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3. Education management on university level (1). O UTLINE : 3.1. Introduction: core regulations 3.2. Selecting and inducting students 3.3. Organisation of studies/programme management
3. Education management on university level (1) OUTLINE: 3.1. Introduction: core regulations 3.2. Selecting and inducting students 3.3. Organisation of studies/programme management 3.4. Quality of student learning experience 3.5. Completion of higher education
3. Education management on university level (2)3.1. Introduction: core regulations The core regulations on the fields of education are: Statutes (Põhikiri) Academic Policy (Õppekorralduse eeskiri)(sets forth general requirements, rules and norms pertient to the organisation of studies) Conditions and Rules for Student Admission (Üliõpilaste vastuvõtutingimused ja kord) Regulations of Completion of Studies (Ülikooli lõpetamise eeskiri) “Academic Policy” and other regulations are established in compliance with the Statutes of University.
3. Education management on university level (3)3.1. Introduction: core regulations (cntd 1) 4 parts broadly mirroring the life cycle of students in university are covered by university core regulations: Selecting and inducting students (effective marketing; admission process; fresher events, etc.). Organisation of studies (programme administration, academic calendar, study load, councelling. etc.) . Quality of student learning experience (management of assessment systems; dealing with complaints and appeals; quality assurance etc.). Completion of higher education (degrees awarded, organisation of graduation thesis defence etc.).
3. Education management on university level (4)3.1. Introduction: core regulations (cntd 2) Statutes of Tallinn University of Technology (Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Põhikiri): http://www.ttu.ee/tallinn-university-of-technology/about-tut/history/statutes) What is regulated: General provisions (Üldsätted)(name, location, legal status, objectives, responsibilities, areas of activity) Governance (Juhtimine)- university council and its composition (Nõukogu ja selle koosseis)- powers and areas of activity of council (Nõukogu pädevus ja tegevuse alused)- standing committees of the Council (Nõukogu alalised komisjonid)- election and powers of Rector (Rektori valimine ja rektori pädevus)- Vice-Rectors and area directors (Prorektorid ja vastutusala direktorid)- Board of government (Valitsus)- Academic court (Akadeemiline kohus)- Advisory board/board of governors (Kuratoorium)
3. Education management on university level (5)3.1. Introduction: core regulations (cntd 3) Statutes of Tallinn University of Technology (Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Põhikiri) (cntd): The Structure of TUT (TTÜ struktuur)(faculty, faculty governance, dean’s office, department, teaching centre, chair, unit, laboratory, institution, research and development centre, administrative and support unit) Membership/Members (Liikmeskond)(teaching and research staff, professorship (professuur), assosiate professor/docent emeritus (emeriitdotsent), students, student body (üliõpilaskond), student council (üliõpilasesindus) Organisation of studies (Õppekorraldus)- academic year (Õppeaasta)- condition and regulations of studies (Õppetingimused ja kord)- study forms (Õppevormid)- curriculum (Õppekava)
3. Education management on university level (6)3.1. Introduction: core regulations (cntd 4) Statutes of Tallinn University of Technology (Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Põhikiri) (cntd): Organisation of research and development (R&D) activities (Teadus- ja arendustegevuse korraldus) (organisation of R & D activities, evaluation of R & D activities) Property and financing (Vara ja finantseerimine)(use and administration of property; acquisition and transfer of property; property transfer to use by other persons, financing, budget) Supervision, reporting and auditing (Järelvalve, aruandlus ja kontroll)(Supervision by the Ministry of Education and Research; reporting to the financier on request ;auditing by State Audit Office (Riigikontroll), as well as by regular or extraordinary audits established by the University Council and by the Internal Audit Office (Sisekontrolli osakond))
3. Education management on university level (7)3.1. Introduction: core regulations (cntd 5) Statutes of Tallinn University of Technology: Organisation of studies (TTÜ Põhikiri: Õppekorraldus) An academic year is determined by the rector in the Academic Calendar. An academic year shall be divided into the autumn and spring term (sügis- ja kevadsemester). Studies shall be classified as the degree level education (tasemeõpe) and continuous education (täiendusõpe). Studies at the degree level (tasemeõpe) shall be based on bachelor’s, master’s, integrated bachelor’s and master’s curricula, doctoral studies, applied higher education and teacher education. Degree level studies shall be pursued by the undergraduate and graduatestudents , postgraduate (doctoral) students and individuals in external study (eksternid).
