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Fairview Independent Schools STLP. Missy Murray, District/High School Coordinator Tonia Parker, Middle School Coordinator Barbara Carper, Elementary School Coordinator Jason Morrison, DTC.
Fairview Independent Schools STLP • Missy Murray, District/High School Coordinator • Tonia Parker, Middle School Coordinator • Barbara Carper, Elementary School Coordinator • Jason Morrison, DTC
2011 District Application for Titanium/Platinume-ScrapbookFairview Independent Schools2123 Main StreetAshland, KY 41102606-324-9226Missy Murray, School/District STLP Coordinator
Fairview Independent STLP Technology + Learning + Exploring + Friendship + Community + Competition = SUCCESS
The STLP Mission • “The Mission of the Student Technology Leadership Program is to advance the individual capabilities of students; to motivate all students; and to create leadership opportunities through the use of technology.”
The STLP Mission at Fairview Independent Schools • “The mission of the Student Technology Leadership Program is to increase student participation, learning and achievement and to collaborate within the school, district and community through the use of technology”
Fairview High School became a state recognized STLP school in March 2009. Fairview Elementary became recognized in September 2010.Fairview Middle School was recognized in 2011.
Humble BeginningsOne group of FHS students competed at State in May 2010 as a walk on project, giving them valuable experience for helping launch a successful STLP program at Fairview.
The 2010-2011 school year was the first year all district schools competed at Regional STLP competition at Morehead State University.
Fairview High School was represented at the Morehead Regional Competition in 2010 with 13 showcase projects and 2 presenters. Total student participation was 37.The Elementary showcased 3 projects and had 12 students participate.
Fairview Independent Schools was represented at the Morehead Regional Competition in 2011 with 21 showcase projects. Total student participation this fall was 78.
Of those 21 showcases, ALL were invited to State STLP Competition
STLP at the School Levels • Instructional Projects • Elementary • Tutoring for Tech • High School/Middle School • Geocaching 101 • Eagle One News • Growing Herbs • The Talon: A Multimedia Yearbook • Photoshop 101 • Designing with Google SketchUp • A Virtual Tour of the Holocaust • Eagle Cyber Gazette
STLP at the School Levels • Community Service • Elementary School • Eagle Press • Eagles Nest Bookstore • Middle/High School • Digital Memories: Westwood • CyberSurvival • September 11: A Tragedy Felt Around the World • The Westwood Lions Club Website • Tee Time • CyberSafety with Woody • Coffee and Computers
STLP at the School Levels • Technical Projects • Elementary School • Up and Running • Middle/High School • Magnetic Motor • Troubleshooting Your MAC
STLP at the School Levels • Building Leadership • Elementary • Elementary STLP students have to opportunity to work with the DTC to build troubleshooting requests for the staff • Middle/High School • STLP students at the Middle and High School level have the opportunity to present PD sessions to classmates and Fairview Staff • Students take on leadership positions within their project groups, assigning jobs and overseeing project progress • High School STLP Student also serve as mentors to Elementary STLP students.
STLP at the School Levels • Entrepreneurial Opportunities • Elementary School • * Students have set up an STLP store, selling small school supply items • Middle/High School • * Opportunity to sell/purchase STLP items such as shirts and lanyards • * STLP Annual Winter Fundraiser: Handmade Christmas Ornaments
STLP at the School Levels • Scheduling • Elementary School • Students at the elementary school work after school one day per week. They also work independently on projects on their own time. • Middle/High School • Students are not “selected” at the middle and high school levels. We take all interested students into the program and strive to make them successful in some aspect of STLP. The students work on their own time, have the opportunity to work during their lunch - if they choose - and have scheduled STLP Day each Wednesday after school until 5:30. There are also work opportunities on days off from school.
