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Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram

ISKCON New Gaya Japan www.iskconjapan.com. Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare. Temple & Vedic Culture Hall. Sri Sri RADHA-GOVIND Temple Sri Sri Radha- Govind Bhagavan

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Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram

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  1. ISKCON New Gaya Japan www.iskconjapan.com Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare

  2. Temple & VedicCultureHall • Sri Sri RADHA-GOVIND Temple • Sri Sri Radha-GovindBhagavan • Sri Sri Nitai-Gaurasundar (Present Temple Deities) • Authorized Deity Worship, Spiritual Vedic Teachings. • Various Vedic Deities in Culture Hall – Demo • Sri Buddha • Sri Dasaavtaar • Sri Durga-devi • Sri Ganesh • Sri Jagannath-Baladev-Subhadra • Sri Laxmi-Narayan • Sri Rishabdev • Sri Saraswati-devi • Sri Shiva-Parvati-Ganesh-Kartikeya-Nandi • Sri Sita-Ram-Laxman-Hanuman • Sri TirupatiBalaji • Web Booking • Vedic Culture Hall for festival celebration booking may be done online • Weekly Feast Sponsor list & Booking to be made online

  3. Temple Activities Spirituality, Culture, Philanthropy

  4. Key Updates • Radha-Govind Deities arrived – May 11, 2011 • Paining work started • Deity installation will be done during grand opening & Yagya • Funabori premises is ready • Temple Hall & Ashram are fully operational • Three Full time priest serving the Temple and one more priest will arrive soon • Govinda’s Restaurant started • Delicious KrnsaPrasadam is being served every day • Govinda’s staff is assisting every week for FFL • Janmashtmi & New Temple celebrations (2010) • AnupJalotaBhajan concert was very much appreciated • More than 800 guests celebrated the festival • Total Profit was more than 4 Million JPY

  5. Upcoming events for 2011 • Grand Opening for Funabori Temple • July 2nd & July3rd • Historical moment came after 6th century (when Prince Shotoku constructed Japan’s first official Temple)! • Janmashtmi@New Temple • Please block Aug 22, 2011 • Any ideas, support, etc will be more than welcome • We need your support to make this event successful! • Philanthropy activities • Food for life program to be continued in Miyagi • Free counseling session for all • Diwali concert • To have Bhajan concert by esteemed guest from India • Details yet to be planned • Other Festivities • With new premises at hand and at convenient location, regular festival celebrations will be on increase. • Temple, Vedic Culture Center & Govinda’s kitchen would be an ideal combination to celebrate events in spiritual ambience.

  6. Legal Matters • ISKCON is a registered Religious Organization in Japan • Shukyo-Hojin • The property is bought in the organization's name and not on any individual name • The temple administration will be conducted as per: • The decision of the managing committee members • ISKCON guidelines • Proper safeguards to ensure accountability • The accounts are properly kept and will be properly audited to ensure transparency • Samyak software has kindly developed a software • Implementation is completed • Data entry is on-going • All the contributions received are being displayed on the web

  7. Funabori Temple Property • Easy accessibility • 1-2mins. walk from Funabori station on Toei-Shinjuku line. • Very near two Indian hubs – Ojima & Nishi-Kasai • 21-29 mins. from Shinjuku stn. • Very well connected by bus & train • Property Details • Land Size: 290.35 m2 (87.83 subo) • Building Size: 430.14 m2 (130.11 subo) • Main building: 3 floors. Annexe building: 2 floors. 2 Parking. • 2-23-4 Funabori, Edogawa-ku, Tokyo 134-0091. Ph. 03-3877-3000.

  8. Floor Plan – 1F Temple Hall Govinda’s Restaurant • 1st Floor: • Temple Hall • Prasadam Stall

  9. Floor Plan – 2F Vedic Culture Hall Ashram • 2nd Floor: • Vedic Culture Hall – 3D • Resident Ashram

  10. Floor Plan – 3F Ashram Yagya Hall • 3rd Floor: • Yagya-shala • Resident Ashram

  11. Finances • Overall budget • Total project cost: ~190M • Total donation as of April-2011: ~87 M • Bank Loan: 104.5M • Monthly expenses • Loan installments: 0.4M • Temple & Pujari welfare: 0.4M • Property tax/Utilities: 0.3M • Festival preparation: 0.2M • Total monthly expenses: 1.3M • Monthly sources of funds • Govinda’s Kitchen & Ashram: 0.4M • Present Temple Pillars: 0.3M • To be covered: 0.6M (via Temple Pillar program)

  12. Together We Can! • Join Hands • Unity, Enthusiasm, Meditation • Fortunate to be a part of it • Temple SQUARE(s) • One-time Square(s) Sponsor • 1 square sponsorship = 40,000 yen • Temple PILLAR • Regular Monthly Contributions • Stability & smooth functioning

  13. Temple Pillars • Present Temple pillars • At present we are having 34 Temple pillars • Monthly support from TPs is about 0.3M JPY • Statistics • We need to cover 0.6M for monthly budget • Addition of 50-60 TPs can help cover the whole monthly budget Temple Family • Everyone’s little contribution can provide huge support and huge impact for future • Overall 100 TPs can easily ensure stability, smooth functioning • It can also enable to increase philanthropic activities • Let’s work for our society as a family!

  14. ISKCON Japan - Generation 1

  15. ISKCON Japan - Generation 2

  16. ISKCON Japan - Generation 3

  17. ISKCON New Gaya Japan www.iskconjapan.com Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare; Hare Ram Hare Ram, Ram Ram Hare Hare.

  18. India – Vedic & Historical inspiration for Japan • “Without Indian influence, Japanese culture would not be what it is today.”  "As most Japanese profess the Buddhist faith, needless to say, they have generally been influenced by Indian ideas to a great extent." • Hajime Nakamura (1912 - 1999) Japanese scholar • "Zen is the Japanese equivalent of Sanskrit Dhyana (meditation) or Ch'an and is the name given to the sect founded in China by Bodhidharma.“ • Sir Charles Elliot (1862-1931), British diplomat and colonial administrator • “The study of Japanese thought is the study of Indian thought” • Dr. D. T. (DaisetzTeitaro) Suzuki (1870-1966) Japanese Buddhist and Zen scholar • India has dictated the national diet fostering rice-cultures and discrediting the use of flesh, which seems to have been a staple article of Japanese food in pre-Buddhistic days." • Basil Hall Chamberlain (1850-1935) British Japanologist • "The Indian form of myth of The Churning of the Milky Ocean reached Japan” • Donald A. Mackenzie (1873 - 1936) • “Vedic ideas were also taken to Japan by the sea route from South India and Southeast Asia . That serves to explain the specific transformations of some Sanskrit terms into Japanese through Tamil phonology.” • Dr. SubhashKak (1949 - )

  19. Glimpse of Indian Gods in Japan Kankiten statue in front of Fukuoka Tower Lord Ganesha known as Kankiten, Shoten, Shoden in Japan

  20. Glimpse of Indian Gods in Japan Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth in India known as Kichijo-ten in Japan

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