3. Education management on university level (8)3.1. Introduction: core regulations (cntd 6) Statutes of Tallinn University of Technology: Organisation of studies (cntd): (TTÜ Põhikiri: Õppekorraldus) An individual in external study/external student (ekstern) shall be provided contract-based degree level service. The named shall not be classified as a student. An individual in a continuous training programme (täiendusõppur) shall be provided contract-based contiuous training service. The named shall not be classified as a student. Foreign citizens shall have the right to take studies equivalent to those of Estonian citizens if not provided otherwise by the university council. TUT shall provide full-load studies (täiskoormusega õpe) and partial-load studies (osakoormusega õpe). Study forms (õppevormid) - Studies shall be organised into full-time studies (statsionaarne õppevorm) and correspondence studies (kaugõppevorm).
3. Education management on university level (9)3.1. Introduction: core regulations (cntd 7) Statutes of Tallinn University of Technology: Organisation of studies /cntd): (TTÜ Põhikiri: Õppekorraldus) A curriculum (õppekava) shall be the basic document of studies. A curriculum shall establish aims of studies, the nominal study period and the volume in credit points, terms of commencing studies, list of subjects, their volume in credit points with brief description of content, options for selection of subjects, specializations, title of academic degree granted and terms of graduation. A curriculum shall be composed by a curricular committee (õppekavakomisjon) or a target working group, coordinated by the decision – making body of the faculty/institution and approved by the University Council. The requirements set for the curricula and the terms and regulations for preparation, opening, changing and closing the named shall be stipulated by the University Council.
3. Education management on university level (10)3.2. Selecting and inducting students (Üliõpilaste valik ja vastuvõtt) Three main areas will be covered: 3.2.1. Marketing of higher education (Marketing/Turundus) 3.2.2. Admission (Vastuvõtt) 3.3.3. Commencement of the academic year (Õppeaasta alustamine)
3. Education management on university level (11)3.2. Selecting and inducting students (cntd 1)(Üliõpilaste valik ja vastuvõtt) 3.2.1. Marketing of higher education * (Marketing/Turundus): Aim: Marketing is primarily driven by the need to recruit and admit students. Marketing is at present time a driving force behind the achievement of long-term corporate strategic objectives for higher education institutions. To be effective marketing needs to be integral to strategic planning process. Factors extending the institutional marketing function include: - The year-on-year rise of the expectations of stakeholders (huvirühmad) such as students, advisers, parents, employers (to be continued) * A Practical Guide to University and College Management (eds S.Denton, S.Brown, New-York, London, Routledge, 2010)
3. Education management on university level (12)3.2. Selecting and inducting students (cntd 2) 3.2.2. Marketing of higher education (cntd): (Marketing/Turundus) • The ease of “best in class” comparisons of service within higher education sector. • The substantial influence of information sources such as blogs, social networking, websites etc. • The imperative to recruit and retain not only students but also key staff in an aggressively competitive skill market. • Increasingly global context for universities.
3. Education management on university level (13)3.2. Selecting and inducting students (cntd 3) 3.2.1. Marketing of higher education (cntd): (Marketing/Turundus) • Successful marketing is built upon resource of key information incl. identification of points of differentiation. Differentiating factors can include: • Credibility of the university’s reputation. • The assessment, learning and teaching approach.(e.g. traditional tutorial-based pedagogy vs. technology enhanced learning). • Factors driving the student experience(e.g. the extent to which sporting and cultural opportunities are on offer, etc.).
3. Education management on university level (14)3.2. Selecting and inducting students (cntd 4) 3.2.1. Marketing of higher education ((cntd): (Marketing/Turundus) Differentiating factors can include (cntd): • The corporate culture of university (e.g. is the university consultative and responsive to the needs of its stakeholders); • Portfolio expertise (e.g. does university have national or world-class expertise in specific academic discipline); • Location issues and opportunities (e.g. attraction of the capital city); • Internationalisation of the student cohort and curriculum; • A further wide range of added value factors often driven by an institution’s current profile or an association with emerging popular trends.