STLP at the School Levels • Grade/Age Break Down • Elementary • 4th Grade - 7 (3 male, 4 female) • 5th Grade - 8 (4 male, 4 female) • Middle/High School • 6th - 14 (7 male, 7 female) • 7th - 0 • 8th - 0 • 9th - 12 (3 male, 9 female) • 10th - 12 (8 male, 4 female) • 11th -12 (6 male, 6 female) • 12th -10 (3 male, 7 female)
Kris “STLP has really taught me a sense of responsibility. It has given me satisfaction in seeing success with what I am doing both in and out of class.” STLP at the School Levels Corey “STLP has given me the path for future success with opportunities for competition and leadership within the school and community. STLP has taught me to get projects finished in a timely manner and makes me push the limits to what I can accomplish.” • Student Stories Laken “STLP has given me valuable technology and leadership skills that will benefit both me and my school as I start my senior year and prepare for college.”
STLP at the School Levels Kenzy “ I am so excited to be a part of STLP. It has given me a chance to expand my creative abilities and leadership skills, as well as learn new technology skills.” Garry McPeek, Principal “STLP has given our students the much needed chance to showcase their work in technology. We have a lot of great things happening at Fairview - STLP lets them show what they are completing both in and out of class. We are very proud of the opportunities on both an academic and leadership level that STLP has afforded our students.” • Student Stories
STLP at the School Levels Jennifer “ I am so excited to be a part of STLP. It has given me a chance to use what I have learned in class and let others see what Fairview is all about. We may be a small school, but we have a lot of success and talent.” • Student Stories Missy Murray, STLP Coordinator “STLP has been the opportunty of a lifetime for many of our students. It has given them a sense of pride and belonging. They have learned and continue to learn valuable skills that will make them marketable and successful now and beyond their high school careers,”
STLP at the School Levels Hannah “STLP has opened my eyes to a whole new world and taught me how wonderful and creative technology really is.” Jason Morrison, DTC “Our students come from many different backgrounds. Some of them don’t have the opportunity to use technology in their homes. STLP in the district has provided our students with a way to put to practical use what they do in their classrooms on a daily basis.” • Student Stories
STLP at the School Levels Daniel “STLP has helped me become more technologically smart.” Austin “Being in STLP has given me a chance to show others what I do in school every day. As a small school, we are often overlooked, STLP shows the state that we are a force to be reckoned with.” • Student Stories Davis “Being unorganized, STLP drove me to the brink of insanity, but in the end, competing and being invited to State Championship for a second year in a row proved that hard work was worth the stress.”
STLP at the School Levels Anthony “STLP has taught me more about technology and how to use it to be successful.” Amber What STLP means to me is to be honest at first I wasn’t sure of doing it till I actually saw it in person how it works then I knew right then I wanted to do it. • Student Stories Ashley STLP has helped me a whole lot! I developed new skills such as critical thinking. Also, I got to communicate with my classmates on a new level. It has been a great experience!
STLP at the School Levels Haley The STLP has helped me with computer skills and communication skills. It has been great to compete at Regionals and now our team can’t wait till State Championship.” • Student Stories Alyssa “STLP has taught me so much about responsibility and accountability. It taught me how valuable hard work can be when you pour yourself into your work and see what the outcome will be.” Sarah STLP has helped me with my computer and communication skills. It has been a great, rewarding experience. I can’t wait to compete at State!”
STLP at the School Levels Logan “STLP has taught me many things. Its taught me leadership skills and how to work with a group to accomplish a common goal. I also learned a lot of technology skills. Ruth Crowe, Teacher "STLP has been a vehicle to take a whole class project and make it an STLP project of their own, researching and learning far more than I had planned for them." • Student Stories
STLP at the School Levels Jeff Fletcher, Teacher STLP provides students with an avenue to express as well as demonstrate the artistic and intellectual gifts that they possess that simply cannot be measured within a regular classroom setting. • Student Stories Kyra “STLP has given me a chance to do a yearlong project that I can really take pride in. By successfully completing my project it has given me a sense of accomplishment.”
