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GRADE 1?. WORKSHOP AIM/OBJECTIVES. To discuss lesson plan formats and appreciate implications for OTL/Inspection Colleagues will: Recognise a variety of formats Consider strategies to improve existing lesson plans Develop features of successful lesson planning. From the above:.
WORKSHOP AIM/OBJECTIVES • To discuss lesson plan formats and appreciate implications for OTL/Inspection Colleagues will: • Recognise a variety of formats • Consider strategies to improve existing lesson plans • Develop features of successful lesson planning
From the above: Colleagues will: • Evaluate lesson plans • Realise the importance of evidencing -*differentiation, *group characteristics, *assessment, *ILT, *equal opportunities etc. • Be aware of the ‘7 questions’ • Devise ways to improve lesson planning • Relate Inspection Framework to their own formats • Participate in activities/discussions
JUDGEMENTS – 40 MINUTES? • Lesson Plans, schemes of work, assessment records • Learner’s attention, understanding, enjoyment, involvement, standards of work • Teacher’s communication • Relevance to syllabus, time of year, level of course, pace, challenge, support • WHAT WORKS FOR ONE TEACHER OR ONE LEARNER WILL NOT WORK FOR ALL
MAKING JUDGEMENTS • Extract from Common Inspection Framework: “Inspectors will take account of the needs of all learners, including those who are gifted or talented, those with learning difficulties and/or disabilities and those for whom English is an additional language.”
INSPECTORS’ FINDINGS IN UNSATISFACTORY LESSONS • 8% of lessons are unsatisfactory. Typical weaknesses include poor planning, failure to check that students understand what is being taught, insensitivity to the needs of individuals of differing abilities, insufficient guidance on how to tackle tasks and poor attention to difficulties with literacy and numeracy.”
INSPECTORS’ FINDINGS FOR ADULTS • Extract from Ofsted and ALI Joint Annual Report – April 2003: • “Less successful lessons are characterised by the lack of thought given by teachers to help learners with different abilities to learn. Often learners are given insufficient opportunity to extend their skills and knowledge and those who are lacking in confidence are given insufficient support.”
and there’s more…. “Teachers fail to draw on learners’ experience of the world of work, missing valuable opportunities to make the learning more relevant to them. Some teachers oversimplify their explanations and learners gain only superficial understanding of concepts.”
INSPECTORS’ FINDINGS FOR WORK BASED LEARNING “Most training takes place on the job, where there is frequently a lack of planned individualised training. Although most learners have Individual Learning Plans, they are seldom used to full advantage. Many plans do not take sufficient account of learners’ previous experiences or achievements.”
and more …… “The initial assessment of individual learning needs and the provision for these needs were unsatisfactory in a third of cases. The teaching of key skills often fails to hold learners’ interest.”
INSPECTION OUTLINE Lesson grades – every lesson has 3 grades • 1 to 7 for teaching • 1 to 7 for learning • 1 to 7 for attainment
GRADE INTERPRETATION • Grade 1 Excellent • Grade 2 Very Good • Grade 3 Good • Grade 4 Satisfactory • Grade 5 Unsatisfactory • Grade 6 Poor • Grade 7 Very Poor
A GRADE 1 LESSON • In pairs, discuss, agree and write down your TOP FIVE features/qualities which you would expect to see in an excellent lesson. • Write down the necessary components of a Grade 1lesson plan.
The 7 Questions • How well do learners achieve? • How effective are teaching, training and learning? • How do resources affect achievement and learning? • How effective are the assessment and monitoring of learners’ progress? • How well do the programmes and courses meet the needs and interests of learners? • How well are learners guided and supported? • How effective are leadership and management in raising achievement and supporting all learners?
LESSON PLANNING Individually consider the example lesson plans: • Identify 3 ‘excellent’ features • Identify 3 ‘very poor’ features
INSPECTORS’ FINDINGS • Data from joint Ofsted and ALI Inspectorate report published April 2003 for 01-02 inspections:
INSPECTION PLANNING • From this workshop, take back TWO POINTS that you will do to ensure your lesson plans meet OTL/Inspection requirements (Grade 1)! “Make Inspection a tool for self improvement.”