..PRESENTATION..The heritage of thepast, thepotentialofthefuture,theEastern Gate,KISPESTWherethetraditions of thepast and thetranquillityof thesuburbsmeetthebustleoftheinner city and thepaths of thefuture.Kispesti Deák Ferenc HighSchoolMade by Terézia Császár
..THE HISTORY OF KISPEST.. The 19thdistrict of thecapital, Kispest liesonthesouth-eastern part of Budapest.Itsquartersarethegarden city, called Wekerle, Kispest Dormitory, Suburb of Kispest, UpperKispest and Traditional Kispest.Kispest is a 131-year-old district, whichwasconnectedto Budapest onJanuary 1st 1950. It has nearly 70 thousandinhabitants.The story of thedistrictdates back tothetimesbeforethetheHungarianconquest. Archaeologistsrevealed here a Sarmatiangravefromthe 4thcentury, an Avar cemeteryfromthe 6-9thcenturies, and churchfoundationsfromtheÁrpád-age. Map of Kispest Coat of arms - Kispest
..KISPESTI DEÁK FERENC HIGH SCHOOL..Ourschool, the Kispesti Deák Ferenc HighSchoolcan be foundinthe centre of Wekerle, Kispest.Thoughourhighschool’s building doesn’t fit inwiththearchitecturalenvironment of Wekerle, itsnicelykept park, walking yard, well-maintained sport groundsensure a pleasantsuburbianmood. Kispesti Deák Ferenc HighSchool Map totheSchool
..THE PAST – VALUABLE HERITAGE PRESERVED IN TIME..The most famous part of Kispest is thehundred-year-old Wekerle district, an internationallyrenowedrepresentative of thegraden city movement.It is a world of uniqueatmosphere, a strangemixture made up of thecolouredwindowshuttersofitshousesbasedon a variety of standard designsstillrepresenting a uniform style and diagonalroadslinedwithtrees.The uniquecharacter of thedistrict is theresult of itsintactbeauty and thearchitectural genius behindits design, havingcreated a wonderfulmixture of simplicity and thetraditions of Hungarianruralarchitecture.The garden city design ensuresqualitylivingconditionsin a human-scaleenvironmentinstead of a housingestate made up of boring rows uniform buildings. Sándor Wekerle, the eponym of thedistrict Air photograph of Wekerle
..THE PRESENT – DIVERSE URBAN SPACE..One of thecharacteristicsof Kispest is thefactthatratherthan a singletraditional centre, it has severalfunctionalcentres, an eloquenttestimony of itsdiversity.Withitslibrary, schools, shops, lawcourt and local market, the Kossuth square is theculturalhub of thedistrict.The mayor’soffice is atthe Városház square.Inadditiontothe Kós Károly and the Templom squares, thissquare has traditionallyhostedvariousdistrictevents.The thirdneighbourhoodwithcentralfunctions, also a sacredground, is the Templom square and itsvicinitywiththebuildings of the major establishedreligions. Templom Square - Kispest Zrumeczky’s Gate - Wekerle
..THE FUTURE – A MODERN KISPEST..Duetoitsgeographicallocation, Kispest servesasthe major easterngatewaybetweentheinner city, theouterdistricts and theconurbation.Thiscentrallocationprovidesthebasisforthedynamism of developement: this is wherethe main roadnetworkaswellastram and buslinesare linked withtheinnerdistricts and the underground.Byvirtue of itsfunctionsincommerce, services, recreation and tourism, the city gateas a multifunctionalurbanfabricwill be abletosatisfytheneeds of boththe local community and thosewhointhepastcommutedacross Kispest withoutstopping.Thisnew centre willdeterminethe 21-century look of modern Kispest. BKV - TransportCompany of Budapest
..AT THE CENTRE OF SOUTH PEST..Linksbetween Kispest developmentprojects and the South Pest region:Peoplearrivingbyrailorroadfromothertownswillarriveat a qualityarea, worthy of the image of Budapest;The newdevelopments of the city gate and thenewdistrict centre willattractservicesformerlyonlyavailableindowntowndistricts, whichcanbenefittheentirepopulation of South Pest: thehigher-qualityservices and recreationalfacilities of thenew centre willservethewholeregion;Byvirtue of itsnewdevelopmentprojects, Kispest willalsoencouragethedevelopment of more peripheraldistricts;The development of Kispest intermodaltrafficlinkswillimprovetheaccessibility of Pestszentlőrinc, Pestszentimre, thesettlementsinthesoutheastconurbationaswellas of the Ferihegy internationalairport;Duetothetransversal link, thenewdistrict centre will be organicallyconnectedtotherecreational/touristdevelopments of the Ráckeve-Soroksár arm of theDanube. Városház Square – Kispest Nowadays Városház Square – Kispest Inthepast