3. Education management on university level (15)3.2. Selecting and inducting students (cntd 5) 3.2.1. Marketing of higher education (cntd): (Marketing/Turundus) Institutional reputation components can include: • relative rates of graduate employment • potential return on investment for stakeholders • strength of academic portfolio (e.g. well known professors) • profile of corporate social responsibility on issues such as sustainability • visibility of strategic alliances (e.g. with internationally known universities) • quality of facilities and infrastructure • realities of student experience as evidenced through informal information sources • peer-group endorsement (omaealiste heakskiit) • regional, national or global profile and positioning etc.
3. Education management on university level (16)3.2. Selecting and inducting students (cntd 6) 3.2.1. Marketing of higher education (cntd): (Marketing/Turundus) Communication channels for marketing include: • virtual/digital versions of interactions (web, videostreaming, DVD-s, etc.); • person-to person interactions/face-to-face interactions (becoming more critical in marketing); • international recruitment missions; • career fairs; • open days; • prospectuses; • partnerships etc.
3. Education management on university level (17)3.2. Selecting and inducting students (cntd 7) 3.2.2. Admission (Vastuvõtt) Related definitions: Access to higher education (juurdepääs) – the process by which candidates apply and are considered for admission to a higher education study programme. Admission (to higher education institution and programme) (vastuvõtt) – the process which allows qualified applicants entry to pursue higher education studies at a given institution Level (haridus]tase) – a threshold standard of achievement within a hierarchy of levels e.g. within qualification framework (kvalifikatsiooniraamistik) Cycle ([kõrgharidus]aste) – a study programme leading, if successfully completed, to an academic degree. One of the objectives indicated in the Bologna Declaration is the adoption of a system based on two main cycles, undergraduate and graduate. Doctoral studies are generally referred to as the third cycle.
3. Education management on university level (18)3.2. Selecting and inducting students (cntd 8) 3.2.2. Admission (Vastuvõtt) • National and institutional systems for admissions vary substantially. The main concern of any admissions process should be to admit students who have ability , motivation and potential to benefit from the higher education. • The application process for students in Estonia is managed since 2005 through The Admission Information System ( SAIS – Sisseastumise Infosüsteem)(http://www.sais.ee/avalik/mis_en.html) • SAIS – is a service with the help of which you can submit your admissions application electronically through internet to a higher education school participating in SAIS. In 2014 the SAIS used: • 6 universities • 10 institutions of professional higher education (rakenduskõrgkool) • 4 vocational schools (kutsekool)
3. Education management on university level (19)3.2. Selecting and inducting students (cntd 9) 3.2.2. Admission (cntd): (Vastuvõtt) The general provisions for the organisation of admission is regulated by the Academic Policies at TUT (Õppekorralduse eeskiri) (http://www.ttu.ee/studies/student-info/academic-policies-at-tut/) What is regulated: The student body shall comprise: TUT students, visiting students, externs (external students) and continuing education individuals A TUT student shall be a member of TUT entered in the student register (matriculated by order of the Rector) Students shall be matriculated according to the “Conditions and rules for student admission” (Üliõpilaste vastuvõtutingimused ja kord) provided by the Council of TUT
3. Education management on university level (20)3.2. Selecting and inducting students (cntd 10) 3.2.2. Admission (cntd): (Vastuvõtt) Academic Policies (Õppekorralduse eeskiri): Student places shall be filled on a competitive basis, originally through competition based admission A TUT student shall be a person entered in the student register (matriculated) as TUT member studying in accordance with a particular degree curriculum (tasemeõppekava) Provisions are made for former students to be readmitted (taasimmatrikuleerida/ennistada) . Readmission shall be administrated according to the terms of competition for filling vacant study places.
3. Education management on university level (21)3.2. Selecting and inducting students (cntd 11) 3.2.2. Admission (cntd): (Vastuvõtt) On university level admission process is regulated in detail by the “Conditions and rules for student admissions at TUT” (“TTÜ üliõpilaste vastuvõtutingimused ja kord”) (http://www.ttu.ee/studies/student-info) The regulation /decree (määrus) provide conditions (tingimused) and rules (kord) for student admissions to bachelor’s, master’s, integrated bachelor’s and master’s , doctoral and applied higher education (rakenduskõrgharidus) studies on tuition-free or tuition-paying student places.
