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Twente Science challenge lab

Twente Science challenge lab. Jaco van de pol, computer science. Partner in various COMMIT projects Co-applicant in NWO Zwaartekracht on Big Software (3TU.CeDICT) Co-applicant in DAS5 initiative – as a user Currently building 2 nd generation Science Challenge Lab

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Twente Science challenge lab

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  1. Twente Sciencechallenge lab Jaco van de pol, computer science

  2. Partner in various COMMIT projects Co-applicant in NWO Zwaartekracht on Big Software (3TU.CeDICT) Co-applicant in DAS5 initiative – as a user Currently building 2nd generation Science Challenge Lab • Hadoop cluster (512 core, 2TB ram, 0.5PB disk, infiniband) • Compute server (64 core, 0.5TB ram) • Co-processors (Xeon-Phi, GPU) • Secure disk storage server Twente Sciencechallenge lab CTIT @ U Twente Jaco van de Pol, Twente Science Challenge Lab

  3. Big data for humanities (Evers, de Jong, Theune, Apers, Hiemstra, vKeulen) • Multi-media and text-based data retrieval (twitter, social graphs, …) • Story recognition, virtual storytelling • (un)structured data with (un)certainty Big network analytics for safety and security (Pras, Haverkort, Boucherie) • Analysis of huge trace logs for anomalies • Flow-based methods, machine learning techniques Modeling & analysis for natural sciences (vdPol, Schivo, Broersma, Litvak) • Based on design methods for man-made dependable systems • Discrete math modeling and high-performance graph algorithms Focus areas Orthogonal to research groups Jaco van de Pol, Twente Science Challenge Lab

  4. Flamingo (FP7 NoE): flow-based monitoring of networks and services ANIMO (Mira): interactive modeling & experiments for executable biology Nascence (FP7): Programmable Nanosystems TimeTrails (COMMIT): combine geographic & time-series data VOCHS (NWO): model & verify CERN’s control software Infiniti (COMMIT): Information Retrieval from the Deep Web FACT (NWO, Meertens): Classification & Clustering of Folk Tales AXES (FP7 IP): Access to Audiovisual Archives (beeld & geluid, BBC) Many, many more, on: Human behaviour generation (virtual robotics) High-performance analysis and tools (model checking) Underwater and wireless sensors for monitoring the environment Running projects Just a sample Jaco van de Pol, Twente Science Challenge Lab

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