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Enhancing costumer experience top 10

Enhancing costumer experience top 10. TERRIO Therapy-Fitness Oswell Clinic Keith Richard Zabala, PT. For the clinical staff. prepare. Take the time to review the patient’s diagnosis/condition prior to their appointment. Review Medical History Form prior to calling them in.

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Enhancing costumer experience top 10

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  1. Enhancing costumer experience top 10 TERRIO Therapy-Fitness Oswell Clinic Keith Richard Zabala, PT

  2. For the clinical staff

  3. prepare Take the time to review the patient’s diagnosis/condition prior to their appointment. Review Medical History Form prior to calling them in. Prepare the tools you may need for the evaluation.

  4. Value patient’s time Be prompt in calling them back for their evaluation/treatment. Inform them of the expected evaluation and treatment duration.

  5. Make the visit pleasant and enjoyable Introduce yourself to the patients. Introduce other staff that will have contact with the patient during the session if possible. Maintain eye-contact and sit down at eye level anytime possible. Smile and show that you are happy to have them in your clinic. Show enthusiasm and passion. Inform them of the procedures that will be done on that visit. Ensure cleanliness of the facility, consider the music being played, comfort of the waiting room chairs etc.

  6. Communicate Let your patients talk and listen attentively. Take the time to identify the patient’s needs by asking questions and concentrating on what the patient is really saying. Listen to their words, tone of voice, body language, and most importantly, how they feel. Respond appropriately watching for the tone of your voice, rate of speaking, amount and complexity of words you use. Show empathy both verbally and non-verbally.

  7. Show competence and skills Explain well to patient the procedure to be done and possible side effects. Show fluidity in the examination and treatment procedures. Inform and discuss the result of your examination. Inform them of your PT impression and possible prognosis. Inform them of best available treatment. Educate the patient/family on home program and empower them to take charge and participate in their rehabilitation.

  8. Express Thanks Take time to thank the patient for: Entrusting you with their care Working hard during the session Allowing them to help you Thank the family for: Being there to support the patient’s recovery Asking great questions Participating in the treatment

  9. For the clinic and company

  10. Educate staff Educate the staff regarding: Current programs being offered in the clinic/company Proper channels or person to contact if inquiries or complaints are made. Customer service processes thru in-service etc.

  11. Define and Establish processes Establish guidelines for scheduling new patients, current patients etc. Establish process for patient complaints, billing inquiry and payment set-up etc.

  12. Check and improve established processes Solicit, monitor and review patient satisfaction surveys. Mystery shopper Listen to your patients/customers and make necessary changes to improve patient/customer experience.

  13. resolve complaints/issues Be prompt in following up and resolving patient complaints or satisfaction issues that may arise. Resolve issues with C.L.A.S.S.

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