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Your Guide to More Rewarding Work

Working Wisdom: Strategies for an Experienced Workforce Shelley Jensen-Decker & Amy Brenengen WomenVenture. Your Guide to More Rewarding Work . Who is WomenVenture?. Economic Development Organization founded in 1978 Serve approximately 5,000 clients per year

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Your Guide to More Rewarding Work

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  1. Working Wisdom:Strategies for an Experienced WorkforceShelley Jensen-Decker & Amy Brenengen WomenVenture Your Guide to More Rewarding Work

  2. Who is WomenVenture? • Economic Development Organization founded in 1978 • Serve approximately 5,000 clients per year • Workforce Development and Small Business Development • Diverse Funding Base including individuals, corporations, foundations and government • 1:1 Consulting, Classes, Products in both program areas • SBA Women’s Business Center and Micro-Lender • A leading voice for women in Minnesota

  3. Statistics and Trends • U. S. workforce is aging rapidly: 19% age 55 or older in 2012. • 76% of Boomers intend to work in retirement. • “Retirement” is now 20 – 30 years longer. • Boomers seek purpose, flexibility, and a phased approach. • Retirees will have to earn income during the first 1/3 of retirement.

  4. Our Role in the Maturing Workforce • Older women were the most dramatically impacted by the last economic downturn, so (as always), we responded. • Worked in partnership with other organizations to address mid-life issues for women • As statistics and information became available, we broadened our focus to include retirement issues for all, including the perspective of employers. • In 2004, made a concerted integrated effort to address issues.

  5. Working Wisdom Programs • “Beyond the Myths” Conferences • Working Wisdom: Strategies for an Experienced Workforce Breakfast Series • Applying programming to this specific audience • Program samples/activities

  6. Beyond the Myths Conference • Two Conferences, ’04 & ’05. Full Day ’04, ½ day ‘05 • Convened Planning Team • Built Agenda with Planning Team • PR/Marketing Strategy (web, word of mouth/email, radio, ads • Key Learnings: • Flexible Pricing Strategy • Timing • Target Audience: Inviduals vs. Employers

  7. Working Wisdom Breakfasts • Quarterly Breakfasts Throughout the Year • We wanted to create a “working meeting” atmosphere, where individuals and employers could have a platform for action. • Wanted to Build a Community: • A place to build connections • Share stories • Build Momentum for Future Customized Programming • Business Side: Aggressively sought sponsorship to ensure the programs would earn income so we could reinvest in future programming and development.

  8. Key Reflection Questions • Who am I now? • What is my passion? What is my purpose? • Where do I belong? • What will I do? • How am I preparing myself now? “If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves.” Thomas Alva Edison

  9. Go For It! Letting Go; Exiting Searching for the right path. Decision Making; Recommitting Go For It! Triggering Event Plateau

  10. The Career Diamond Self Assessment Who am I? What is my passion? Generating Options What will I do? Researching Options Which options are best for me? Evaluating & Action Planning Making it happen.

  11. Creative Thinking Exercise“All beginnings require that you unlock a new door.” Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav

  12. Additional Tools & Resources • Retirement Assessment • Resources • Employer Best Practices • Retirement Tool Kit

  13. “Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than the things you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover .” Mark Twain

  14. Contact Us • Shelley Jensen-Decker • Sjensen-decker@womenventure.org • 651-251-0713 • Amy Brenengen • Abrenengen@womenventure.org • 651-251-0709

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