Barb Carper, Elementary Coordinator Seeing the students enjoy and want to be a part of an academic club is rewarding. They have made progress beyond my wildest dreams. I am so proud of what they have all accomplished and learned. STLP at the School Levels Julie, Parent I have seen both of my children grow academically and technologically over the past year. STLP has given them both a place to showcase what they are truly capable of in the technology area. I am thrilled that both have become a part of this program and look forward to State and the coming years. • Student Stories
STLP at the School Levels Alex, STLP Graduate I miss being in STLP. It was a lot of fun and has helped me in college to effectively use technology. High five to all STLP students! • Student Stories Carla, Parent I’m thrilled that my daughter finally has place to funnel her talents. She doesn’t play sports so STLP is perfect for her. She love anything that has to do with computers and technology.
STLP at the District Level • District Support • Both the Elementary and the Middle and High Schools are supported by the district through transportation to and from competitions, financial support (purchase of materials) and food service (lunches for competition days)
STLP at the District Level • STLP Work Sessions • Elementary • Students at the elementary school work after school one day per week. They also work independently on projects on their own time. • Middle/High School • The STLP students at the Middle and High School have the opportunity to work on projects, etc. daily during their lunch periods, each Wednesday after school until 5:30 and other Professional Development/”out-of-school” days as needed. They also have the option of asking the coordinator to stay after on other days of the week after school, with the requests being granted 90% of the time. High School students used the Professional Day, November 7, as a work day. On a day out of school, 27 middle and high school students, along with both coordinators and the DTC filtered in and out during this day to work on projects.
STLP at the District Level • Internships/Work Studies • Elementary • Elementary Students work with the STLP Coordinator and DTC completing work orders for tech problems at the Elementary • Middle/High School • STLP students at the Middle and High School level have the opportunity to work as Student Technology Aides with our DTC. These students have shown a high level of technical expertise and a high level of academic achievement and are self motivated.
STLP at the District Level • Scholarship Opportunities/ Awards • Our High School STLP Seniors have been awarded the following major scholarships: • Corey Moore - Diederich ($12,000/year, renewable for 5 years) • Ryan Smith - Ashland Community and Tech College ($5000/year, renewable)
STLP at the District Level Elementary Teachers Ms. Carper (coordinator) Ms. Greene (judge) Community Members/Parents 8 Parent Chaperones Middle/High School Teachers Ms. Murray (coordinator) Ms. Parker (MS coordinator) Ms. Baldwin (teacher) Ms. Crowe (teacher) Corey Moore (FHS Grad, Student Assistant) Amber Greene (student Assistant) Administration Mr. Morrison (DTC) Mr. McPeek (HS Principal) Mr. Creech (Assistant Superintendent) Ms. Williams (Food Service Director) • District Showcase Support • The Fairview Independent District supported the students at Regional Showcase by attending. The following supported our students at Morehead:
STLP at the District Level • School/Community Impact • The STLP Program at Fairview Independent has impacted both the students and community. Students have benefited from participation in the program. Our STLP serves a wide range of students from many different backgrounds, socioeconomic situations and abilities across the district. We have had students recognized locally by the newspaper to state wide for participation with Brown Cancer Center and Dataseam for their work with both organizations. • As far as community impact, our students have produced many websites, videos and web tools to service the community. These have included projects such as a web tool to be used in the classroom to transfer movies from computer to computer, video tutorials for tech topics, and webistes for both the Greater Ashland Beacon Weekly Newspaper and Westwood Lions Club. • Student STLP successes are announced at all District Schools as well as on the District website.
STLP at the District Level • Outstanding STLP District Models • The schools and the district recognize our students projects at the school level through announcements, newsletters, etc. Student achievement is also recognized at the first Board Meeting after State. • Outstanding Project Models... • * are used in classrooms to enhance instruction • * are used by the community for information (websites) • * meet the KCCS standards for Technology, as well as other content areas • * employ best practices
STLP at the District Level • State Recognized District Schools • Fairview Elementary • and • Fairview Middle/High School • are state recognized STLP schools per Elaine Harrison-Lane.