3. Education management on university level (22)3.2. Selecting and inducting students (cntd 12) 3.2.2. Admission (cntd): (Vastuvõtt) (1) Conditions and Rules for Student Admissions : General provisions(Üliõpilaste vastuvõtutingimused ja kord: Üldsätted) Admission quota (Vastuvõtu piirarvud) be approved by Council of TUT. Student places shall be filled in on competitive bases once per year. Candidate should choice full-time or part-time study load during first year of studies. Studying is free of charge in Estonian-language curricula depending on curricula under full-time load (75% as minimum from nominal load) or nominal load – 60 ECTS per academic year . Conditions of repetitive study on the same higher education level. Recognition of foreign educational certification (Välisriigi haridust tõendavate dokumentide tunnustamine).
3. Education management on university level (23)3.2. Selecting and inducting students (cntd 13) 3.2.2. Admission (cntd): (Vastuvõtt) Conditions and Rules for Student Admissions: General provisions(Üliõpilaste vastuvõtutingimused ja kord: Üldsätted) Organisation of admission (Vastuvõtukorraldus):- The vice-rector of academic affairs forms two Admission Committees (one for the first and another for the second higher education cycle). Vice-rector for research forms Admission Committee for doctoral studies.- The Dean shall form sub-committees of faculty/college for admission to master’s and doctoral studies.- A candidate is required to apply at the Admissions Committee or online through SAIS (The Admission Information System). Master’s and doctoral study candidates are required to present original of the educational certification to Admission Committee (if it is not available in national registers).
3. Education management on university level (24)3.2. Selecting and industing students (cntd 14) 3.2.2. Admission (cntd): (Vastuvõtt) (2) Conditions and Rules for Student Admission : Admission to first cycle.(Üliõpilaste vastuvõtutingimused ja kord: Vastuvõtt kõrghariduse esimesele astmele) General requirements to candidates (Kandideerimise üldnõuded)(the enrolment on student places is based on two specified state examinations). Conditions of competition (Konkursi tingimused) (incl. differentiating conditions for competition to full-time study, to applied higher education programmes, to programmes in English, to distance learning programmes). Supplementary competition points (Täiendavad konkursipunktid). Non-competition based admissions (Vastuvõtt väljaspool konkurssi).
3. Education management on university level (25)3.2. Selecting and inducting students (cntd 15) 3.2.2. Admission (cntd): (Vastuvõtt) (3) Conditions and Rules for Student Admissions: Admission to second cycle (Master’s studies) (Üliõpilaste vastuvõtutingimused ja kord: Vastuvõtt magistriõppesse) General requirements for candidates (Kandideerimise üldnõuded) (incl. candidates are required to have bachelor’s degree or an applied higher education diploma received at the completion of an accredited curriculum. Admission shall rely on curricula based competition groups). Conditions of competition (Konkursitingimused) (conditions shall be prescribed by curricula by Council of university). Admissions notification and registration to course (Teatise edastamine ja õppetööle registreerimine).
3. Education management on university level (26)3.2. Selecting and inducting students (cntd 16) 3.2.2.Admission (cntd): (Vastuvõtt) (4) Conditions and Rules for Student Admissions: Admission to doctoral studies(Üliõpilaste vastuvõtutingimused ja kord: Vastuvõtt doktoriõppesse) General requirements for candidates (Kandideerimise üldnõuded) (incl. candidates are required to have master’s degree or an equivalent qualification. Admissions shall be processed in curricula-based competition groups). Admission (Vastuvõtt) (Admission Committee shall adopt a decision concerning a candidate’s admission on the faculty subcommittee’s recommendation, on the grounds of compliance of previous study profile and the programme selected).
3. Education management on university level (27)3.2. Selecting and inducting students (cntd 17) 3.2.3. Commencement of academic year * (Õppeaasta alustamine) Universities are facing with: Demographic processes in Europe. Due to these processes retaining of students is going to be more critical activity for higher education institutions than before. Increase in diversity among student body due to widening participation approaches and greater number of international students. Higher education institutions respond by improving the student experience. * A practical Guide to University and College Management (eds. S.Denton and S.Brown), New-York-London, Routledge, 2010.
3. Education management on university level (28)3.2. Selecting and inducting students (cntd 18) 3.2.3.Commencement of academic year (cntd): (Õppeaasta alustamine) Higher education institutions improve student experience by: improving orientation, induction and student support services; enhance student welfare, teaching and learning support; provide better opportunities to enable student voice to be heard (e.g. close working relations with student unions).
