were Ratified • 1 - 6 • 2 - 7 • 3 - 8 • 4 - 9 • 5 - 10 • And later 17 more Amendments continuing to shape the Constitution until 1992 with the 27th Amendment December 15, 1791

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