STLP at the University/Regional Level • Regional Fall Showcases 2011 • Elementary Showcases • Up and Running • Tutoring for Tech • Eagles Nest Bookstore • Eagle Press • Middle/High School Showcases • Digital Memories: Westwood • Geocaching 101 • The Talon: A Multimedia Yearbook • Troubleshooting Your MAC • CyberSurvival • Eagle One News • Designing with Google SketchUp • Photoshop 101 • September 11: A Tragedy Felt Around the World • Through the Eyes of 9-11: Ten Years of Remembrance • A Virtual Tour of the Holocaust • The Westwood Lions Club Website • Magnetic Motor • Growing Herbs • Tee Time • Cyber Safety with Woody • Eagle Cyber Gazette • Coffee and Computers
Regional Fall Showcases 2011 Elementary Showcases Up and Running Tutoring for Tech Eagles Nest Bookstore Eagle Press Middle/High School Showcases Digital Memories: Westwood Geocaching 101 The Talon: A Multimedia Yearbook Troubleshooting Your MAC CyberSurvival Eagle One News Designing with Google SketchUp Photoshop 101 September 11: A Tragedy Felt Around the World Through the Eyes of 9-11: Ten Years of Remembrance A Virtual Tour of the Holocaust The Westwood Lions Club Website Magnetic Motor Growing Herbs Tee Time Cyber Safety with Woody Eagle Cyber Gazette Coffee and Computers STLP at the University/Regional Level • Regional Showcase Participation • The Fairview Independent District was represented with 21 showcases this fall. • Last year, we had multiple students involved in winter, showcase, and Live competitions, winning 2 Best in Group Awards and 12 Live and Winter honors
Both the Elementary and the Middle and High Schools are supported by the district through transportation to and from competitions, financial support (purchase of materials) and food service (lunches for competition days) and support from all Fairview Faculty and Staff STLP at the University/Regional Level • Regional Showcase Support
STLP at the University/Regional Level • Regional Showcase Attendance • Fairview Elementary • 15 students • 2 adults • 4 showcases • Fairview Middle/High School • 53 students • 10 adults • 17 showcases • District Totals: • 78 student • 12 adults • 21 showcases
STLP at the University/Regional Level • Regional Showcase Judges • 2011 Regional Judges for Fairview Independent • Eugenia Greene - Elementary • Ruth Crowe - Middle/High School • Brant Creech - Middle/High School • Garry McPeek - Middle/High School • Carly Baldwin - Middle/High School • Jeff Fletcher - Middle/High School • These will also serve as State Championship Judges
STLP at the University/Regional Level • District Support for Regional Showcase • Fairview Independent would like to thank the following for their support at Fall Showcase: • Garry McPeek, High School Principal • Eric Hale, Middle School Principal • Greg Sallie, Elementary School Principal • Bill Musick, Superintendent • Brant Creech, Assistant Superintendent • Linda Allen, DAC • Tonia Lucas, High School Counselor • Jo Williams, Food Service Coordinator • All Fairview Independent Teachers, Faculty and Staff
STLP at the State Level Both the Elementary and the Middle and High Schools are supported by the district through transportation to and from competitions, financial support (purchase of materials) and food service (lunches for competition days). They also receive academic support from all Fairview faculty and staff. • District Support for State Championship
STLP at the State Level • Breakdown of Participation at State Championship by Category • As of December 12, 2011 the following is the breakdown of competition categories. • Elementary School • Showcases 17 • Winter Virtual Events Planned 4/21 • LIVE Events Planned 3/19 • Middle/High School • Showcases 17 • Winter Virtual Events Planned 20/21 • LIVE Events Planned 17/19
STLP at the State Level • Collaborative Projects at School, District, State and/or National Level • Eagle One News Staff at the High School works collaboratively with the Middle School to serve as mentors for Eaglet One News. • The Middle and High School students also serve as STLP Mentors on various projects with the Elementary School • The District STLP works closely with the KentuckyDataseam Initiative on various statewide projects. • STLP projects are featured on the internet at web.me.com/missymurrayfhs