3. Education management on university level (29)3.2. Selecting and inducing students (cntd 19) 3.2.3. Commencement of academic year (cntd): (Õppeaasta alustamine) “Orientation” (Orientatsioon, sisse elamine) - activities that help settle students into their new living and studying environment (incl. settling in accommodation, finding ways around campus, joining clubs and societies, etc.) “ Induction” (Sisse juhatamine):Induction is introductory experience organised as induction programme of university. Induction is a process starting in (or before) Fresher’s Week (Eelnädal) but continue over much longer period of time than that of orientation.
3. Education management on university level (30)3.2. Selecting and inducing students (cntd 20) 3.2.2. Commencement of academic year (cntd): (Õppeaasta alustamine) “Induction” (Sisse juhatamine): Provides an opportunity to give students “toolkit” to support their experiences enabling them to build the foundations for their next stages of study and university life. Initial induction includes academic activities such as getting course information and time-tables; meeting academic staff and starting some form of study. Initial induction should roll into a longer induction programme to introduce academic rules, standards, skills, behaviour and regulations in the following few weeks. All categories of staff and existing students need to be involved in induction.
3. Education management on university level (31)3.3. Organisation of studies/programme management(Õppekorraldus/Õppekava juhtimine) Aspects of programme management include: Development and validation of programme (Õppekava arendus ja kinnitamine). Enrolment/matriculation (Immatrikuleerimine). Accreditation of prior and experiental learning (varasemate õpingute ja töökogemusega arvestamine,VÕTA). Academic calendar (Akadeemiline kalender). Timetabling (Tunniplaan) and registration (Õppeainetele registreerimine). Provision of infrastructure (incl. ICT infrastructure). Requirements and recruitment of teaching staff (Nõuded õppejõududele ja nende värbamine). Informing and advising students (Üliõpilaste nõustamine). Feedback from students, employers, graduates , staff (Tagasiside). Financing of education and study stipends (Õppetegevuse finantseerimine ja õppetoetused). Completion of studies (Lõpetamine), etc.
3. Education management on university level (32)3.3. Organisation of studies/programme management (cntd 1) The key regulation of programme management (organisation of studies) is “Academic Policy of University” (Ülikooli õppekorralduse eeskiri) Programme management – shared responsibility in which academic staff work alongside and receive high level support from professional administration. Both academic and administrative staff is participating in programme management/programme administration with the aim to improve learning and teaching experience.
3. Education management on university level (33)3.3. Organisation of studies/programme management (cntd 2) The following key themes have a significant impact on the management of programme: The nature o the institution (as defined by its internal processes and procedures, its size in terms of programme and student numbers, the types of students and use of technology). Dimensions of trust (demonstrated by how prescriptive and bureaucratic the processes are and whether staff feel it is safe to raise issues they think are important). Clarity of roles and responsibilities (the extent to which academic staff are responsible for programme management and the kinds of processes that are the responsibility of the students).
3. Education management on university level (34)3.3. Organisation of studies/programme management (cntd 3) The nature of institution: Staff and students should know who is responsible for key operational aspects of programme management. Academic programme manager (Õppekava juht, programmi direktor) should not need to worry about the detail of processes necessary to ensure effective course delivery. IT system should be used for registration, collection and transmission of marks to students, etc. In TUT study information system (Õppeinfosüsteem, ÕIS) shall be official information exchange of organisation of studies, operating, among other functions, to collect, process and store data concerning the study environment.
3. Education management on university level (35)3.3. Organisation of studies/programme management (cntd 4) Dimensions of trust Christine Child et al Approaches to Course Administration.
3. Education management on university level (36)3.3. Organisation of studies/programme management (cntd 5) Clarity of roles and responsibilities: Academic staff involvement vary a great deal between higher education institutions. Ideally academic staff should be freed of the responsibility for routine administrative tasks. Teaching staff should concentrate on teaching and learning. However, curriculum development remains core academic entity, but ensuring compliance with the university regulatory framework. Administrative staff responsibility are routine administrative tasks, such as timetabling, providing information, managing assessment and feedback process, etc. Students now have greater access to their records and learning resources via IT technology and therefore have responsibility for their own learning and management of their studies.
