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POLIOMYELITIS. Joseba Hidalgo & María González. What is it?. It is also known as «Polio» or « Infantile paralysis ». Its name came from the greek words « poliós » which means grey, « myelós » which means spinal cord , and « itis » which means inflammation .
POLIOMYELITIS Joseba Hidalgo & María González
What is it? • Itisalsoknown as «Polio» or «Infantileparalysis». • Itsnamecamefromthegreekwords «poliós» whichmeans grey, «myelós» whichmeansspinalcord, and «itis» whichmeansinflammation. • Itis a viral infectiousdisease, transmittedby fecal-oral route. • Itmainlyaffectsthespinalcord, but can alsoaffectsthebrainstream, causing «Polioencephalitis». • 1% of polio cases afectthe Central NervousSystem (muscleweakness and flaccidparalysis).
Types of paralysis Differenttypes of paralysis can occurdependingonthepart of thebodytheyaffect. • Spinal polio: causes asimetricparalysis and mainlyaffectsthelegs. • Bulbar polio: leads toweakness of thenervescontrolledbycranialnerves. • Bulbospinal polio: combination of bulbar and spinalparalysis.
History • ThePoliomyelitis as a illnesswasdiscovered in 1840. • Itwasn’tuntil 1908, whenitsmaincausativeagentwasdiscovered, the «poliovirus». • Polio wasone of mostfearedchildhooddiseases of the 20th century. • Actually, Poliomyelitisits a raredisease, thankstothevaccinesdeveloped.
Cause • Caused by infection. • Virus name: Poliovirus.
Transmission • Highly contagious. • Factors which may increase the risk of being infected: immune deficiency, malnutrition, pregnancy…
Prevention • Vaccination
Treatment • There is no cure for polio. • Polio treatment often requires long-term rehabilitation including physical therapy, braces, corrective shoes and in some other cases orthopedic surgery.