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(Where we want to be). Rights-Based Quality EFA 2015 MDGs 7 th NESDP. (How we improve). Multi-year planning and implementation Empowerment and decentralization (SBM). (Where we are). Poor quality of education Concern over quality of teaching force Poor internal efficiency
(Where we want to be) • Rights-Based Quality EFA 2015 • MDGs • 7th NESDP (How we improve) • Multi-year planning and implementation • Empowerment and decentralization (SBM) (Where we are) • Poor quality of education • Concern over quality of teaching force • Poor internal efficiency • Shortages of educational inputs • Weak system governance SESDP Framework
What does SESDP say on Planning, Empowerment and Stakeholders’ Participation in Secondary Education? SESDP aligns with the 7th 5-Year Education Development Plan (2011-2015) which gives cognizance to the value of stakeholders, namely: i) To increase government investment and mobilize the participation of society in educational development; ii) To encourage students and parents’ associations, non-governmental organizations, private sectors, education support associates, and village education development committees to participate in the planning and mobilizing of funds for the construction and maintenance of schools within their areas of responsibilities.
What does SESDP say on Planning, Empowerment and Stakeholders’ Participation in Secondary Education? SESDP aligns with the 7th 5-Year Education Development Plan (2011-2015) which gives cognizance to the value of stakeholders, namely: iii) To ensure minimum standards of learning are well understood by teachers, students, parents, and all other relevant parties and to agree among themselves the minimum standards to be met and developed.
Strategic Inputs Under SESDP: • Building the capacity of the schools in taking fuller accountability and responsibility for accessible quality education. Toward this direction, planning for school improvement by the School Head and the community stakeholders is a strategic step.
3C1 Establish pupil-parent associations and build their capacity i) DSE will work with DNFE and DEBs to establish or reconstitute the PPAs in the 75 schools supported under Output 1. The capacity of the PPAs will be built to reinforce management of stipends . • Only schools with functioning PPAs will be eligible for access stipends and access grants. DSE with DNFE will provide a workshop for provinces, districts, and schools to review and revise related processes and guidelines developed under BESDP.
Relevant Activities Under SESDP: • A community profile will be developed for each kumban/village/s from which LSE students are drawn. The profile will be developed with the PPA to identify the total number of children aged 11-14 by sex, year of birth, ethnic group, and educational status. • Each PPA will receive training in conducting a ―rapid assessment of children age 11 to 14 in the community.
Rapid assessment also serves as an effective community mobilization activity, drawing on local knowledge to construct a community ―map, leading to discussion about reasons/causes for the observed patterns of student participation. It will be important to stress the assessment process rather than only the ―map‖ per se. Group Activity i) What do you think about the composition of PPAs? How can they best represent the community in several villages? ii) What do you think of PPAs doing rapid assessment? Do you think the role of PPAs can be expanded to have more participation in schools?
3A2 Update LSE and USE school network mapping SESDP supports Nationwide SES school network mapping to identify unmet demand and guide planning for network expansion. This includes detailed needs analysis and planning for the 30 districts covered by SESDP.
Group Activity i) Discuss what difficulty do we expect in getting realistic field data for current and future needs of Secondary Education Subsector ii) Discuss the capacity of PESs to determine realistic data for the establishment of new LSE and USE School Sites iii) We aim to get GPS coordinates for all LSE and USE school sites. How can PESs assist on this? Do you have schools with GPS readings already?
3B1 Phased, multi-modal capacity building for education sector staff at central, provincial/local levels and secondary school principals SESDP will organize a training of trainers for PES counterparts, who will then conduct provincial-level trainings on school improvement planning with an emphasis on instructional leadership. The latter will cover a total of1,200secondary school directors (school directors), one from each school in 2013, followed by a phased program of annual capacity building seminars for 2 senior staff—the school director and a senior female teacher—from each of the 1200 secondary schools
SESDP recognizes the function of a plan in the effective management of the school for ACCESSIBLE QUALITY EDUCATION, thus the mandate for the development of an SIP as a responsibility and accountability of every School Director.
A School Development Plan is an improvement planwhich embodies the school and the stakeholder’s vision of the future as well as the strategies and activities they want to undertake and enable schools to negotiate for development initiatives. • School improvement planning is a participatory process. This is based on the idea that if various stakeholders in the community are organized to plan, initiate, manage, and support school-related activities, the goals of education will be better achieved.
Proposed members of the School Development Planning Team or the School Management Committee and their roles and responsibilities:
Main Tasks: i) Discuss and adopt the School Annual Imrpovement Plan (including the use of access Grants):Dormitory, remedial class Support, and the School Annual Report. ( Financial and Activities ) ii) Study and adopt the list of school’ Stipends Beneficiaries and replacement if needed ( in First Semester of M1 only) and summit to (DEB/PES/MOE Project). (Certify the Financial Report) iii) Monitor and report on the attendance, absence and the Learning outcome of student especially the scholars. iv) Monitor and report on the behavior, activities of students in the villages. Study and adopt the list of student eligible for dormitory (if the school has), remove and replace if needed. v) Mobilization of funds, ideas and labor from government sector, IOs , INGOs, Mass Organizations, Civil Societies, Community/Parents, for the development of the school.
Responsibilities under SESDP: i) Endorse the School Improvement Plan to DEBs, PES, and DSE. ii) Propose the list of students eligible for scholarship. Propose replacement of school scholarship ( if any). iii) Propose the list of students for dormitory and remove or replace scholars (if necessary).
Group Activity i) What do you think about the composition of School Development Committee? ii) Do you think PPA and School Development Committee be one or separate?