3. Education management on university level (37)3.4. Quality of student learning experience Topics to be covered: Assessment of student performance (Õpitulemuste hindamine) Examinations (Eksamid) Final tests (Arvestused) Documenting of grading outcomes (Hindamistulemuste vormistamine) Academic practice (Akadeemilised tavad) Dealing with compliants and academic appeals (Tegelemine kaebuste ja apellatsioonidega) Key issues in managing assessment processes can be found in “Academic Policy of TUT” (http://www.ttu.ee/studies/student-info/academic-policies-at-tut/ )
3. Education management on university level (38)3.4. Quality of student learning experience (cntd 1) Related definitions: Assessment (hindamine) the total range of written, oral and practical tests, as well as projects and portfolios used to decide on student’s progress in the course unit/subject (õppeaine) , module (moodul) or study programme (õppekava). Assessment criteria (hindamiskriteeriumid) description of what the learner is expected to do in order to demonstrate that a learning outcome has been achieved. Assessment method (hindamismeetod) the manner in which achievement is tested, such as an oral or written exam, an essay, a report, group work or a questionnaire.
3. Education management on university level (39)3.4. Quality of student learning experience (cntd 2) Related definitions: (cntd) Graded assessment /grading/marking (eristav hindamne)- assessment of learning outcomes using measurement scale (A,B,C, D, E or 5, 4, 3, 2, 1); Pass or fail assessment /non-graded assessment (mitteeristav hindamine)- assessment on basis of established threshold. Assessment shall be indicated as sufficient (pass) or not sufficient (fail); Complaint (kaebus) the expression of a specific concern about the provision of course/subject or a programme of study or related to academic service; Academic appeal (apellatsioon) a request for the review of a decision of an academic body charged with decisions on student progression, assessment and awards.
3. Education management on university level (40)3.4. Quality of student learning experience (cntd 3) Assessment processes and systems need to recognise, understand and support diversity full-time and part-time students, distance-learning students, international students, undergraduate students and postgraduate students, disabled students etc. It is unwise to premise administrative systems based around 19-20 year-old full-time undergraduates from Estonia studying 120 ECTS credits in each academic year on campus. Assessment systems and processes should:- ensure the integrity of assessment data, in particular the accurate capture and reporting of student marks/grades;- manage assessment exceptions, such as reassessment after failure and claims for personal extenuating circumstances (vabandavad asjaolud);- ensure that assessment systems and processes support the increasing diversity of learners and their needs.
3. Education management on university level (41)3.4. Quality of student learning experience (cntd 4) It is important to create, where possible: clarity in specification of assessment activity, expectations and assessment criteria so that students and staff are clear about what is to be achieved and how it will be graded; clear information on the resources available to support student learning prior to assessment; an awareness of how feedback will be given; an understanding of what learning can be achieved through the assignments set expressed in terms of learning outcomes (õpiväljundid) to be demonstrated.
3. Education management on university level (42)3.4. Quality of student learning experience (cntd 5) Academic Policies at TUT: Assessment of student performance. (Õppekorralduse eeskiri: õpitulemuste hindamine) Assessment of specified learning outcomes is based on “Standard of Higher Education”. For each subject/course the methods and criteria of assessment of learning outcomes shall be defined in the curriculum. Final assessment may be either graded or non-graded (hindamine võib olla eristav ja mitteeristav). In instances of graded assessment the scale of measuring student achievement of learning outcomes shall be used: A (5), B (4) etc.
3. Education management on university level (43)3.4. Quality of student learning experience (cntd 6) Academic Policies of TUT: Assessment of student performance (cntd): (Õppekorralduse eeskiri: õpitulemuste hindamine) Bases and rules of continuous assessment (jooksva õppetööhindamine) (tests, laboratory work, reviews etc.) shall be defined in syllabi (ainekava). To measure the student’s overall performance the grade point average (GPA) (kaalutud keskhinne, KKH) shall be used. Non-graded assessments (pass/fail ) shall not be included in GPA calculations. As a rule, exam and final test outcomes shall be graded by person teaching or supervising the subject, the name being indicated in the student’s individual study plan (Õpingukava) . A student shall have the right to seek a board of examiners to sit the exam (eksam) or the final test (arvestus). The teacher shall ensure that the exam or final test are made available within a week after taking the exam or final test.
3. Education management on university level (44)3.4. Quality of student learning experience (cntd 7) Academic Policies of TUT: Examinations (Õppekorralduse eeskiri: eksamid) During the examination session, at least two dates shall be made available (for every subject) with an interval of at least three days between the first and the last examination. An examination schedule/timetable may be drafted by the faculty/educational institution. At least two days shall be alloted before the first examination date of each subject to avoid overlapping of dates. The examination schedule/timetable shall be available at least 4 weeks before the examination session. Provisions shall be made to have at least one consultation (konsultatsioon) prior to the examination. Registration for an examination shall be via the study information system (ÕIS).
3. Education management on university level (45)3.4. Quality of student learning experience (cntd 8) Academic Policies of TUT: Examinations (cntd) (Õppekorralduse eeskiri: eksamid) If a student fails primary examination (põhieksam) he/she may sit a repeat examination (lisaeksam) at a repeat examination session. A student shall be eligible to sit an examination for one declaration in a given subject for a maximum of two times . With a positive grade at the examinationa student may re-sit the examination once at repeat examination. The last grade shall apply.
3. Education management on university level (46)3.4. Quality of student learning experience (cntd 9) Academic Policies of TUT: Final tests /assessments (Õppekorralduse eeskiri: arvestused) A final test /assessment (arvestus) shall be an assessment of knowledge and/or practical work. If so provided in the curriculum, a assessment may be graded (H). Provisions must be made for students to complete a assessments within the period of scheduled classes. Academic Policies of TUT: Documenting of grading outcomes. (Õppekorralduse eeskiri: hindamistulemuste vormistamine) The results of grading shall be entered into the study information system (ÕIS) by the teacher or staff appointed by the head of department or head of centre. The teacher is responsible for forwarding completed and signed assessment forms (hindamislehed) to Dean’s office.
3. Education management on university level (47)3.4. Quality of student learning experience (cntd 10) Academic Policies of TUT: Academic practice (Õppekorralduse eeskiri: Akadeemilised tavad) Violation of academic practice (akadeemiline tava) and contemptible behaviour (vääritu käitumine) shall be related to the following activities: submitting other person’s writing under ones own name; plagiarism or extensive rewording of someone else’s work without the citation and academic reference required etc. Academic Policies of TUT: Disputing decisions concerning study activities (Õppekorralduse eeskiri: Õppetegevusega seotud otsuste vaidlustamine). A student who desires to dispute a academic decision concerning him/her shall have to contact a person who made the decision or the chairperson of the decision making body immediately and explicitly express his/her desire to dispute the decision. If notwithstanding discussion student’s intention remains unaltered he/she may submit appeal to Dean within 30 days from the day the student was or should have been informed about the decision.
3. Education management on university level (48)3.5. Completion of higher education programme Related definitions: Certificate (haridustunnistus, diplom) the official document stating the completion of studies meeting specific requirements. Qualification (Kvalifikatsioon) a generic term that usually refers to an award granted for the successful completion of a study programme, in accordance with the standard set by an institution of education in a particular field of study (educational qualification). Professional qualification (kutsekvalifikatsioon) the set of requirements necessary for access to a profession, especially a regulated profession.
3. Education management on university level (49)3.5. Completion of higher education programme (cntd 1) Related definitions (cntd): Degree (Kraad) qualification awarded to an individual by recognised higher education institution after successful completion of a prescribed study programme. In credit accumulation system the programme is completed through the accumulation of a specified number of credits (ainepunkt) for the achievement of a specific set of learning outcomes (õpiväljund/õpitulemus). Diploma supplement (ingliskeelne akadeemiline õiend/diplomilisa) an annex to the original qualification designed to provide a description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies that were pursued and successfully completed by the holder of qualification. It aims at improving the international transparency and the academic/professional recognition of qualifications.
3. Education management on university level (50)3.5. Completion of higher education programme (cntd 2) Related definitions (cntd): Diploma (diplom) a document stating that a student has earned qualification from an educational institution. May refer to any qualification or award (from high school, college, university etc.), but in some countries it characterises specific awards or titles (e.g. Diplom-Ingenieur in Germany). Transcript of records/academic transcript (akadeemiline õiend) the official record or breakdown of a student’s progress and achievement . Credit-based educational systems employ detailed transcripts that show the individual grades for units/subjects undertaken.